Hospital for child care: types and features

We all know that often a toddler or an older child can suddenly catch a cold, catch an infection in a kindergarten or school. What should parents do? In this case, it is necessary to arrange a sick leave for child care to help him cope with the disease, make visits to doctors, and control medication. We will talk about all the nuances associated with this period of your disability.

If the child is under seven years old

Let's start with this type of sick leave for child care. Such forced leave can be granted to both mother, father, and other relatives, legal representatives of the baby for the entire period of his treatment. Therapy can be carried out in one of two ways:

  • Ambulatory treatment. It takes place at home with a periodic visit to a medical institution.
  • Hospital treatment. Joint stay of an adult with a child in a medical institution (including in a hospital based on a children's clinic) throughout the course of therapy.

At the same time, the time of hospital care (the child will be ill in this case) in a year cannot be longer:

  • 60 days.
  • 90 days - if the treatment of diseases included in the list of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 84, which was adopted in 2008, is undergoing.

If the parent, relative or legal representative of the child was insured by the employer (or the FSS body) in the system of compulsory social insurance, then during the forced labor inaction he will be calculated and accrued insurance benefit.

Can a child care hospital

If the child is older than seven years

Child care hospital - how old? The sheet can be issued before the teenager reaches 18 years of age.

Both parents and other close relatives and legal representatives of a child of 7-15 years old have the right to open a sick leave for care in case of illness, but only of an abbreviated type:

  • Up to 15 days. This is the deadline for each period of care when treating a child in both outpatient and inpatient settings.
  • Up to 45 days. This is the maximum amount of sick leave for a child in a calendar year.

If the teenager is over 15 years old, then relatives and legal representatives can actually arrange a sick leave for their care for 3 days (the period can be extended up to 7 days according to the verdict of a medical consultation).

We also draw your attention to the fact that the indicated dates for the release of parents from work can be extended until the child recovers in another case - when passing a medical commission.

Exceptional sick leave

In a special order, days of sick leave for child care during treatment are calculated:

  • Disabled children.
  • HIV infected.
  • With complications caused by the introduction of the vaccine.
  • With children's radiation and oncological diseases.
  • In case of quarantine in a preschool educational institution.
sick childcare year

When does sick leave open?

In what cases can a child care sick leave be issued to a father, mother, other relatives? These are the following cases:

  • An acute disease diagnosed in a child.
  • Exacerbation of a chronic disease.
  • The need to alleviate the condition of a sick child with a number of medical interventions.
  • Medical activities related to the restoration or improvement of children's health.

Even before 2014, the opening of a sick leave by a caring parent, as well as the payment of the eligible insurance benefit, was limited only to the first of the two options listed.

Although the degree of relationship is still indicated in the corresponding field of the document, this fact is not decisive. Also, an adult who has a sick leave for child care is not required to live together with the latter.

And one more nuance. If there is a need, several family members can take such dismissal alternately, but within the term of treatment.

When is a disability certificate not issued?

A child care hospital does not open in the following situations:

  1. If the teenager is over 15 years old and he is undergoing treatment in a hospital.
  2. Undergoing therapy for a chronic disease at the stage of remission.
  3. An adult has already been provided with one of the holidays (according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) - annual paid, without pay, maternity leave. The same applies to sick leave on childcare leave. But in the latter case, an exception is possible - if the mother performs work at home, she works in part-time employment.
sick child care

Who issues a disability certificate?

For the design of such a sick leave, you must contact:

  • In the case of outpatient treatment in the clinic - directly to the attending specialist. It can be both a local pediatrician and a narrow-profile doctor.
  • In case of inpatient treatment - by the leading attending physician. But here the sick leave is issued only when the relative is in the hospital around the clock with the child, provides care for him. If the therapy takes place in a day hospital, then the adult stays there all the time while undergoing treatment for a small patient.

