Losing weight on oatmeal: recipes, results, reviews

Oatmeal is a leader among many cereals when it comes to losing weight. She quickly and effectively helps to lose weight. At the same time, porridge benefits the body. Many women ask: how do you lose weight on oatmeal? The article will discuss the features of making porridge, recipes, its advantages and disadvantages.

Oats composition

Food from oats can perfectly saturate the body. It contains proteins, fats, fiber, starch and carbohydrates. Slimming oatmeal is effective. It includes a mass of minerals (magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus).

how to cook oatmeal in water

There are 11 amino acids in oats, including arginine. It is used for muscle growth. Amino acid prevents atherosclerosis, and also removes uric acid from the body. That's why experts recommend eating a portion of oatmeal after a workout. It will remove urea from the body and relieve accumulated fatigue.

The composition of oats includes vitamins A, E, PP and group B. They regulate metabolism, help the nervous system and maintain a good mood. This is why many nutritionists recommend eating oatmeal for breakfast.

The benefits of oatmeal

Porridge is a useful product in every respect. Here is a list of the main benefits of oatmeal:

  • lowers blood cholesterol;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • contributes to the prevention of diabetes;
  • relieves constipation;
  • reduces the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases;
  • contributes to weight loss;
  • strengthens the immune system.

Slimming oatmeal is particularly effective. The diet on this porridge is distinguished by a low calorie content. The most useful cereal, which is prepared the longest. It is she who works according to the "panicle" method and removes toxins from the body, and also cleans it.

slimming oatmeal

Oatmeal has amazing properties, so it will contribute to weight loss in any form: raw and boiled. Of course, most of the nutrients are stored in the first version of porridge.

During heat treatment, some of the minerals, dietary fiber and enzymes that are able to cleanse the body and remove harmful substances are lost. Vitamins B, E and some antioxidants also leave oatmeal.

On the other hand, a boiled product tastes better, and it is digested much faster and easier. In the process of cooking, oatmeal softens, which allows many losing weight to avoid increased gas formation and other unpleasant symptoms.

However, raw flakes do not bother some people, so you can give preference to them. To improve the taste, they are poured with milk or water, fruits, yogurt, nuts are added.

What is better cereal or cereal

Women who lose weight on oatmeal try to choose the most useful type of cereal. The less processed it is, the more valuable it is.

What is the degree of difference between crushed and uncrushed grain? Here is the most useful type of cereal:

  • Oatmeal from uncrushed cereals. It has many advantages. Porridge is cooked for up to an hour, and with preliminary soaking - 30 minutes. Grains swell 4 times.
  • Flattened cereals are cooked for 40 minutes. Its properties are close to whole grains.
  • Extra flakes are produced under numbers 1, 2 and 3. The first cereal is cooked for 15 minutes. Nos. 2 and 3 have smaller and thinner petals. The most tender last. They can be eaten by steaming in hot water or milk.
  • Hercules flakes are obtained from peeled grains. They are boiled for 20 minutes.

Many who lose weight on oatmeal do not know how best to do this. To the most beneficial for health is porridge, which is made from uncrushed cereals. It contains a large number of soft and coarse dietary fiber. Thanks to them, a person can quickly get enough of them. And a small portion will be enough. A feeling of fullness will be felt for several hours. It is this kind of porridge that will have the maximum benefit when losing weight.

Instant flakes, which went through many stages in the production process, are quickly absorbed by the human body. Their glycemic index is significantly higher than that of a product that requires cooking.

Therefore, it is best to use slimming cereals for cooking for weight loss.

How to cook porridge

Many dishes are prepared from grains or cereals. The most common of these is porridge. The most useful product is made from whole grains and soaked overnight. Experts are sure that such porridge is best digested and absorbed by the body. When soaked, gluten is partially destroyed in it. This protein is able to inhibit the immune system. And the cooking time of porridge is reduced.

