The essence of the concept of technical and economic indicators of the enterprise

The very concept of technical and economic indicators of an enterprise implies a system of meters that characterize the entire material and production base of the enterprise, as well as the use of resources in the complex. This type of activity is used to analyze and plan the organization of labor production, product quality, the level of technology, the use of labor and other resources, fixed and circulating assets, and is the basis for the development of such a document as the technical and industrial financial plan, in addition to this, the establishment of technical and economic norms and standards.

Technical and economic indicators of the enterprise are divided into general which are the same for enterprises of all sectors, and specific, which are designed to reflect the characteristics of the production of hotel industries.

The indicators of the general type include various coefficients of electric power and labor power, the degree of specialization and mechanization of production, and other criteria.

The main technical and economic indicators of the enterprise from the list of specific criteria are determined for each individual industry in the relevant legislative act issued at the ministry level, etc. For example, in an industry such as the electric power industry, when determining the fuel consumption for the production of 1 kWh and 1 Gcal of thermal energy, it is necessary to take into account the increasing share of high-tech and economical equipment that can operate at high and ultra high steam temperatures, increasing electricity consumption for heat consumption, increasing the efficiency of heat generating units and mechanisms, a decrease (increase) in the amount of fuel oil (gas) during the generation of heat and electricity.

In order to correctly analyze and evaluate the enterprise and its technical and economic level, some basic indicators of the enterprise are used in particular: the share of products whose technical and economic indicators correspond or exceed the highest achievements of science and technology both inside the country and abroad; the share of products that are already outdated and are undergoing modernization or complete decommissioning; level of automation and mechanization of the enterprise; the relative and absolute decrease or increase in the number of employees in the enterprise, cost reduction and increase in labor productivity by improving production levels due to technical innovations and innovations.

The technical and economic indicators of an enterprise of a specific level are usually characterized by structural and qualitative changes in the products that are produced, the level and condition of the technical base and equipment in the industry, as well as the use of equipment. In addition, this also includes material consumption in production, labor productivity expressed in kind, production volumes of products using technical equipment and modern technological processes.

The technical and economic indicators of the enterprise in terms of the use of fixed assets and capacities can be characterized by: intensive use (expressed as the ratio of dividing the number of manufactured products by the maximum allowable periods of use of these funds), extensive (determined by the ratio of the time of actual use and the maximum possible period of use of equipment and funds), integral (determined by the product of the first two indicators).

The technical and economic indicators of the enterprise built into a clear system of economic sectors, together with the correct methodology for calculating them, will allow for a systematic comparison of the technical and organizational level at the enterprise, to identify reserves within production and to improve the development of long-term and current plans.

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