Improving diagnostic equipment, creating modern test systems, the use of which helps to clarify the diagnosis in patients with complex pathological processes, greatly simplifies the search for the causes of diseases. Technological progress helps doctors of various specialties make the right diagnosis for their patients and prescribe treatment in the early stages of the disease, which improves the prognosis for many patients. This is especially true of processes in which the immune system is affected to one degree or another . These diseases can be found in the practice of doctors of various specialties - for example, obstetrician-gynecologists are faced with cases of autoimmune infertility. In such patients, antibodies to hCG, lupus anticoagulant, phospholipids, various types of DNA are determined during a blood test.
Why does immune infertility occur?
In the normal course of pregnancy, the activity of the woman’s immune system is suppressed due to changes in the hormonal background. In processes that affect the immune system, this does not happen, and the cells begin an active synthesis of pathological antibodies that trigger immune inflammation aimed at rejecting the fertilized egg, embryo or fetus. Antibodies to hCG belong to such substances, the action of which blocks chorionic gonadotropin - a substance synthesized by the body of the future mother and contributing to the continuation of pregnancy.
At the same time, women at almost any stage of pregnancy experience habitual miscarriages, threats of termination, but far from always practical health practitioners take into account the possibility of autoimmune disorders in the patient. Such women, instead of being tested and tested for antibodies to hCG, phospholipids and other autoimmune tests, have been unsuccessfully treated for a long time for infertility or miscarriage. That is why in the case of two or more unsuccessful pregnancies, a woman must necessarily be referred for a consultation with a qualified hematologist, rheumatologist and immunologist.
Immune Disorders - Not a Sentence
It should be noted that the possibilities of modern medicine give even those women who have antibodies to hCG during pregnancy, the opportunity to give birth to a healthy baby. There are drug therapy protocols that are used during the bearing of a child, but for all autoimmune disorders it is important to choose the right program for preparing for a future pregnancy. At the same time, the patient should be simultaneously monitored by a gynecologist of the antenatal clinic, a rheumatologist (and a doctor of this specialty is engaged in the treatment of autoimmune disorders), genetics, who should exclude the genetic causes of immune disorders, a hematologist and an immunologist. Often the question arises - where to get antibodies to hCG, because until now there are no reliable diagnostic tests, and diagnostic methods are developments of clinical laboratories that are engaged in just such studies.
Naturally, it is necessary to conduct an examination with the patient immediately after the pregnancy is unsuccessful - so you can get a real idea of the state of the immune system and the causes of miscarriage or fading pregnancy. Antibodies to hCG need to be studied only in combination with other autoimmune markers and, depending on the identified changes, a woman’s treatment program is selected. Most often it is necessary to carry out plasmapheresis and other blood surgery procedures - they can reduce the concentration of any antibodies in the blood serum, but do not prevent the formation of these substances in the future.
Antibodies to hCG, like any other antibodies, are synthesized in response to a change in the body’s immune status, and antiplatelet drugs, vitamins, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, steroid hormones in small doses, and substances for detoxification therapy can be prescribed to suppress their formation and prevent unwanted reactions .