Flag of Cyprus - a peculiarity of the country

Cyprus is a small island state located in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, not far from the shores of Turkey and Greece. The main incomes of the local population are agriculture and tourism. This small country was able to defeat the colonial system, gain independence and in 2004 become a full member of the European Union.

History reference

Cyprus occupies 60% of the island of the same name. The Republic of Turkish Northern Cyprus is located at 38% , and the British Air Force bases are located on the remainder. Accordingly, there are 2 flags on the island. But always, speaking of this country as a Mediterranean state, they mean the independent Republic of Cyprus.

flag of cyprus

Colonialists have always been attracted to this island by its large deposits of copper and the beauty of nature. The name of the country is still a controversial issue. One part is inclined to the fact that Cyprus - a derivative of "cooper" - copper, the other insists that this word comes from the name "cypress". In fact, the whole country is covered with forests of pines and cypresses.

Flag description

The flag of Cyprus is a white canvas with proportions of 3: 5. There are not many countries in the world where the silhouette of the country is placed on the state symbol. The island itself is depicted on a white canvas, presented as a silhouette. It was applied with bright copper-colored paint, personifying huge deposits of copper - the national wealth of the Republic. Under the silhouette of the country are two stylized olive branches of dark green color, crossed at the bases. They personify 2 people inhabiting the island: Turks and Greeks.

cyprus country flag

An interesting story is the origin of this flag. During the period of independence from the rule of Great Britain, during the reign of President Makarios, a competition was announced for the best idea in the field of developing a new flag layout for modern Cyprus. Many residents responded to the call to develop a symbol for their republic. As a result, the competition was won by an ordinary school teacher named Ishmet Guney. And on August 16, 1960, the independent Republic of Cyprus received the flag of the country that it still uses. It is such a date recorded in the official approval of this state symbol.

The emergence of the second republic on the island

Until 1974, the entire island was a single Republic. But in 1974, after the occupation of part of the island by the Turks, another flag of Cyprus, belonging to the new state, appeared. This panel has a standard size with two parallel red stripes at the edges. In its center, on a white background, Muslim symbolism is depicted - a crescent moon with a star. This state is called the Northern Turkish Republic of Cyprus.

flag of cyprus

In 2004, the UN referendum could not reach consensus on the unification of the two states. Residents of Cyprus did not support the idea of the United Nations because of the insufficient commitments made on the withdrawal of Turkish troops and the weak argumentation of the withdrawal plan.

So there remains a small island led by two states. Each of them has its own symbol, which bears its proud name - the flag of Cyprus.

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