HPV screening: determination, reasons for prescribing, transcript analysis, treatment

Cervical cancer is widespread these days. If earlier it struck mainly women over 40, now young girls are also affected. Pathology ranks third among female genital malignancies. But you can prevent the development of this disease with the help of modern preventive methods. These include the regular determination of the presence of the human papillomavirus in the blood - HPV screening (analysis).

Screening is an examination of large groups of the population with the aim of early detection of diseases and timely treatment. Statistics say that conducting a routine HPV test reduces the likelihood of cervical cancer by more than 1000 times!

human papillomavirus

What is human papillomavirus

The human papilloma virus in its prevalence is on a par with HIV. More than seventy percent of the population is infected with it.

Many infected are carriers of the virus, that is, it does not cause any clinical manifestations. Self-healing is possible. But a decrease in immunity due to colds, allergic reactions, hyperinsolation cause its activation and the development of diseases.

HPV leads to the appearance of not only papillomas on the skin. There are strains of the virus with high carcinogenicity. Infection with women increases the likelihood of cervical cancer.

Therefore, girls are recommended to screen for HPV even before the first sexual contact, which determines the presence of the virus in the body.

kissing couple

How can you get HPV?

The main route of infection is sexual. You can get infected through vaginal, oral and anal sex. Therefore, the presence of human papillomavirus in one partner requires an examination of another.

There is also a contact-household route of infection. This path of infection is possible by contact with the personal belongings of the patient or carrier. Often people become infected when visiting public places: a swimming pool, public transport (holding onto the handrail), public showers and toilets.

Another way to transmit HPV is through the vertical route, from mother to baby. The placenta tissue is permeable to the virus, so it easily penetrates the bloodstream into the fetus. Also, the child may become infected during natural childbirth during passage through the birth canal.

Types of Human Papillomavirus

In total, about a hundred virus types are distinguished, which are divided into groups depending on the degree of carcinogenicity:

  • with a high carcinogenic risk - HPV 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 58, 59, 68;
  • with low risk - HPV 6, 11, 42, 43, 44;
  • not carcinogenic - HPV 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

The viruses of the first group are also called "highly oncogenic" or HPV-SRS. The acronym WRC means "high carcinogenic risk", that is, the likelihood of developing cancer with these forms is very high. The most dangerous are viruses 16 and 18.

If these viruses are detected, additional examination methods are prescribed: colposcopy (a detailed examination of the cervix in the mirrors) and a smear for oncocytology (a secret is taken from the cervix and examined under a microscope).

Viruses with a low risk of developing tumors cause the development of genital warts. These formations are safe and can pass on their own.

Important! The presence of genital warts is a precancerous condition, so when they are found, you need to be examined at least once a year by a gynecologist.

Types of HPV that do not contribute to the development of tumors lead to the appearance of warts and papillomas.

female reproductive system

Detection Methods

What is HPV screening for women? What methods can determine the presence of the virus in the blood? There are both methods of establishing the fact of the presence of the virus, and analyzes that allow you to calculate its amount in the body and the degree of its oncogenicity:

  • colposcopy - allows you to determine the presence of genital warts or warts;
  • cytological method - the study of a smear under a microscope and the detection of malignant cells;
  • histological method - the study of a small area of ​​tissue under a microscope;
  • enzyme immunoassay - determining the presence of virus antibodies in the blood;
  • Digene-test - a modern method with which you can determine the amount of the virus and its oncogenicity;
  • polymerase chain reaction (PCR) - the detection of virus DNA in body fluids: blood, smear from the cervix, urine, amniotic fluid, etc.

The first three methods are effective for already developed cervical cancer and therefore are not recommended for screening.

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay can only establish the fact of the presence of the virus in the body. The digene test is considered the most effective. Its main disadvantage is high cost.

The most widely used PCR method, which can be qualitative and quantitative. And if the first one can only establish the fact of the presence of the virus, then using the second one you can determine the exact number of the virus in the body. It is quantitative HPV screening that is most effective for the prevention of cervical cancer. It is recommended to be carried out every 5 years.

examination by papillomas

Polymerase Chain Reaction Benefits

The PCR method allows you to determine the amount of virus in the body, that is, refers to HPV screening with a viral load. But with its help it is impossible to find out oncogenicity. Therefore, PCR is performed to determine the DNA of the most oncogenic viruses. The doctor, when sent to the analysis, indicates the types of virus that need to be searched.

