Diabetes mellitus is a disease that affects older people, as a rule. The more common type 2 diabetes is non-insulin-dependent. If a person has such a form of the disease, he needs to strictly control his diet, monitor blood sugar. These are prerequisites for treating the disease.
If you start a drug-induced decrease in blood sugar, you must first stop drinking alcohol and quit smoking. Remember that food should include plenty of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and dairy products. Moreover, doctors require a diary where the patient must record all meals, the amount of food eaten. This disciplines patients and helps nutritionists make the necessary adjustments.
Remember that eating the βrightβ food is not the only condition. It is important to remember that lowering blood sugar requires a lifestyle change, which is very difficult for many to do. First of all, you need to increase physical activity. Moreover, the occupation does not matter: you can diversify walks, walk more, go swimming, work in the garden or in the garden. The most important thing is feasible loads and positive emotions.
If patients for some reason cannot stop taking alcohol, then they should take into account that its daily rate for the female body should not exceed 30 g, and for the male - 60 g. This is approximately 340 ml of beer and 13-140 ml of wine ( women), and men - 680 ml and 280 ml, respectively.
Reducing blood sugar should be done without the use of food additives that contain antioxidants (vitamins C, E, carotene and chromium). The fact is that today there is no evidence that the use of these drugs is safe and beneficial for patients with diabetes.
There are certain foods that stabilize sugar levels. So, it is useful to consume cabbage in large quantities, legumes, fresh cucumbers. Parsley, lettuce, onions, spinach, sour apples , mountain ash, blueberries, viburnum, lingonberries are also recommended. Remember the benefits of walnuts, cereal bread and dairy products (only high-quality).
The fact is that lowering blood sugar requires eating fruits and vegetables in raw or minimally tested form. And similar processing applies to any kind of dishes. Even when cooking porridge, it is better not to boil it, but to pour boiling water.
Also, in order to lower the sugar level, a large number of medicinal plants are used, including blackberry, clover, immortelle, lingonberry leaves, blueberries, strawberries and others.
There are several effective recipes for traditional medicine, after the use of which there is a decrease in blood sugar:
- Mix the juice of potatoes, red beets and Jerusalem artichoke. The prepared solution should be consumed in 80-90 ml 30 minutes before meals twice a day.
- In aromatic tea or chicory-based coffee substitute, you need to add St. John's wort, lime blossom, rose hip, hawthorn, strawberry and lingonberry leaves. Drink during the day immediately after preparation.
- The leaves of clover and inflorescences need to be crushed, then add 250 ml of freshly boiled water. You need to insist at least 3 hours, then take 70-80 ml three times a day before meals. The tincture of bay leaf with the addition of nettle leaves, birch buds, lingonberries and hypericum is also prepared.
In conclusion, we note that the question of how to quickly reduce blood sugar does not have a clear answer to date. In any treatment, you need to adhere to a systematic and gradual manner. Then the result will be achieved. However, regarding the use of traditional medicine, a specialist consultation is first required. Because each organism is individual and requires a special approach.