Sassi water: reviews, benefits and harms

Today, there are many tools aimed at getting rid of excess weight. According to reviews, Sassi water is very popular. It was created by an American nutritionist. The article will discuss the beneficial properties of water, methods of its preparation and contraindications.

What it is?

The American doctor Cynthia Sass has developed a unique drink, which included several natural ingredients. He came up with a nutritionist as an addition to the personally developed Flat Belly Diet. In the future, Cynthia Sass recommended drinking the drink to everyone, proving that the daily consumption of this water helps to help the human body during weight loss.

The formula of the drink allows you to lose weight and contributes to:

  • accelerate metabolism;
  • cleansing the body of toxins and toxins;
  • improve appetite.

Water Sassi for weight loss, according to women, has received widespread approval. After all, the drink is effective and does not require a huge investment of time for preparation. There is no strict schedule for use, the main thing is to remember to take water.

Sassi Water Recipes

For weight loss drink should be drunk for 4 weeks. In this case, you need to change your diet and refuse junk food. Due to the fact that a sufficient amount of water is drunk per day, another liquid should not be included in the diet.

After undergoing a course of weight loss, the drink is consumed to quench thirst. The composition should be drunk 30 minutes before a meal. This will soon saturate the body. After the meal, the drink is consumed after 60 minutes. They can not drink food.

The uniqueness of the drink is its health benefits and the ability to burn body fat. Daily intake restores water balance and leads to the loss of extra pounds.

Recommendations for admission

There are several rules according to which Sassi water, according to the reviews of those who have lost weight, was really able to bring an effective result:

  1. All products that make up the drink must be fresh and of high quality.
  2. If there is an individual intolerance to one of the components, then it is replaced or excluded.
  3. You need to drink a drink only fresh. Shelf life no more than 13 hours. In hot weather, store the drink in the refrigerator.
  4. At one time you can drink no more than a glass. For a day - 2 liters.
  5. During weight loss, remove other drinks (tea, coffee, juices).

Drinking water for gastrointestinal diseases, cystitis and kidney problems is prohibited. In this case, you should consult a specialist.

Sassi water intake rules

Depending on the result, Sassi water, according to reviews and opinions of those who have lost weight, should be consumed in two ways:

  • To gradually reduce body weight, you need to take a drink regularly - 1-2 times a week.
  • To quickly lose weight, drink water for at least 4 days. Additionally, you should go in for sports. Exclude completely from the diet: fried, smoked, spicy and flour dishes, alcohol, sweet drinks.

The diet is allowed to include: cottage cheese, nuts, dried fruits, fresh vegetables and fruits.

If within 4 days to eat on the specified system and drink 2 liters of drink, then you can lose up to 3 kg of weight.

Benefits of Sassi Water

The positive properties of the drink are as follows:

  • The body is saturated with enough water. It benefits the whole body. The skin becomes soft and smooth. The work of the digestive tract improves. Toxins are actively eliminated from the body. The immune system is improving.
  • The breakdown of fat deposits is accelerated. The metabolic rate increases.
  • The appearance of the hair improves.
  • The body is saturated with enough vitamins and minerals.
  • Due to the diuretic effect, excess fluid is eliminated and swelling is reduced.

As a result, Sassi water for weight loss, according to patients, brings tremendous help in losing weight.

Active ingredients for a drink

The ingredients that make up the water have great benefits for the body. The main characteristics include the following:

  1. Lemon. It has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Lemon has a positive effect on the liver. Due to improved metabolism, the digestion of food is accelerated. Lemon contains vitamin C, which is of great benefit to the body.
  2. Mint. The main role of the plant is a decrease in hunger and a decrease in appetite. Peppermint can relieve irritation in the intestines, protect it from fermentation processes.
  3. Ginger. It saturates the body with vitamins and amino acids that normalize the hormonal background and relieve inflammation. Ginger speeds up the metabolism, and actively fights with excess body fat.
  4. Cucumber. Vegetable is an excellent diuretic. It promotes the removal of salt and harmful substances from the body. There is a minimum of carbohydrates in the cucumber. Due to the high water content in it, the body is not threatened with dehydration.
  5. Water. The main component of the drink, which is necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the body. Water helps the process of digestion and absorption, and also transports beneficial and nutritious substances.
Components for sassi water

The result is a well-designed drink with many benefits. Water Sassi, according to reviews of those who have lost weight, reduces weight and restores health.

Stages of making a drink

To get Sassi water, you need a small amount of products and minimal time.

The main components:

  • medium-sized lemon;
  • small cucumber;
  • 1 teaspoon of ginger;
  • 10 leaves of fresh mint or 1 small spoon dry;
  • 2 liters of pure water.

To properly prepare a drink, you must follow these recommendations:

  1. Use lemon or juice from it with a peel that is rich in essential oils. In the original recipe, the upper part of the fetus is not used. Squeezing lemon with boiling water is not necessary so that it does not lose its beneficial substances.
  2. Cucumber must be freed from the skin because it accumulates nitrates and other harmful substances. Some varieties of vegetables are bitter, and this can negatively affect the taste of the drink.
  3. Mint will have more benefits in fresh form than in dried.
  4. Water must be purified and free from any impurities.
  5. Ginger for the preparation of the drink you need to use fresh. It is in it that many positive properties lie.
Sassi Water Reviews

Sometimes the components change. In some cases, lemon is replaced with oranges, which makes Sassi's water special.