This method has several advantages:

  • high efficiency - PCR is accurate to 100%;
  • speed of obtaining results - the viral load is known already 4 hours after the examination;
  • the ability to simultaneously determine several types of HPV using a single analysis;
  • reasonable cost;
  • accessibility - the ability to make an analysis in almost any medical institution.

PCR screening for HPV WRC. What it is

Examination for papillomavirus with a high degree of oncogenicity is carried out according to a strict scheme. At the first stage, a PAP test is performed, with the help of which the presence of altered cells among the cervical epithelium is determined. The presence of such cells is called dysplasia.

If areas of dysplasia are detected, the next stage of HPV Raman screening is to determine the amount of virus in the body, as well as its identification. This stage is also called advanced screening. It is usually carried out using a polymerase chain reaction.

reception at the gyneoclog

Indications for surrender

HPV screening is performed regardless of the presence of symptoms or any disease. But there are a number of pathologies that should alert the doctor and the patient. In the presence of these conditions, the attending physician should immediately refer the patient to an HPV examination:

  • the presence of genital warts on the genitals, around the anus, around the mouth;
  • personal desire of the patient after unprotected intercourse;
  • discharge from the genitals, the cause of which is not clear.

Preventive testing is also very important. This makes it possible to constantly monitor the condition of the genitals. For carriers, the examination is carried out once a year.

The initial detection of HPV in prophylactic diagnosis allows you to prescribe an early treatment. This increases the likelihood of a successful recovery in less time.

colposcopy photo

How to prepare for analysis

In preparing for it, you must adhere to some rules:

  • do not take antiviral agents and antibiotics at least 3 days before the test, you also need to cancel antibacterial agents for intimate hygiene;
  • Do not use personal hygiene products on the day the test is taken;
  • do not go to the toilet 2 hours before screening;
  • the analysis does not give up during the menstrual period and within two days after menstruation;
  • avoid the use of contraceptives in the form of gels, ointments or sponges several days before the test;
  • exclude sexual intercourse at least 2 days before the examination.

If the determination of HPV in the blood is carried out, the analysis is carried out on an empty stomach, that is, you need to refuse food intake 10-12 hours before the examination. 3 days before the screening, the intake of alcohol should be excluded, the diet should be adjusted: do not eat fried and smoked food, spices.

Interpretation of PCR Results

As a result, the number of detected DNA viruses per 100 thousand cells is recorded. If there is no virus, the form indicates that the virus has not been detected. If it is in the body, its exact concentration is indicated:

  • Lg <3 - an extremely small amount;
  • Lg 3-5 - average viral load;
  • Lg> 5 - virus in high concentration.

There is a risk of a false positive result. In such a situation, a laboratory examination reveals a virus in the blood when it is actually not there.

Where can I identify

The main material for detecting the human papillomavirus is the epithelium. In women, it is taken from the cervical canal, in men, from the urethra. In addition to epithelial cells, urine, blood, vaginal discharge and urethra are also used for PCR.

When determining the virus by the histological method, a small piece of tissue is cut out during examination of the cervix in the mirrors.


How HPV Screening Does: Fence Rules

To avoid distortion of the results, a number of rules are followed when taking material for examination. When taking a smear from the cervical canal , special tools are used - a soft small brush. Previously, Volkman's metal spoon was widely used, which is now practically not used. The doctor inserts a brush into the cervix and makes several rotational movements. Next, the brush is carefully pulled out and placed in a sterile container for shipment to the laboratory.

What is HPV screening in gynecology? The collection of material for histological examination is a more serious procedure. In fact, it is a microscopic surgical intervention.

Therefore, after histological detection of HPV, physical activity, swimming in the pool or sea, excessive exposure to the sun are prohibited. Also, it is not worth immediately after the examination to take blood thinners ("Heparin", "Warfarin"), any medications in the form of vaginal tablets, suppositories, gels, ointments.

What to do after getting results

After the patient has received the results of the HPV screening, he should consult with a specialist. Only the attending physician can correctly interpret and prescribe additional examination methods and treatment.

All information on the Internet is for guidance only. The final diagnosis can only be made by a qualified specialist!

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