How to kill nits: causes of appearance, effective home treatments, pharmacy preparations, their composition and instructions for use

In human hair, small parasites - lice - can sometimes wake up. They feed on blood obtained from the scalp. Their formation is always preceded by the stage of formation of nits.

Very often this problem occurs in children and adolescents, who often come in contact with other infected people, and also do not always know the rules of hygiene. Further, we consider some methods of how to kill lice and nits, as well as some methods of solving the problem at home.

What remedy kills nits

Causes of parasites

Before you understand what to kill nits at home, you should study the main ways of their appearance.

The most common cause of infection with parasites is close contact with their carrier. Typically, this occurs during school games, spending the night together or in kindergarten.

In the process of wearing the clothes of a person who is already a carrier of parasites, they can also move to the body, and then move closer to the vegetation located on the head. The use of personal hygiene items for a sick person, as a rule, also leads to subsequent infection. It often happens that a person becomes infected with parasites after a long stay at the location of the carrier of nits or lice.

The main reason for the formation of lice and nits on human hair is the failure to observe basic hygiene rules.

Does hair dye kill nits

Lice and hair dye

There is an opinion that parasites can be removed by dyeing hair. Is it so? Does hair dye kill nits? In fact, this method is not effective. This is due to the fact that lice living on the scalp do die at the time of staining, but chemistry does not affect nits and they still remain on the hair, only in a colored, more invisible form.

Helpless water kills nits

Nits and hair styling products

It should be noted that good tools for controlling parasites are devices designed for styling hair. These include curling irons and hair dryers for drying strands. Consider the features of each of them in more detail.

If we take into account the irons designed for styling hair, it should be noted that with a device heated to a maximum temperature it is really possible to destroy nits that are located on the hairs. However, it should be noted that the lice that are on the scalp will not be killed by this method and they will again be able to lay new eggs. That is why this method of combating parasites is not very effective, although it gives a good result in combination with other means.

Using a hair dryer to deal with nits, it should be borne in mind that parasites have a certain sensitivity to sudden changes in temperature. To combat lice, you should heat the device to 60 degrees and blow out their hair, combing them during blowing. However, it should be noted that this temperature is not very acceptable for the human scalp, and in addition, not all lice are eliminated in this way.

Lice and Vinegar

For some people who want to eliminate parasites at home, the question arises: "Does vinegar kill nits?" It should be noted that even the most highly concentrated solution can not cope with nits, but it destroys lice almost instantly. It should be noted that due to its toxicity, vinegar well destroys the outer shell of nits, gradually making them more and more vulnerable.

Using this method, it should be remembered that with regular processing of hair with this solution, the hair itself is exposed to negative effects. They begin to fade and become painful in appearance. Moreover, if it is not a diluted, but a concentrated solution, then it can completely burn the curls.

Pediculen kills nits

Lice and hydrogen peroxide

An excellent home remedy that kills lice and nits is hydrogen peroxide. It should be remembered that this substance can not be used in its pure form - it must be used only after preliminary dilution with water in a ratio of 1: 2. It should be noted that in case of improper use of the chemical component, it is possible to seriously damage the general condition of the scalp by creating a burn on it or ensuring hair loss for a long period.

The prepared solution should be applied to the scalp and hair, distributing it along the entire length. In this form, the product should be left for several hours. After 2-3 hours, the hair should be thoroughly rinsed using shampoo. It should be noted that for washing the head you need to use only running water, in large quantities.

Some recommendations say that using this method is necessary until the parasites completely disappear. Specialists in the field of cosmetology advise using shampoo for washing your hair, which contains coconut or any other emollient oil.

Effective Home Remedy

Many comments available on social networks suggest that a reliable home remedy for the parasites in question is a mixture consisting of simple components that are available in every home.

To prepare the miraculous mass, you should take a quarter cup of vinegar and lightly warm it. After that, you need to dissolve in the liquid the same amount of salt and a little vegetable oil. After thoroughly mixing the components, the mass must be poured into a bottle, placed on top of the spray bottle, and then sprinkled with plenty of pre-soaked hair. After the strands become dry, they must be covered with a little more natural vegetable oil (olive and coconut are ideal).

In this form, you need to walk about 8 hours. This period is required in order to kill the existing parasites. After the specified time, you need to carefully comb out the hair, tilting your head down.

After completing the procedure, you need to thoroughly wash and dry all the towels, as well as thoroughly clean the comb.

