Tank analysis

Tank analysis or biochemical analysis is the most informative research method that helps not only identify a specific disease, but also accurately determine one or another stage of its development, as well as make the correct diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.

In addition, the indisputable advantage of this analysis is the ability to assess the general state of health, as well as detect diseases of certain organs at the initial stage of development. And this is a considerable help in the use of preventive measures and in promoting health.

As a rule, blood, feces and urine tests are prescribed. So, blood biochemistry, for example, provides very valuable information about what exactly happens with the body as a whole. Damaged tissue cells tend to secrete specific enzymes.

Therefore, there are certain norms of this analysis, through which one or another number of enzymes directly in the blood is determined in a healthy person. Their number depends on the age and gender of the patient.

During the procedure, levels are fixed that go beyond the norm. Any deviation is a signal of disturbances in the body, malfunctions in the work of its organs or systems. Due to this, there is the possibility of timely response and localization of the problem.

The stool analysis tank is a laboratory test by which the microbial composition of stool itself is studied. The specialist during the study reveals the presence of microbes that cause dysentery, typhoid fever, cholera, salmonellosis and other infections.

The essence of this analysis is the placement of biological material in an environment favorable for the development of bacteria for a certain time and at a set temperature. As a result, the definition of the causative agent of diseases and susceptibility to antibacterial agents.

This method also has the name of a stool sowing tank. It has several advantages. With its help, not only pathogenic, but also conditionally pathogenic flora is found. There is the possibility of drawing up an antibioticogram, which allows the doctor to prescribe the necessary treatment, taking into account the sensitivity of the person to the antibiotic.

And this is important. In addition, this approach to treatment can significantly reduce the likelihood of such strains of microorganisms as antibiotic-resistant. Although the negative sides should also be mentioned.

The main drawback that tank analysis has is the time it takes to carry out the procedure directly. Sometimes it happens that the analysis is carried out when the bacteria are only at the initial stage of development. And it is impossible to detect it in the body. And as a result, the pathogen of infection cannot be determined.

As a rule, such an analysis is prescribed in order to identify various intestinal infections to identify their pathogen. Such infections include shigellosis, typhoid fever, Escherichiosis, and many others. The test is mainly carried out if there are gastrointestinal diseases that are accompanied by upset stool and vomiting.

The stool sowing tank is carried out in a special Petri dish in which the nutrient medium is located. Then, reseeding to more enriched media is carried out, in which intestinal bacteria are subsequently secreted. So, to isolate, for example, vibrios, reseeding is done on an alkaline medium. To isolate bacilli, MPA is required. For staphylococci - ZHSA. For clostridia - Kitta-Tarozzi medium.

The analysis itself is a rather laborious and multi-stage process, requiring special attention from a specialist. For its implementation, the stage of the disease and the time when the material is taken is very important. The fence should be carried out before the start of antibiotic treatment, or after 12 hours after its immediate cancellation.

The tank for urine analysis is mainly given by pregnant women, for whom the result is very important, therefore they pass it twice. First, in the first weeks, and then in the 36th week. This study helps doctors rule out the likelihood of asymptomatic or latent bacteriuria, which is dangerous for a normal pregnancy.

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