Women ask how to cook oatmeal in water and milk. The recipe for cooking these dishes is almost the same. For this, 1 cup of oatmeal is consumed. It is best to take milk and water equally. If the porridge comes out thick, then you can add a little more liquid to it.

slimming kefir oatmeal reviews

Girls ask how to cook oatmeal in milk. Another option is as follows. Porridge can be cooked not only in water, but also in skim milk.

Oatmeal can be eaten with various additives. Here are the main ones:

  1. With dried fruits. Dried pears, peaches, raisins can replace sugar. They must be poured with hot water and wait a bit. Then cut into small pieces and add to the finished porridge.
  2. With apples and oranges. Cut the fruit into pieces and lay on top of the porridge.
  3. With cottage cheese and bananas. Ready oatmeal is combined with mashed curd. On top you need to arrange the slices of bananas.
  4. With cocoa. When boiling in milk, add 1-2 teaspoons of cocoa. As a result, porridge acquire an unusual chocolate color.

Out of habit, many cook oatmeal, although this is not necessary. Indeed, many beneficial substances are destroyed by boiling.

For weight loss, it is best to soak the groats. In the morning, cook and wrap so that it steams. Nutritionists advise making porridge on the water, because lactose (natural sugar) is absorbed very quickly.

The benefits of losing oatmeal on water is to lower cholesterol and stabilize the work of the heart and blood vessels. Porridge is a source of easily digestible protein. Due to its high nutritional value, it energizes the body of losing weight.

Cooking oatmeal in the water is quite simple. 3/4 Art. cereal pour 2 cups of cold water. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes. You can pour oatmeal with boiling water and leave overnight. In the morning it is placed for 1 minute in the microwave.

Sometimes oatmeal is poured with cold water for 10-12 hours. Then berries, nuts, honey are added to the porridge.

Effective Oatmeal Diet

In order to get rid of excess weight, it is necessary to use coarse grits. There are several options for such weight loss. There are a lot of positive reviews about the oatmeal diet. And the results of weight loss are impressive - 5-7 kg per week. You can use the hard or soft way.

In the first embodiment, porridge is cooked in the usual way. How to cook steamed oatmeal for breakfast for weight loss? If desired, it is poured with boiling water, covered with a lid and left for 15 minutes.

Ready oatmeal is not allowed to season with anything. Oil, salt, sugar, dried fruits are prohibited. It is allowed to pour porridge with clean water, green tea or herbal infusions. This continues for 3 days. On the 4th, a green apple is added to the diet. Eat 3 hours before bedtime. The diet lasts for a week.

How much can you lose weight on oatmeal? The mild method allows you to get rid of 5-10 kg of weight in 14 days. Oatmeal can be boiled in water or skim milk. Pieces of fruits or dried fruits (raisins, prunes, dried apricots) are allowed to be added to porridge.

It is important to observe the correct proportions. For 250 g of porridge, you can add no more than 100 g of fruits (dried fruits), 50 g of nuts and 2 tsp of honey. This is the daily norm, it is divided into all meals. If losing weight will feel hunger, then they are allowed to eat. In this situation, 100 g of fresh fruit is suitable.

oatmeal diet reviews and results

A one-day oatmeal diet, according to reviews, the results are amazing. It lasts one day. During it, only this porridge is consumed for breakfast, lunch and dinner. In this case, salt, sugar, oil are not added to it. Such a diet is allowed to be carried out once a week. Do not forget about a sufficient amount of fluid, as for the previous methods of losing weight. It can be pure water, green tea, etc. Such a diet is an excellent option for those who want to get rid of 1-2 kg, as well as to maintain ideal weight.

Many women are wondering if oatmeal in milk can be used for weight loss. Specialists do not mind. However, it is advised to take nonfat milk.

Oatmeal for breakfast

Many girls ask how to cook oatmeal for breakfast for weight loss. The process takes a minimum of time and does not require special training.

