M. Yu. Lermontov "Song of the Merchant Kalashnikov": analysis of the work

The full title of the work reflects those heroes who appear in it. This is a merchant named Stepan Kalashnikov, his wife Alena Dmitrievna, as well as the Tsar’s oprichnik Kiribeevich. Tsar Ivan the Terrible also takes a direct part in the development of events. The song about these acting characters was composed by folk singers of ancient times - guslars. It is with their eyes that the reader sees the events of that era. The historical basis for the work, apparently, is the “History of the Russian State” by N. Karamzin. Perhaps he also knew folk songs dedicated to Ivan the Terrible.

song about the merchant Kalashnikov analysis

The beginning of the poem

The analysis of "Songs about the merchant Kalashnikov" can be started by indicating the genre. The work is written in the genre of poem. The work begins with the fact that Tsar Ivan the Terrible is sitting at the table. Behind him, behind his back, are stewards, on the contrary - the boyars. On the sides are the guardsmen. The king is in a very good mood. He wants to turn an ordinary meal into a real celebration for his people. The king orders the guardsmen to get good wine from the royal stocks. And he vigilantly watches how his servants drink. After all, drinking wine is also a test of loyalty. But his fighters can’t be fooled. They drink as expected, and at the same time glorify the king. The sovereign is pleased. However, he suddenly notices that one of his guardsmen does not even touch the bowl.

Further analysis of “Songs about the merchant Kalashnikov” shows that Grozny recognizes in this impudent violator the etiquette of his favorite - Kiribeevich and begins to strictly scold him. The same begins to play a heart-rending scene in front of Grozny: he does not touch wine for the reason that he is in love with one beauty. And she does not reciprocate, closing with a veil from him. The tsar learns that Kiribeevich’s sympathies belong only to the merchant’s daughter. Terrible tells him to take a yachting ring, as well as a pearl necklace and send to Alena Dmitrievna. And after that, you can call the sovereign himself for a wedding. So Kiribeevich outwitted the tsar himself. He did not tell the truth - Alena Dmitrievna is already married to the merchant Kalashnikov.

analysis of the song about the merchant Kalashnikov Lermontov

The selfish act of Kiribeevich

Analysis of the episode "Songs about the merchant Kalashnikov" may be devoted to the next scene. Further, the author of the poem takes the reader to the Kalashikov silk shop. Things are going well with him. He does not mind that today rich boyars do not visit him. After all, trade is different every day. Gostiny Dvor is empty, it’s time for the merchant to return home. He thinks that now his wife and children will meet him. But the children are crying, and Alena Dmitrievna is not at home. It is not without reason that Kalashnikov is worried. Kiribeevich pounced on her right on the street. Passers-by looked at them and laughed at shamelessness. Kalashnikov did not immediately believe his wife. However, he decides not to delay the revenge and goes to fist fights under the king.

Analysis of "Songs about the Merchant Kalashnikov" demonstrates that in this episode a harsh life is shown, as well as relationships between people. Kalashnikov suspects his wife of infidelity and can legally punish her. But for Alena Dmitrievna, her husband is the “red sun”, and bitterness and fear sound in her story. The following can be said about Kiribeevich’s act: this hero does not care about the interests and honor of his beloved. He is blinded by passion. And Kalashnikov, believing his wife, defends his honor.

analysis of the episode of the song about the merchant Kalashnikov

Duel of honor and shame

Carrying out a written analysis of the episode "Songs about the merchant Kalashnikov", first you need to decide on the passage that will become the subject of the student. It may also be the scene of a merchant's battle with Kiribeevich. After the cunning achieved what he wanted, nothing could shake his confidence. But suddenly a newcomer appears from the crowd - Kalashnikov. Realizing that he is the lawful spouse of his sweetheart, Kiribeevich loses his temper. The merchant beats him against the rules, and he dies. Grozny asks the question, for which Kalashnikov killed the enemy. Honor did not allow the merchant to admit the true reason for his act. The king sends him to the chopping block. However, the last wish of the merchant was fulfilled. Alena Dmitrievna received official maintenance, and the merchant’s brothers got the right to trade without taxes.

Duel of honor

In this episode, the reader has the opportunity to observe how in the eyes of the tsar and the people, untruth, honor and arbitrariness fight against the truth. Unlike his opponent, Kalashnikov bows not only to Grozny, but also to the “white Kremlin and the holy churches.” Carrying out the analysis of “Songs about the merchant Kalashnikov”, one can indicate that the inexorable retribution in the person of Kalashnikov arises before Kiribeevich. Even before his appearance in the duel, the merchant wins a moral victory. And the presence of the sovereign gives this battle a public sound. Grozny does not spare anyone. He does not find out the reasons that pushed Kalashnikov to murder. But in the fact that Grozny protects the family of the merchant, greatness of a royal nature is manifested. A true assessment of what happened belongs to the people who understand: Kalashnikov defends his honor.

analysis of a song about merchant Kalashnikov grade 7

The value of the duel

The duel is described by Lermontov as a clash of two heroes with equal strength. And the winner among them can only be the one on whose side justice is located. The poet shows how significant is the moral superiority of the enemy. After all, no one has managed to win Kiribeevich’s battle. Only one who fights for the truth could do this. And calling for battle, Kiribeevich chuckled at potential opponents.

