Logopedic conclusion: order of issue, features, examples

The standard speech and language report on a child of preschool age and any other age group includes the conclusions of doctors on the current case. There are several sample wordings to consider. Let us examine why this is important in order to understand the importance of the conclusion itself and why it is necessary.

Basic wording

The options for speech therapy conclusions for people of an early age group include the following formulations:

  • Dysarthria
  • Speech retardation.
  • Delayed development and dysarthria.

They can establish the slow development of speech and cognitive abilities. There is a possibility of delayed psycho-speech development. In some, the development of speech is slowed down due to the spastic-paretic symptomatic complex covering the muscle tissue. In this condition, the operation of the apparatus responsible for articulation is adjusted, and its motor skills are impaired.

Dysarthria of young people is diagnosed when expressive speech skills involve the use of separate words, simplified phrases. Prior to this period, only speech motor disruptions can be detected - the age of the subject does not play a role. These affect both muscle tissue and the apparatus of speech. When identifying this condition in conclusion, it is necessary to indicate the presence of symptoms of spastic paresis. An alternative form of the diagnosis is a spastic-paretic symptom.

logopedic conclusion of a child of age

About preschoolers

The speech therapy report for a preschool child may include references to exclusively phonetic disorders or combined problems. In the first version, the conclusion may indicate dysarthria or its combination with phonetic disorders, the erased form of spastic-paretic failure, and an average hyperkinetic level. In conclusion, they may indicate an unexpressed type of spastic-atactic disorder.

Dysarthria is possible, in which the ability to pronounce sounds is lost, and there are also phonemic problems. In conclusion, they can indicate the underdevelopment of phonetic, phonemic qualities in combination with dysarthria, the same against the background of erased dysarthria.

There is a chance of failure of all speech components. In this case, the correct speech therapy conclusion may be “general speech underdevelopment”, and the doctor must mention the fact of dysarthria. A second or third level of underdevelopment is possible. The latter can be diagnosed against a background of dysarthria, proceeding in an easy form.

In the case of slow development of the psyche or mental retardation, speech motor disorders are possible, combined with the failure of all speech aspects. At the same time, in conclusion, the presence of mixed speech underdevelopment is entered. Be sure to indicate that the condition is accompanied by dysarthria.

First level of development

According to the samples of a speech therapy conclusion, the first level is established if the means of communication by speech are extremely small, the active vocabulary is formed by just a few common letter combinations that a person pronounces unclear. In addition, the child can use onomatopoeia and apply various complexes of sounds. As a rule, such children actively use facial expressions as an instrument of communication, often indicate with gestures. A standard set of tools is used by a person to indicate both an action and an object. Additionally, the child uses changes in intonation and gestures, thereby trying to form a difference in the meanings of the pronunciation. Such communication can be called babble, which in some situations becomes almost one-word sentences, but can not be so far evaluated. At the first level, the child practically does not have the ability to differentially differentiate actions, objects; the names of the former are replaced by words denoting objects. It is possible to replace the names of objects with words denoting an act.

As can be seen from the samples of speech therapy conclusions, when setting the first level of speech development, attention is paid to the ambiguity of words - as a rule, this feature is characteristic of a child at this level. A small vocabulary is mainly associated with objects and events observed by a person. Morphological details to reflect the grammar are practically not used. The basis of speech is the root words without inflections. Phrases are formed by babble elements. Man sounds sounds step by step reproduces the described situation, actively using gestures to explain the desired. Every word used in such communication in many ways correlates with context, so it is impossible for an outside observer who is not inside the situation to understand what is being said.

logopedic conclusions

Features vocabulary and sounds

In the speech therapy conclusion for schoolchildren, when indicating the first level of speech development, they can also clarify the fact of the presence of a more extensive passive vocabulary of the child in comparison with the active one. Not so long ago, scientific work was conducted to evaluate the impressive qualities of children's speech, and it was possible to prove its limitations in the case of a low level of speaking. Such children are characterized by either a complete absence or only a very poor understanding of verbal transformations due to grammatical norms. If you exclude signs orienting in the situation, the child will not be able to distinguish between what number of words, at what time the verb, what kind of speech. Such kids are not able to grasp the meaning of prepositions. Perceiving phrases addressed to them, they are guided by vocabulary, and the sound aspects are rather vague. The phonetic design of the pronunciation has no stamina.

As can be learned from various logopedic conclusions about OHP, at the first level of development the sound pronunciation is diffuse, articulation is not peculiar to durability, and the ability to recognize sounds by ear is rather weak. Often, children often pronounced with defects - this dominates the fact that the child is able to pronounce correctly. Vowels are contrasted with consonants, nasal sounds are oral. Phonemically, the child is at level zero. It is impossible to separate sounds if a child is talking babbling in order to learn something. The situation is similar with motivation.