From 2 handfuls of oatmeal prepare ordinary porridge. Cooking time takes 7-15 minutes. You can cook porridge in water or in low-fat milk. A pinch of cinnamon, 1/2 teaspoon of honey, any fruit or berries are added to the finished porridge. Bananas, apples, strawberries, kiwi and blueberries are great. You can even add some dark chocolate.

How to cook oatmeal in water? It’s easy to cook. Porridge is excellent if you take only water or skim milk. Some women use both ingredients in equal proportions.

The second version of oatmeal is prepared in the same way as the first. It is suitable for lovers of vegetables. To do this, you can take greens, tomatoes, bell peppers, young green peas. From seasoning - a little pepper, turmeric and ground garlic, flax seeds or sesame seeds.

Many women are interested in how to cook oatmeal in milk. This option is quite simple. It includes plain oatmeal cooked in non-skim milk. You can add nuts, milk or cottage cheese to the porridge. This will make it much tastier and healthier. Regular milk can be replaced with coconut or almond milk.

how to cook oatmeal in milk

Alternative Weight Loss Methods

Many of the ladies who are losing weight on oatmeal are looking for ways to diversify the menu. The choice of such dishes is quite diverse.

Kefir oatmeal for weight loss, according to reviews, is particularly effective. For this, thick oatmeal is prepared. In a plate, it is diluted with kefir. This type of porridge is suitable for both breakfast and dinner. You can add pieces of fruit, nuts, sesame seeds or flax. It is forbidden to sprinkle with sugar and use other sweeteners.

One of the best drinks is oatmeal jelly. It cleanses the intestines and eliminates excess weight if you drink it daily. Raw oatmeal must be filled with clean water overnight. In the morning, mix the mixture, and strain through cheesecloth. Then bring the resulting liquid to a boil. Add honey and cinnamon, and turn off the heat. You can drink oatmeal jelly at any time of the day.

For weight loss, a decoction is sometimes prepared. To do this, 3 cups of oatmeal must be filled with 3 liters of water. Cook for 20 minutes. Wrap the pan and leave for a day. Strain, slightly warm the liquid and dissolve 100 g of honey in it. Squeeze juice from one lemon. Add it to the oat broth and refrigerate. Thanks to the beneficial properties of the drink, you can cleanse the intestines. To do this, take a decoction in a glass on an empty stomach before each meal.

Oatmeal casserole can be cooked not only in the oven, but also in the slow cooker. To do this, you will need: 2 cups of crushed cereal, 2 cups of milk and a little honey. For the filling, you need to take bananas, apples or pears.

Mix all components and allow the cereal to swell. After 30 minutes, pour the mass into a greased baking container or multicooker bowl. Cooking a casserole is best on medium heat for half an hour or on the baking function - 45 minutes.

oatmeal on the water the benefits of losing weight

You can also cook oat cutlets. They are prepared quite simply and have the benefit of losing weight. Soak oatmeal on water for 30 minutes. At this time, it is necessary to finely chop the garlic, onions and herbs. Mix all the ingredients. The mass does not have to be liquid so that patties can be formed. They are cooked in a slow cooker - in steam mode for 30 minutes.

If the patties are baked in the oven, then the pan must be greased with vegetable oil. The cooking process is 30 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Smoothie Recipes

Many women ask what slimming oatmeal smoothies for breakfast can be made. The fashion for such cocktails came from the USA. Smoothies with greens, fruits, berries, and vegetables are popular among many dieters.

In the finished cocktail, all the nutrients are usually stored. It is able to heal the intestinal microflora, give energy to athletes and restore strength to sick people. And of course, smoothies help you lose weight.

Prepare cocktails in a blender or food processor. To make a smoothie with milk, you need the following components:

  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped oatmeal;
  • chopped banana;
  • 1 teaspoon of honey;
  • a glass of milk;
  • a glass of boiling water.

Beat all components in a blender. Pour smoothies into glasses. A sweet and tasty cocktail will be a hearty and easy breakfast.

