Each person may have skin problems. This applies to adolescents and people of mature age, young and healthy. The risk group includes not only women, but also men. Today we will reveal all the reasons for which there may be problems with the skin of the face, we will talk about the best vitamins and masks in order to eliminate the ailment.
Who may have skin problems
Most often, the face suffers in adolescents when puberty begins. Not only practically harmless pimples appear, but also severely inflamed acne, from which ugly scars remain. Scars, of course, can be eliminated, but it is still better to prevent their appearance.
Acne and acne, enlarged pores and, as a consequence, oily sheen appear in pregnant and breastfeeding women. At such intervals, the body is most susceptible to a variety of misfortunes, and it begins to ask for help, showing its weakness by various manifestations, including a rash on the face.
People of a mature age, leading a wrong lifestyle, working in harmful production, eating poorly, athletes taking special nutritional supplements to build muscle are all these people who can suffer from skin problems on their faces. Before choosing a treatment, it is worthwhile to understand the reasons why various kinds of problems associated with the skin occur.
Actively released testosterone acts on the sebaceous glands so that they no less actively begin to produce sebium, which supports the necessary protective environment. Excess sebium leads to the formation of acne or acne.
This problem is usually found in adolescents who have a transitional age. But what if acne appeared in an adult? The causes of the rash can be:
- hormonal failure when taking hormonal drugs or after childbirth, while breastfeeding;
- constant stress;
- heredity;
- oily skin;
- inadequate or inappropriate care;
- dysbiosis, bowel disease;
- change of climatic conditions;
- malnutrition, lack of vitamins.
Acne Treatment
To get rid of skin rashes in the form of acne and blackheads, it is worth using complex therapy. Creams and ointments should be accompanied by vitamins, which are necessary for the health of the skin.
Acne treatment is necessary not only for adults, but also teenage skin problems cannot be ignored, considering that they will pass by themselves over time.
The doctor will definitely prescribe vitamins, you can choose yourself from the list provided, if you are sure that the cause of acne lies in inadequate nutrition, lacking the necessary vitamins. Also, these funds can be taken in winter and spring to prevent the appearance of a rash.
The best vitamins for facial skin:
- "Elevit."
- "Dragee Merz".
- "Doppel Hertz".
- "Complies."
- Ascorbic acid.
- Vitamins of group B and E.
- Retinoic ointment.
- Salicylic ointment.
- Erythromycin.
- Sulfuric ointment.
- Zinc ointment.
- Streptocide ointment.
- Zinerite.
- "Klindovit."
- "Baziron AS".
- Skinoren Gel.
- Metrogil.
Homeopathic remedies:
- "Arnica".
- Sulfur.
- Nux Vomica.
- Thuja.
- "Hepar Sulfur".
There are a large number of masks that will help in the treatment. One of these is an activated carbon face mask. Making it yourself is quite simple, and this tool will cost quite inexpensively. Later in the article we will tell you how to make this tool and how it works.
As always, I want to say that you canโt choose the treatment yourself, it may simply not be suitable. Only a specialist is able to choose the right treatment, focusing on the type of skin, the causes of the appearance of acne and acne.
Greasy shine
Every third woman is accompanied by such a problem with the skin of the face - the pores. When they are expanded, the skin begins to shine very much, and this type is called oily or combination. Excessive androgen production, improper skin care, and stress can cause pore enlargement. Only a specialist can say exactly why there were problems with the skin of the face. The reasons can be covered deep enough, so you should not look for them yourself.
In the case of improperly selected treatment, not a single cosmetic product will help, frequent washing in order to dry the skin. Sometimes the shine disappears during pregnancy, but resumes after childbirth. What should be done so that the treatment prescribed by a specialist is productive?
We fight with expanded pores
At the time of treatment, it is necessary to abandon alcohol, foods high in carbohydrates, animal fats. Also, before going out, you should use sunscreens. Only by protecting the face as much as possible from harmful effects can an effective treatment be expected.