Order of registration

Talking about hospital care for a child of 7 years and a different age, it is also necessary to identify important features of its design:

  • Disability certificate is opened by the doctor on the first visit. It is not possible to draw up such a document retroactively!
  • A sick leave is granted to working adults who are subject to compulsory social insurance for their temporary incapacity for work.
  • A person who is registered with the employment service as an unemployed can also draw up a document.
  • Such sick leave for care is not issued to unemployed citizens, students, students, relatives, pensioners.
  • When issuing a certificate of incapacity for work, the insured adult must have his personal presence - both when visiting the clinic and when he calls the doctor at home. When the sick leave will be closed or extended, the same condition persists.
  • After filling out a certificate of disability is issued to an adult. The document must be brought to the next appointment to close or extend the sick leave. Note that in this case you are responsible for damage or loss of the document.
  • There is another option. After execution, the document remains stored with the doctor, and the caring adult is issued only at the time of discharge of the child.
  • In order to receive a sick leave certificate, the insured person must present the child’s birth certificate with his / her medical insurance certificate, as well as his / her personal identification document. In this case, it is not necessary to confirm the degree of relationship.
  • Several sheets of incapacity for work can be issued at once - when an adult simultaneously works with two or more employers. But only if he works this way for 2 or more years. Moreover, employment of this type in a given period can be conducted with other employers.
sick leave

If two (or more) children fall ill

If there are several children in the family, then it is likely that they can get sick at the same time, or the infection from one child can be transmitted to another. What is the situation with hospital care in this case?

Consider the options:

  1. If two children in a family fall ill at the same time, then the adult caring for the children receives one sheet of disability.
  2. If more than two children fall ill in a family at the same time, then two sick leave certificates are issued.
  3. If the second child manages to become infected during the illness of the first, the adult's disability certificate is extended until the day of recovery of both children.
  4. If several children fall ill at once in a family, then different relatives can apply for sick leave. Here, in each of the documents, one (maximum two) children can be entered.
sick child care time

How is sick leave offset?

Insurance payments are paid by the employer or the Social Insurance Fund for the entire period of incapacity for work indicated on the sick leave certificate. Therefore, it would be advisable to limit the legislation of this time period. It depends on the age of the patient - see table.

Age, treatment conditionsAdmissible period of release of an adult from workPaid Disability Time
Up to seven years old, medical treatmentAll time therapy

Up to 60 days a year.

As an exception, up to 90 days a year (when a child is affected by a disease included in list No. 84 of the Ministry of Health and Social Development).

Up to seven years, quarantine period in preschoolQuarantine DurationNot paid.
7-15 years oldUp to 15 days for each sick leaveUp to 45 days in one year.

Over 15 years old

only outpatient therapy

Up to three days for each of the sick days (according to the verdict of a medical consultation, the period may increase up to a week)Up to 30 days in one year.

Now consider special cases.

sick days for child care

Exceptional cases of nursing care

Let us turn to special sick leave certificates for child care.

SituationType of medical care, therapyDischarge of an adult from work on a disability certificate
Disabled childOutpatient (i.e. home) treatment, hospital stay with an adultAll the time of therapy, but not more than 120 days a year
Post-vaccination complications, malignant oncological diseases in a childOutpatient therapy, stay with an adult during treatment in a hospitalFor the entire duration of therapy
HIV infection in a childJoint stay with an adult in a hospitalFor the entire duration of therapy
Radiation sickness (including that resulting from radiation from a father or mother)For the entire duration of therapy
Prosthetics according to medical indicationsInpatient treatmentAll the time of the procedure, including travel to, from the medical center

And now for the payment of temporary disability in special cases. Under Federal Law No. 255 (adopted in 2006), a parent or relative is entitled to insurance benefit for all days spent at such an exclusive hospital care.

Filling out a disability certificate

Consider the general conditions for filling out a document:

  • The sheet can be filled in by hand in capital letters - using a black capillary, gel or fountain pen.
  • It is permissible to fill with the help of printing special devices - for example, a printer.
  • No corrections allowed! Instead of a damaged document, its duplicate is re-filled.
  • All records must be placed in the places provided for them.
  • Each field is registered without gaps, strictly from the first cell.
  • Letters, numbers and other symbols should not go beyond the boundaries of the fields, cross out their borders, or touch each other.
sick leave

Sections required for filling:

  1. Date of issue.
  2. Name of the medical institution.
  3. Data on the adult - full name, place of work, gender, date of birth.
  4. A code indicating the cause of this disability.
  5. The age of the child (s).
  6. A code indicating the degree of relationship.
  7. Surname, name and patronymic of the sick child (children).
  8. The period of temporary disability of an adult.
  9. Data on the attending doctor.
  10. The date from which the adult must begin work.

So we have dedicated you to all the intricacies of opening a sick leave certificate for caring for a sick child. The document is important in that it not only relieves the adult of work, but also allows you to receive insurance benefits during incapacity.

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