Smoothie with cinnamon, oatmeal and yogurt. For weight loss, you need to take the following components:

  • 3 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal;
  • 1 sliced ​​banana;
  • a glass of yogurt;
  • a pinch of cinnamon;
  • a glass of milk.

Pour the cereal with hot milk, let it brew for 5 minutes. Mix the components in a blender and beat. Pour into glasses, pour a little cinnamon on top.

Smoothies on kefir will help you lose weight as much as possible. After all, 100 g of the product contains only 75 kcal. The main components of the drink:

  • 1 apple
  • 150 g of kefir;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoon of oatmeal;
  • 1 banana
  • 1 teaspoon of wheat bran;
  • a glass of hot water.

Flakes and bran must be poured with boiling water. Leave on for 10-15 minutes. Cut apples and banana into pieces. Beat all components in a blender. If the taste is not sweet, then it is allowed to add 1 teaspoon of maple syrup.

Oatmeal on kefir with weight loss, according to reviews by women, has a positive effect. Many of them use it to reduce weight.

Lazy Oatmeal

Oatmeal, soaked overnight for weight loss, is one of the most effective means. It does not require a lengthy cooking process. All its components are available.

The basic lazy oatmeal recipe includes the following ingredients:

  • low-calorie yogurt, yogurt or thick kefir;
  • milk;
  • oat groats, with the exception of cereals and instant cereals.

All ingredients are mixed in a bowl, then placed in a jar. It is placed in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours, and best of all for the whole night.

how much can you lose weight on oatmeal

1 can of oatmeal - 400-500 ml. Ideal serving for one person. This dish is convenient to take with you to the office.

It is allowed to add to lazy oatmeal: fresh fruits, nuts, flax or sesame seeds, lemon or orange zest, spices (cinnamon, vanilla, star anise, anise).

To get a truly tasty and healthy porridge, you must use the following tips:

  • To get a sweeter product, you should add raisins and dried apricots.
  • Be sure to observe the correct proportions. 1 part oatmeal to 1 part liquid. In the morning, porridge can be brought to the required consistency.
  • Supplements such as chia seeds, flax seeds and dried fruits swell, absorb a lot of liquid.

Recipe for lazy oatmeal No. 1 consists of the following components:

  • natural yogurt (125 g);
  • large carrot;
  • 1/2 cup oatmeal;
  • milk (175 g);
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chia seeds;
  • some vanilla;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoon of honey;
  • a handful of raisins;
  • a pinch of salt and ground cinnamon.

Carrots must be grated. All ingredients are mixed in a separate container. Then the whole mass is placed in a glass jar, with a capacity of 400-500 ml. It is placed in the refrigerator overnight.

What are the benefits of lazy oatmeal:

  1. It contains a loading dose of dietary fiber. Oatmeal is able to cleanse the body of harmful substances.
  2. Due to the fact that the product contains slow carbohydrates, it supplies the body with energy and increases its tone. In this case, a feeling of satiety remains for a long time.
  3. Oatmeal has a positive effect on the condition of nails, hair and skin. This is due to its rich composition.
  4. Oat grains contain thiamine. This vitamin inside the body is converted to serotonin or the hormone of happiness. He is able to improve mood, reduce stress. And also relieve the seizing problems with something sweet. Thiamine is destroyed at high temperatures, so it is completely absent in boiled porridge.

Due to its ease of preparation, lazy oatmeal with fruits and berries will become the basis for proper and balanced nutrition.


Despite the many positive properties, oatmeal also has some limitations. These include:

  1. Oatmeal is contraindicated in people who suffer from celiac disease. This is manifested as intolerance to the protein of cereal crops.
  2. Eating large amounts of oatmeal can lead to an increased concentration of phytic acid. It is able to flush calcium out of the body.

Instant oatmeal is not a product that is suitable for weight loss. This is due to its high calorie content. After all, porridge contains a lot of sugar and other additives that increase its nutritional value.

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