At the time of Lermontov, fisticuffs were popular fun. On holidays, peasants usually gathered on the ice of the pond in the village of Tarkhany with the aim of "making fun", taking a walk for the holiday. Fighters, as a rule, were surrounded by a large number of spectators. Often among them was Lermontov himself.

A brief analysis of the song about the merchant Kalashnikov

Form of work

Lermontov decided to give his poem the form of a folk song. In the work there are many expressions that are taken from epics and folk songs. For example, "joke jokes", "daring fighter", "head", "father". Also in the spirit of folk bylina Lermontov painted a picture of the dawn over the Moscow River. It uses the technique of expanded impersonation. As this happens in folk songs, storytellers turn to nature (in this case, to the dawn), as to a living person.

The image of Kalashnikov

The merchant is a simple person, and this is emphasized by his last name. It comes from the word "kalach." His occupation is also quite ordinary. However, the merchant enjoys the respect of others, because they call him by name. Kalashnikov is not only a defender of his honor, but also a Christian who lives according to God's law.

In the work, he is shown as the avenger hero. Lermontov uses many epithets that indicate the relationship of the hero with fabulous heroes: "good fellow", "his eyes are falcon". His enemy is also distinguished by physical strength. However, power is not always victorious. At the same time, Kalashnikov violates Christian law when he kills his opponent. For this, he paid with his life.

Lermontov song about the merchant Kalashnikov analysis

The image of Kiribeevich

In a brief analysis of “Songs about the merchant Kalashnikov” Lermontov, you can describe the image of the oprichnik. The conflict between him and Kalashnikov is at the center of the work. Grozny calls him a "faithful servant." This is Kiribeevich - he is a "slave", but his position is enviable. Narrators show the oprichnik a real "good fellow", similar to the warriors. The gifts that Ivan the Terrible makes to his servant also speak of favor. However, Kiribeevich is dishonest before the sovereign.

Usually, the time when students are asked to prepare the analysis of “Songs about the Merchant Kalashnikov” at home is grade 7. At this age, schoolchildren are already beginning to understand well matters of morality and ethics. The Oprichnik, having deceived the king, showed contempt for the norms of Christian morality. However, the death of Kiribeevich was described with pity. Mournful intonations are heard in the words "groaned," "fell," "fell into the cold snow." Feelings are enhanced by taking an antithesis. Cold snow is opposed to "hot blood." Kiribeevich could have avoided this battle, but did not do it - for him honor was also more important than the mercy of the king.

analysis of the work of the song about the merchant Kalashnikov

Analysis of “Songs about the merchant Kalashnikov” by Lermontov: Ivan the Terrible in a poem

The ruler appears before the reader at the very beginning of the poem. From all sides he is surrounded by his subjects. The sovereign does not skimp on treats. In this regard, Lermontov shows a true historical picture. During the reign of Ivan the Terrible, the guardsmen enjoyed many privileges. Possessing a special position, they were practically unpunished. So in the work of Lermontov, Grozny wonders if the caftan of Kiribeevich was worn, whether his cap was crumpled.

Analysis of the work “A Song about the Merchant Kalashnikov” by Lermontov shows that the image of the sovereign is presented historically truthfully. The poet emphasizes his inconsistency. The ruler was rather merciful in relation to his subjects, however, those who were reckless to anger him dealt cruelly. Terrible mercilessly orders to execute the merchant, not understanding the motives for his murder. Lermontov managed to create a historical document. The poet clearly depicted the era of Ivan the Terrible, managing to make a fictional story out of it.

Poetic language of the work

In the poem of Lermontov, the image of the then Moscow was very vividly depicted. The city itself is given by the poet against the backdrop of his beloved Russian nature. Reading a poem, we can hear how the blizzard sings its songs and how ominously in the night darkness “it is falling white snow” when Stepan Alena Dmitrievna is anxiously awaiting.

To create poetic natural images, the poet uses bright colors - “dawn”, “blue mountains”. Also, Alena Dmitrievna looks like a fabulous beauty - she has rosy cheeks, braids of golden color, decorated with bright ribbons. Kiribeevich's appearance also makes him look like song heroes of antiquity.

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