How to make money on captcha on the Internet easily and quickly

The Internet attracts into its networks not only those who seek entertainment, but also those who are interested in earning opportunities. Moreover, such methods are popular that do not require any investments or special knowledge or skills. Beginners are often interested in how to make money on captcha. This method attracts by its simplicity. It allows you to get the first money without an impressive investment of time and effort.

how to make money by entering captcha

What is it?

Those who are interested in how to make money by entering captcha, first of all, need to understand what it is. What is it? So, captcha is a simple test, the passage of which allows you to report that you are a real user of the site and program, and not a computer bot.

As a rule, you need to enter any alphanumeric characters from the distorted picture. In some cases, users have to solve math problems, answer questions, or select pictures of a specified topic.

Those who use captcha are sure that only people can solve such tasks. Accordingly, it becomes an obstacle for various computer bots that can register accounts or leave comments containing spam.

you can earn on captcha

When is it necessary?

Enter captcha, as a rule, is required when registering on sites or when adding comments. A similar function was created in order to prevent the automatic creation of accounts, which are subsequently used to send spam to other users. You also have to enter captcha when using various useful services. For example, created to verify the uniqueness of texts.


Is it possible to make money on a captcha? Knowing how this method of generating income works, you should understand that there is no deception in this. Some users are ready to decrypt the captcha themselves, and some, on the contrary, prefer not to spend their own precious time on this, but to pay money.

You have to enter it not only to leave any comments, but also when using some services that make multiple requests. For example, when using a program that automatically sends letters to the specified contacts.

can I make money on captcha

Who pays?

As a rule, mail servers consider such activity suspicious, and therefore at some point require the user to enter captcha. It is believed that a computer program is not able to pass such a test.

Not every webmaster has enough own time to monitor the program and enter captcha on each request. Most likely, for this purpose he will use a special service, which for a small fee offers solving the captcha and entering it.

In turn, such a service hires users who, for a small fee, are ready to introduce captcha. In fact, he acts as an intermediary between the customer and the final contractor, who receives extremely modest remuneration for performing such actions.

Now you know who is willing to pay for captcha input. Basically, these are representatives of various Internet professions who use programs in automatic mode, which, in turn, send hundreds of requests, creating suspicious activity.

For private individuals who leave comments or occasionally register accounts, such a service is not required, since it is rare to enter captcha. Accordingly, they cope with a similar task on their own.

earn by entering captcha


Now you know that you can earn on captcha. What are the advantages concentrated in a similar way of virtual earnings?

  • No special knowledge or skills are required. This means that absolutely any user who has barely mastered the basics of computer literacy can earn in this way.
  • No investment needed. Making money by introducing captcha is so simple that you do not need to undergo special training or buy equipment. It is enough to use any device with Internet access to gain access to sites that provide the opportunity to earn money for captcha.
  • Free schedule. Nobody forces you to complete tasks in the allotted time. Only you decide at what time to earn money on a captcha, and at what time - to relax or do other things. In addition, you can earn income in this way, being, anywhere. For example, standing in line.
  • Lack of bosses. No one will report to you for mistakes, reduce your salary and ask to go to work on a day off. You yourself determine your schedule and are responsible for the quality of the work performed.
make money for captcha


Each method of generating income is usually imperfect. And this type of earnings has negative aspects that potential employees will have to face:

  • Low income. It is important to know to everyone who is interested in how to make money on captcha. However, this is not surprising. Any work that does not impose any qualification requirements usually offers a low level of pay.
  • Lack of prospects. Even if you will gain experience and engage in similar activities for several years, you will hardly be able to earn a lot on captcha. Since the presence or absence of experience does not affect the level of payment.
  • Routine work. Not everyone will like this way of earning. Since it involves performing routine activities throughout the entire working time.

Where to make money by entering captcha?

So, to translate into reality a similar way of generating income, you need to find someone who will be willing to pay for your services. There is no point looking directly for customers. They still will not be able to offer you a sufficient amount of work.

For those who are interested in how to make money on captcha, special services have been created. Let's list the most popular, and also talk about each of them in more detail:

  • RuCaptcha.
  • Kolotibablo.


