Do baths with soda help in losing weight? Women recall

bath soda review
Nowadays, when a person’s appearance is given special importance, more and more people are trying to control their weight. And more and more there are ways to find a slim figure. Some of them really help. And some surprise us with their unpretentiousness. I want to talk about one of these methods today. This is a bath with soda. Feedback on them will also be given in this article. What is it? New unique weight loss method? Or is it self-deception of women trying by any means to lose those extra pounds? Let's get it right.

How to cook

bathtubs with baking soda

Preparing baths with soda, a review of which you will find below, is very easy. For this you need 200 grams of sodium bicarbonate (aka soda) and 200 grams of sea salt. We fill the bath and breed these ingredients in it. The water temperature should be about 38-39 C˚, that is, not slightly warm, but not hot, so that you are comfortable in it. Take a bath for about 20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and rub with a hard terry towel. This additionally massages the skin and improves blood circulation in it. We wrap ourselves in a terry bathrobe and lay down on the sofa to rest for half an hour. That's all! The full course is 10 treatments. You need to do them every other day.

Mechanism of action

baking soda baths reviews

The method is really simple. You don’t need to do anything, just lie in the bathroom and get thin. Tempting, isn't it? The question arises: will baths with baking soda really help to lose weight? What is so unique about them that makes us build instantly? Answer: nothing! The fact is that soda alone will not help to lose extra pounds. The whole thing is in the procedure itself, that is, taking a bath. After all, it activates the metabolism in the body, thereby triggering a mechanism for faster breakdown of fats. In addition, hot water dilates blood vessels, sweating increases. Our body loses a lot of water during the procedure. This can explain the fact that immediately after taking a bath, our weight decreases by 500-800 grams. This excess fluid has left our body. From the foregoing, it can be concluded that soda baths are just as effective as baths with sea salt, plant extracts and essential oils.


During the procedure, care should be taken. Soda baths, a review of which can be found below, are contraindicated in the following categories of people:

• pregnant women;

• hypertension;

• people with cardiovascular disease;

• diabetics.

Women's reviews

And now we’ll listen to the opinion of people who have tried such a method of losing weight as bathtubs with baking soda. Their reviews are mixed. Most women are skeptical of this procedure, believing that ordinary baking soda is unlikely to work a miracle, and their excess weight will "melt" by itself. But there are also people who are sure that they lost weight precisely after taking such baths. Well, maybe so. After all, we do not know for sure how they lost weight. Maybe, along with this method, they used other ways to get rid of excess weight.

Thus, we found out that bathtubs with soda, the review of which is ambiguous, do not in themselves help to lose weight. But this method can be effective if you still use diet and exercise to find a slim figure.

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