During the course, when washing, it is necessary to exclude the use of soap, which violates the acid-base balance of the skin, it will be replaced by a special cleanser containing vitamins A, B, E.
Proper cleansing is necessary, for this you need to use peeling or scrub twice a week. These funds will help get rid of dead cells, cleanse pores, narrow them, rid of oily sheen.
Be sure to use masks for combination facial skin, you can create them at home, and buy ready-made ones at the pharmacy.
Skin problems after 50 years
With age, the skin begins to not only grow old outside, but also gives signals about helping the entire body with various manifestations. The most common signs that it is time to see a doctor are age spots, acne, rosacea (redness in the nose, cheeks, forehead and chin), keratomas (growths on the skin). With each new age manifestation, it is necessary to contact a dermatologist, therapist, gynecologist and endocrinologist. Experts will prescribe tests, according to which it becomes clear what is happening with the body. After 50 years, problems with the skin of the face cannot be eliminated only with masks, creams and vitamins, the cause must be sought from the inside, and most often it:
- hormonal disruptions:
- digestion disorder;
- lack of minerals and vitamins;
- genetic predisposition;
- liver problems.
Only after the problems have been eliminated from the inside, it is possible to deal with superficial manifestations. Here creams and ointments, face masks, vitamins (group A, B, E and C) will come to the rescue.
To the most effective means to combat skin problems at any age, many women include activated carbon, sold in a pharmacy. An activated carbon face mask has become popular for a long time, but many just forgot about it, trying to put their appearance in order with the help of expensive advertised ointments and creams.
What is the result of activated carbon masks?
Coal retains all the beneficial properties of wood, which are necessary for our skin. Women of different ages use masks, which include activated carbon. With their help, you can get rid of many problems with the skin of the face:
- the skin becomes less oily, shine disappears;
- deep cleansing helps eliminate blackheads;
- acne and acne disappear, inflammation quickly pass;
- the relief of the skin due to deep cleansing becomes smoother;
- skin peeling disappears.
Activated carbon has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face. With its help, many women began to look more attractive without spending huge amounts of money on expensive cosmetic procedures and products.
Rules for the use of activated carbon
To get the desired effect, it is worth acquiring only fresh coal, avoiding the use of old and especially expired, it will not be harmful, but also good.
In very rare cases, an unfortunate side effect is possible - an allergic reaction. Therefore, before using an activated carbon mask, it is worth passing the test by applying a small amount to the inside of the wrist.
To achieve the desired result, the mask is used for six weeks, once every seven days. If there is a need for a second course, it can only be started in two months.
The most effective mask acts on steamed skin, so it is better to use it in a bath or after a long stay in a hot bath.
Mask recipes
Mask from black dots
To make such a mask, you need to mix a crushed tablet of coal with two teaspoons of gelatin and the same amount of cold water or milk. In a microwave oven at maximum mode, warm the mixture for 15 seconds. Cool, apply to problem areas, remove after 15 minutes from skin.
Ice cubes for oily skin
To narrow the pores and rid the skin of oily sheen, ice with activated carbon will help. To prepare it, you need a tablet of coal and a quarter glass of water. Coal must be crushed, mixed with water and frozen in ice molds. Wipe your face daily.
Acne mask
It is necessary to grind seven tablets of coal, add a teaspoon of aloe juice, half a teaspoon of sea salt and two drops of tea tree oil. The mask is applied for 20 minutes, after which it is washed off with water. The effect will be amazing: inflammation will pass, acne and acne will quickly dry out, there will be no scars, the work of the sebaceous glands will normalize.
There are a lot of recipes for making activated carbon masks. They are suitable for all ages and for every skin type.
Do not forget that problems with the skin of the face have internal causes, and in order to bring your appearance in order, it is worth starting the treatment from the inside. Even the most expensive means will give a short-term effect if internal disorders in the body are not eliminated. Face skin problems cannot be ignored, even with the smallest it is worth consulting a doctor.