Drink recipes

There are several varieties of the drink. The recipe for Sassi water, according to reviews and opinions of those who have lost weight, includes the following steps:

  • Wash the cucumber and lemon thoroughly. Cut fruit into slices with peel. Free the cucumber from the skin and cut into rings.
  • Ginger grate. Grind mint leaves.
  • All prepared components are stacked in a glass container. Pour with clean water and put in the refrigerator for 10 hours.

It is best to prepare Sassi water, according to the reviews of those who have lost weight, in the evening. And in the morning, a healthy drink can be consumed.

When preparing it, you must pay attention to the following:

  1. All components must be fresh and of high quality.
  2. Greens, vegetables and fruits are thoroughly washed. Ginger root and cucumber need to be peeled.
  3. Insisting a healing drink for 10 hours is necessary only in the refrigerator, otherwise it may ferment.

Prepared water is best stored in an opaque container and in a cold place.

The recipe for the classic Sassi Drink and Lose Weight water includes the following ingredients: water (2 liters), 10-12 mint leaves, 1 teaspoon of ginger and lemon. The last components are ground. All products are mixed and poured with water. Insist for 10 hours.

According to reviews, Sassi water without mint is prepared as follows:

  • It will take 2 liters of water, 1 teaspoon of chopped ginger and lemon, cut into slices. Mint can be replaced with orange zest.

Mix all necessary components and refrigerate for 12 hours. Strain and start taking in the morning.

Sassi Water without Peppermint

According to reviews, Sassi water has a simple recipe for preparation and method of administration. Fans of citrus aroma can use the following components:

  1. One citrus - lemon, mandarin and orange.
  2. A few leaves of sage, mint and lemon verbena.

Finely chop all the ingredients. Grind the leaves. Mix all ingredients and add water. Insist for 12 hours.

Quick way to make a drink

According to reviews, Sassi water for weight loss, if necessary, is prepared quickly. The recipe includes the following steps:

  • Peeled cucumber and mint are cut into small pieces. Place in a blender and add some water. Beat until smooth.
  • Then add the remaining amount of liquid.
  • At the end, grated ginger and lemon juice are added.

The drink is put in the refrigerator for 1 hour. After time, it is ready for use.

How to drink a drink

As part of the Cynthia Sass diet, water intake refers to the first stage, which lasts 4 days. During this period, you need to drink 8 glasses of the drink daily. The calorie content of the menu is 1400 kcal.

According to reviews, Sassi water should be drunk correctly:

  1. You can not expose it to the sun, because the destruction of nutrients occurs.
  2. Be sure to keep the drink in a jug.
  3. Drinking it is allowed within 2 liters. A larger volume of fluid drunk can create an additional burden on the kidneys.
  4. Drink 1 glass of drink at a time.
  5. The last time you need to drink water is 1-2 hours before bedtime, in order to avoid swelling.
  6. Before taking, strain the drink to remove pieces of cucumber and herbs.
  7. Tea, coffee and gas-forming products are excluded from the diet.
  8. Store no more than a day, every day preparing a new portion.
  9. Follow proper nutrition.
Sassi Water Slimming

Food to eat in small portions, which will achieve a positive effect.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drink

Due to its unique composition, Sassi water has special properties. Each ingredient has positive qualities, which contributes to the overall cocktail.

Most losing weight on the water Sassi, according to reviews from the photo, achieved amazing results. They managed to lose 1-2 kg per week. And after 2 months, the waist volume decreased by 5 cm. Fat deposits on the hips were also significantly reduced.

The following advantages of the drink can be distinguished:

  • Weight loss.
  • Normalization of the digestive system.
  • Reduced bloating and flatulence.
  • Improving the metabolism.
  • Getting a rejuvenating effect on the skin.
  • Removal of toxins and toxins from the body.
  • Diuretic effect and removal of edema.

The drink has a pleasant taste and quickly cooks.

Sassi water preparation process

According to reviews, the Sassi recipe for weight loss and weight loss will help to achieve results, if everything is done consistently.

Despite the fact that the drink has unique qualities, it also has contraindications:

  1. Individual intolerance to the components.
  2. Gastric ulcer and other serious illnesses.
  3. Renal failure.
  4. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  5. The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

When drinking, it is necessary to observe the measure and drink it in the right quantities. The main thing is to take no more than 2 liters of Sassi water per day. Too much drink can adversely affect the digestive and cardiovascular systems.


There are many positive properties of the drink. According to doctors, Sassi water does not have a negative effect on the human body. After all, all the components that make up its composition are of natural origin.

There are some contraindications to the use of the drink, which must be excluded. To do this, before starting it, it is best to pass all the necessary tests. Experts are sure that in the absence of contraindications, the Sassi technique will not harm the body. Even if a person does not lose weight, he can improve his body.

As an additional aid, Sassi water will be the most rational choice. After all, all the components that make up the drink are of natural origin.

Nutritionists, in addition to drinking, offer the following:

  • exclude sweet, fatty and spicy foods from the diet;
  • do sport;
  • include a large amount of fiber in the menu;
  • drink at least 2 liters of drink per day.

Reviews who lost weight on Sassi's water are mostly positive. If you drink the drink constantly, you can achieve an effective result. Great help in this will be provided by proper nutrition. To use the water a lot, you need to use only fresh ingredients.

Pleasing losing weight is constant weight loss (1-2 kg per week) and a pleasant taste of the drink.

In addition to weight loss, many women noted an improvement in the condition of hair and skin.

Negative reviews are mainly caused by the need to daily prepare Sassi water. Although the cooking process does not take much time.

Sassi Water is a drink that not only has a pleasant taste, but also benefits the body. With its proper use, you can get rid of excess weight and restore harmony to the figure.

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