Pharmacy products

How to kill nits at a time? Practice shows that the most effective means to combat pediculosis are medical products that can be purchased at any pharmacy in the city. What are their features?

As a rule, pharmacy products are offered in the form of special shampoos, sprays, ointments and solutions. It is quite simple to use them, however, almost all of them have a specific smell, which not only negatively affects nits and lice that have settled on the surface of the head and hair, but also spreads throughout the room, creating discomfort for those who use them. Moreover, when using the products of this type, it is imperative to adhere to all safety measures, use gloves and make sure that chemicals do not get into the eyes.

How to kill nits with pharmaceuticals? Almost all of them are designed for simple use, which consists in applying the substance to the problem area, and then washing it off after a certain period of time. Almost every agent in this group includes organophosphorus compounds, which include chlorpyrifos and karbofos. Practice shows that these components have a negative effect on the scalp and sometimes even cause inflammation and allergic reactions, and therefore it is advisable not to abuse such components.

Next, we consider several options for chemical agents with which you can exterminate parasites.

Means killing lice and nits

Spray "Para-Plus"

What remedy kills nits? One of them is Para-Plus, a pharmacy solution in aerosol format. It contains piperonyl butoxide and permethrin, two components that have a paralyzing effect on lice. As for the nits themselves, then they are affected by another component component - kalbofos. It has the ability to penetrate into the larvae of the parasites themselves, as well as into the body of the future louse.

Apply this tool should be gradually spraying it, as well as straightening the strands with your fingers. After applying the entire contents of the vial to the hair, the product should be allowed to stand for 10 minutes and rinse with cold running water.

How to kill lice and nits

Shampoo Pedilin

Pedilikidic shampoo "Pedilin" is very popular among those who want to remove lice from young children. This is due to the fact that this tool is used quite simply and has virtually no contraindications. The basis of the composition of the shampoo in question is the active substance - kalbofos, which affects mainly adult lice, as well as some part of nits.

How to kill nits and lice with this product? In fact, it should be used in exactly the same way as ordinary shampoo. A small part of the product should be applied to wet hair, thoroughly foam and hold in this form for 20-25 minutes. After this, the foam needs to be washed off under running water and rinsed hair.

Hellebore water

It is known that hellebore water kills nits. What is this tool and by what technology should it be used?

The composition of hellebore water is based on ordinary distilled water and hellebore tincture. Hellebore is a poisonous plant that has a specific aroma and has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

How to kill nits with hellebore? To do this, the solution purchased in the pharmacy should be applied to the locks of hair, as well as to the scalp, rub well and wait a while (about 20 minutes). After all this, the product must be washed off, after combing out the parasites.

The reviews about this tool say that it helps to get rid of nits and lice after 2-3 applications, but in case of very strong infection, the procedure will need to be repeated 4-5 times. Comments on hellebore water also emphasize that such a product improves the condition of the scalp, eliminates dandruff, and also promotes hair growth.


What remedy kills nits? These include Pediculen, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. A composition with this name can be presented in the form of shampoo, spray or lotion.

Lotion and spray "Pediculen" kill nits almost instantly, after a couple of uses. As for the shampoo, then with an average degree of infection, it will need to be used about 3-4 times. After each use of the product in any form, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the hair under running water.

How to kill nits with Pediculen shampoo? To do this, apply the substance from the vial to pre-soaked hair, thoroughly foam it and hold it for 20-30 minutes, rinse. If you use a spray or lotion, you need to apply the product on wet hair, wait for them to dry completely, comb out the strands thoroughly with a comb, and then wash your hair using an ordinary shampoo.

After applying Pediculene in any form, it is recommended to apply nutritious oil or any other care product to the hair.

Vinegar Kills Nits


Of course, kalbofos contained in the Pedilin shampoo and in the other drugs under consideration can have a negative effect on the child’s nervous system. However, studies by specialists in the field of medicine show that this effect is quite easily and quickly neutralized after ingestion. As for the parasites themselves, then in their organisms there are no such properties, in connection with which they are pretty quickly destroyed.

How to kill nits at a time

The components that make up the drugs under consideration tend to cause allergic reactions in the human body, as well as on his skin. That is why drugs that include kalbofos, as well as other organophosphorus compounds, are not recommended for children under three years of age. Moreover, they are not recommended for women who are in a state of pregnancy, as well as for nursing mothers.

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