When drawing up a speech and language report for preschoolers, it is necessary to evaluate the ability to reproduce, perceive the syllables from which the word is formed. This feature is one of the most striking, allowing us to talk about belonging to a specific level.

Second level

A specific feature is the appearance of phrases formed in two, three, and occasionally in four words. At first, they seem unclear from the outside, but when analyzing speech patterns, one can notice the use of amorphous words and those that have generic, case, and other categorical features. The child combines words and their combinations, tries to build a phrase, correctly and incorrectly applying the rules of speech control. Sometimes you can hear how he independently uses simplified prepositions, sometimes - their variants inherent in babble. Being at the second level of development, a child can sometimes skip the preposition, work incorrectly with elements of sentences, and the volume of words is much higher than that characteristic of the first level. You can see adverbs. A minor begins to use numbers. At the same time, the morphological system is rather weak, only simple operations are available to form words, therefore speech capabilities are assessed as poor, the child is often mistaken, misunderstands a number of adjective, prefix words denoting actions.

At the conclusion of a speech therapy examination, the second level is indicated when, in the presence of the described speech problems, one can see the difficulties of using abstract terms, concepts used to summarize, antonyms and words with similar meanings. For children of this level, the use of words with the abundance of meanings is characteristic. Coherent speaking is accompanied by a weak transmission of a number of relations of meanings. Some still have only a consistent listing of everything that is observed.

logopedic conclusion sample

Third level

Logopedic conclusions at PMPK include an indication of this level, if a person is able to speak in detailed phrases, while there are some lexically underdeveloped objects, imperfections in the grammatical structure, and phonetics. A characteristic feature is the extensive use of simple common structures. Many limitedly resort to complex sentences, but only to individual selected forms. Structural failures may occur - some important phrase members may be missing. In independent speaking, the child makes relatively few mistakes due to the grammatical transformations of the word, but specialized checks make it possible to note: difficulties persist. Mostly the problems are connected with the verb forms of the future, objects of the middle kind. Many have problems matching words. The child does not understand well the essence and meaning of complex prepositions, and therefore cannot use them correctly. Often, such words are simply omitted, although some change them to more understandable and simplified ones.

According to the speech therapies, OHP level 3 is accompanied by the ability to form words. With this level of violations, a person is able to understand new words, can form such ones, resorting to the simplest and most common formulas. Often attempts to form a word are accompanied by a violation of the organization of syllables, the sounds of the word. However, the pronunciation of words is slowly improving, but it is still difficult to differentiate sounds by ear. For children, it is difficult to determine a specific sound (for example, the first in a sequence). It is not easy for them to choose among the proposed pictures whose names contain a given sound. At the third level of development, analysis, synthesis of sounds are formed, but weakly, so mastering reading and writing is extremely problematic.

Fourth level

In the logopedic conclusion, OHRs of the fourth level indicate if minor failures in the speech components of the language system used by the child are observed. Sounds are not clearly differentiated, specific syllable disturbances are possible that affect the structure. A child cannot retain a phonemic image in his memory, although he understands the meaning of the word. As a result, the filling with sounds changes, various options are possible. Speech at the same time is not intelligible, and the clarity of diction leaves much to be desired. The overall impression is described as blurry.

In the speech therapy report for a child at the fourth level of development, they mention the persistence of the erroneous use of various suffixes, designed to reflect the emotional content, the number of objects, as well as a number of similar ones. It is quite difficult for a child to form new complex words. Difficulties are observed when you need to plan a phrase and choose the best language tools for this. Coherent speech, although it is observed, but it is quite peculiar. With general speech underdevelopment, there is a specificity of sensory, motility, higher functionality of the psyche and activity.

logopedic conclusion


Often in the samples of speech therapy conclusions for a child of preschool age and a different age group, mention of dysarthria can be seen. This term is used to denote a violation of the ability to pronounce sounds. Its reason is the incorrect provision by the nervous system of an apparatus that allows a person to pronounce sounds. This is observed if the subcortical brain blocks, the anteroposterior parts are damaged for any reason. Speech organs, although mobile, are a rather limited phenomenon, which complicates articulation. If such a condition is formed in an adult, the speech system usually does not break up, but in the case of children, the situation is different. Dysarthria is characterized in that the problem does not affect individual sounds, but the full ability to pronounce. In a child, the muscle tissues responsible for facial expressions, speech, are inactive. The child speaks indistinctly, quietly, in a weak voice. Occasionally the opposite is observed - a very harsh voice. Often the respiratory rhythm, the rate of pronunciation are disturbed. Speech with dysarthria cannot be smooth.