This is the most popular site among Russian-speaking users who are interested in how to make money on captcha. First of all, you need to go through the standard registration and only after that it will be possible to begin to perform paid tasks. Also, before it starts, it is strongly recommended that you read the instructions for potential employees, which is published on the site.

Users choose a site thanks to a simple and intuitive interface. In addition, there are tutorials for beginners. Payment varies from one to thirty-five kopecks. A rating system has been introduced on the site, which allows the most experienced and responsible users to pick up the most expensive orders.

You can withdraw money starting from fifteen rubles earned. The site provides a considerable number of ways to withdraw funds.


This service provides users with a simple interface that does not cause difficulties in work. The service is regularly updated, new features appear. To withdraw funds from this site, you will have to accumulate at least one dollar on your own account. Users can withdraw funds in several ways, which, as a rule, is not difficult


Being interested in how to make money on captcha input, it is important to find out what kind of income you can count on. So you can understand whether it is worth spending your own time on a similar way to generate income or is it better to look for an alternative.

On average, a thousand entered captchas bring the user from twenty to fifty rubles. It may take more than an hour to complete this amount of work. It depends on the complexity of the tasks and your skill.

However, experienced users claim that such a way of earning does not replace full-time employment, as it brings a penny income, which is only enough to pay for the services of an Internet provider and some other small expenses.

However, for some people, earning money by entering captcha can be an alternative to aimless wandering around the Internet. After all, even a small personal income is better than its absence.

How to increase income?

Now you know the answer to the question whether it is possible to earn on captcha. However, this is not the only thing that interests potential users. As a rule, such an activity brings a very low income. For this reason, users are trying to learn some simple secrets to increase it. However, there are no secrets.

To increase revenue on captcha, you can attract other users using your own referral link. If the service that you have chosen to work offers an affiliate program, you will be able to receive a certain percentage of the income of the users you attracted or a fixed amount for each registration. It all depends on the specific conditions of the affiliate program.

If you want to get a more or less stable income by introducing captcha, you need to work constantly. However, this is a rather boring and at the same time routine work, which not everyone will like. Most of all, this option is suitable for those who have not yet mastered other ways of making money on the Internet and will be glad of any opportunity to get at least a small income

how to make money on captcha

How to do the work?

This question is also relevant for beginners who have never before earned money online by introducing captcha. So, when decrypting, you need to verify the entered data. If you make mistakes, this can lower the rating and subsequently affect the level of your reward by no means for the better.

If you constantly skip tasks, the service may block the user for a while. If tasks take a long time to load, this may mean that too many employees are working on the service. All you need to do is to be patient or log out and continue to work in another period when the number of users decreases.

As tasks, captcha may come across, when entering it is important to be case-sensitive, that is, capital and small letters are different characters. Do not ignore such information, otherwise the task will be completed incorrectly. Among the tasks, users can also receive mathematical equations. Do not abandon their decision. They are usually extremely simple. But regular skips often cause a short blocking of the user.

make money on captcha


Entering captcha, as a way to make money on the Internet, is losing its former popularity. Most users try different options and ultimately prefer more profitable methods. However, this method is still not bad for beginners and those who do not believe that you can earn money on the Internet without investments.

Entering captcha is a simple job that any student can handle. After all, it does not require any specific knowledge. This is a fairly quick way to make sure that you can earn money by entering captcha in particular, and on the Internet in general. If you wish, in the future you will also be able to master alternative methods. Do not forget that working with high pay usually requires specific knowledge. If you have them, you can find a worthy alternative to captcha capturing, without delving into the features of such a way of making money.


What is the short summary of all of the above? Earnings on entering captcha is quite simple and does not require special knowledge. Therefore, anyone who has mastered the computer can receive income in this way.

However, in this way it will not be possible to receive a more or less decent income. Payment for such activities is extremely low. That is why no one recommends captcha capturing as the main source of income. This is an option for those who are just starting to earn money on the Internet or doing this exclusively in their free time. Also entering captcha is suitable for those who want to make sure that it is really possible to earn money on the World Wide Web.

However, if you do not belong to any of the above categories, it is better not to linger on such services for a long time. Better to look for alternative ways to generate income. Try different options and you will find a more attractive job.

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