Mentioned violations are recorded in a speech therapy report for a child. In different people, they are observed to varying degrees. Various combinations of features are possible. This is determined by what kind of damage to the central nervous system, the PNS is, how they are combined, how heavy they are when they are formed.

Impaired mental function

In a speech report, they can indicate the presence of ZPR. This is a complex disorder affecting the psyche, psychology, physical activity and development. ZPR is a borderline variant of the violation of human formation and development. With him, the functions of the psyche are formed unevenly, often combined variants of underdeveloped functions, stored, damaged. The strength of the lesions and the level of insufficient maturity vary from case to case. Children due to ZPR are among the most difficult for diagnosticians, especially when it comes to very young. Many can see signs of slow physical development. Muscle tissue develops poorly, muscle and blood vessel tone is reduced, growth is slowed down. Against the background of ZPR, the ability to speak and walk is very often slowly formed. At such children tidiness is more slowly gained, the stages of the game are slowed down.

With ZPR there are specific nuances of will and emotions - they can also be fixed in a speech therapy conclusion. The mentioned sphere is not mature enough, and cognitive abilities are violated. Organic infantility is observed. There are no vivid, lively emotions inherent in children, the will is weak, as is the ability to be interested in the opinions of others about their activity. The gameplay is monotonous, monotonous. With ZPR, there is no inclination to create, poor imagination, low working capacity, increased exhaustion, and weak memory. It is difficult to attract the attention of such children for a long time, mental processes are slow, and it is difficult for a child to switch between them. He needs a long time to receive and process information obtained through hearing, sight. The information reserve about the world around with ZPR is much poorer than that of peers, ideas about space and time are poorly formed, and the vocabulary is small. It is very difficult to teach a child to read and write in the course of ZPR;

logopedic conclusion onr


The speech therapist may mention such a deviation. The term designates a situation when a child has a disturbed voice timbre and the ability to pronounce sounds correctly. Pathology is due to incorrect activity of the nasal cavity when speaking. If the case is especially severe, violations cover up to 38 sounds.

Possible motor alalia. If such is observed, it also needs to be recorded in a speech therapy report. This format is one of the most persistent variants of speech underdevelopment. It is observed if the parts of the cerebral cortex responsible for speech function are disturbed. Children with such a violation begin to speak later, their vocabulary increases very slowly, and in communication minors prefer to resort to facial expressions, gestures.

The relevance of the templates

You can find many examples of speech therapy conclusions. Current material allows you to familiarize yourself with how such documents should look. At the same time, you need to understand: in each case, the conclusion must be drawn up individually. It plays a role, what are the distinguishing features of the subject. No matter how simple and concise, attractive in the harmony of design are samples of speech therapy conclusions for a child, when applying the template to reality, you need to be guided by the characteristics of the case.

logopedic conclusion on the child

Technical aspects

Currently, the responsibility for the formation of speech therapies is assigned to specialized points. To be enrolled, you must go through a special commission of the PMPK, as well as receive a referral in the prescribed form. One point simultaneously serves several tens of people. The work collective is selected by state authorities. Pupils take preschool children with speech impairment. . , . , . . , . . .

In order for the child to receive the help of specialists to correct the ability to speak, representatives of the minor must bring the commission’s opinion to the local government responsible for educational issues. If officials make a positive decision, they draw up the direction in which the child is credited to the log center. During the school year, the child can be expelled if violations are excluded. If the issue of expulsion becomes controversial, it is necessary to send the inmate to the commission, which will issue a verdict on the occasion.

Features of work

The speech therapist is responsible for determining the effectiveness of the chosen option for working with each child. He needs to evaluate speech development. As a rule, the analysis is carried out at the end of spring, then the children who received the help of speech therapists are again diagnosed. To control progress, speech therapists keep individual cards for each accepted. The teacher’s task is to organize classes to develop children, taking into account the nuances of their defects. The duration of the lesson should correspond to the characteristics of children's physiology, as well as the hygienic and sanitary standards adopted in our country. Subgroup work is allowed with those whose violations are similar. With OHP, a subgroup is formed of no more than 4 people; with FFNR, it is allowed to combine up to six people. The duration of an individual lesson should not exceed a quarter of an hour. With OHP, it is necessary to deal with children three times a week or more, with FFNR - twice a week or more, and with phonetic defects - at least once a week. Logopedic stations are required to keep journals to record attendance.

logopedic conclusion of a preschool child

When working with children, a speech therapist should spend 70% of his time working with subgroups or individually, spend about 20% of his time on methodological interaction and group counseling, and spend only one tenth of the working day on documenting the process. To record the success of the work, you need to keep a notebook of attendance, a journal reflecting the dynamics for each of the students, speech cards and plans showing prospects for each pupil.

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