Parachute Coconut Oil: Benefits, Application Features, Customer Reviews

Since ancient times, people used various oils not only for gastronomic, but also for cosmetic purposes. The properties of burdock oil to strengthen hair, and aloe oil to heal wounds are widely known. They are used as ingredients in many care products. But there is Parachute coconut oil (Parachute in Russian), which has become popular in Russia not so long ago. It deserves to dwell on its properties in detail.

Product Description

The producer of coconut oil is Parachute, a large cosmetic concern. He specializes in products for the care, preference is given to natural ingredients. His leaders fundamentally refuse preservatives and perfumes. Not without reason in Russia this Indian brand is considered a supplier of high quality organic products. The oil contains organic vitamins A, C, E, antioxidants and trace elements.

The properties of natural vegetable oils are unique. In the East, it was always considered usual to lubricate his hair, face, and apply in the care of infants. Most of these products have their own special aroma. Parachute coconut oil is no exception.

Massage oil

It finds application in several areas: as a means to soften and moisturize the skin, as a nourishing cream, is used in the fight against hyperkeratosis on the heels and elbows, heals small abrasions, helps with burns, and is given a massage. Many note that when applying the product before tanning, it turns out to be smooth and beautiful, and dry scales do not remain on the skin.


There is one line in the product features: 100% coconut oil. Is it good or bad? After all, it is known that cosmetics must undergo special cleaning, which ensures safety in use. Many manufacturers add preservatives, thereby extending the shelf life of the product. Unscrupulous companies can add water with artificial emulsifiers to preserve the texture.

Parachute hair oil does not contain parabens and belongs to organic cosmetics - the most useful and environmentally friendly. People who are sensitive to coconut products may have an allergy. The rest tolerate it well, leaving positive feedback. It is intended for external use, focused on improving the quality of the skin, nails and hair.

The therapeutic effect of the oil is provided by the removal of dead epidermal cells, skin nutrition and the formation of a protective film that protects against dehydration. Compared to artificial counterparts such as petroleum jelly, mineral oils, liquid paraffins, coconut oil does not cause moisture to flow from the deeper layers of the skin. Its molecules do not need to be saturated with water, therefore, after applying this oil, the lips, cuticle do not really dry, and the hair is easy to comb and has a healthy appearance.

Face oil

A pack of Parachute coconut coconut oil contains 100 grams of product, but it lasts a long time. When applied to wet skin or hair, the product is able to retain water, which no longer has the potential to evaporate. A healthy person has many sebaceous glands on the surface of the skin that form a protective film. If the metabolism is impaired, they do not fulfill their function, and in this case, coconut oil will be an excellent alternative to natural skin lubrication.

How to use

In the East, in a hot climate, the scorching sun, oil is indispensable: it perfectly protects against overdrying and brittleness, gives a unique shine and pleasant aroma. A feature of coconut oil is its crystallization at temperatures below 23 degrees. To return to its former texture, it is placed in a bowl of hot water. It becomes fluid and ready to use.

Most hair products are recommended to be applied over the entire length, stepping back slightly from the roots to avoid clogging of the sebaceous ducts. This does not apply to Parachute coconut oil: its therapeutic effect on dandruff has long been known.

Additional heat maintains the oil in a liquid state and it gives more fully all its beneficial properties. It is recommended to keep the oil mask on your hair for about two hours. Good reviews are given by those girls who hold the mask all night, they note an additional effect - rapid hair growth. So you can recommend this method to those who want to increase the length.

Mask oil

A distinctive feature of coconut oil is its easy removal. Any shampoo rinses it off, leaving shine and silkiness. No additional funds (balms, rinses) will be required.

Result from application

Even with a single procedure with Parachute coconut oil, the effect is visible, especially after the course. Usually it is two to three months and includes the use of masks once or twice a week. According to reviews, hair is smoothed out, fluffiness and confusion disappear. They are easy to comb. For those who want to achieve shiny, silk hair with extraordinary softness, this is a good option.

When planning a vacation at sea, many people buy creams with UV filters. You can successfully replace them with coconut oil. This does not mean that it has UV filters in its composition, it acts in a slightly different way, preventing the skin from drying out. If you failed to protect yourself from the sun, coconut oil will again become an indispensable tool for treating sunburn. Absorbing very quickly, it will prevent the appearance of blisters, patches with peeling skin and dryness.

Tanning oil

The constant use of a few drops of oil after taking a shower guarantees soft skin, so many use it instead of body cream. With corns, calluses, rough skin on the elbows, it helps to gently soften the skin. After a while, the excess layer of keratinized skin is cleaned with a pedicure file, and the skin is moisturized with oil.

Product Reviews

Owners of thick long hair, which are electrified and do not fit well, consider Parachute coconut oil ("Parachute") to be simply magical. It removes all the imperfections, the hair becomes well-groomed and beautiful. Curly hair is even more difficult to tame: in the rain they form a halo above the head, because of their lightness and porosity, they tend to break out of the hairstyle at the slightest humidity. Oil easily copes with them, nourishes, makes heavier. After the procedure, they flow, not fluff. Experienced customers are advised to make a mask before washing their hair, and the absorbed amount is enough until the next time.

Parachute coconut oil reviews point to its ability to glue the hair shafts split at the ends. Those girls who suffer from split ends can no longer worry: oil perfectly smooths the broken ends of the hair, and they simply can not be seen. The use of oil in such cases allows you to grow the length without constantly trimming the tips.

It eliminates dry heels and elbows. Those who have experienced the miraculous product themselves take it a few bottles for themselves and their friends.

Skin oil

Improper use of oil

Some, having heard about Parachute's magical coconut hair oil , buy a bottle and make a mask, applying it generously, like cream. It turns out too much product consumption, which upsets new fans. The effect of natural oil is cumulative, the first time hair growth does not accelerate, dandruff does not disappear and the hair does not become heavy. True, healthy tips, easy combing and shine paired with coconut aroma will be achieved, but for this it is not necessary to spend so much precious product.

On wet hair for easy combing it is enough to apply it, lubricating the palms with a few drops. To start rubbing the oil should be from the ends of the hair, gradually rising to the scalp. The subsequent combing will soak well even long hair and will not leave any missing areas.

Skin effects

The oil is absorbed very quickly, while not clogging the pores and eliminates inflammation and peeling. Many use it as a night cream. During the night, the complexion is leveled and significantly improved. Redness from distant pimples go away.

With regular use of it for the face as a night care, it is recommended not to forget about the scrub. You can use coffee grounds in its quality. The skin will renew faster and its tone will become even.

Coconut oil

The bottle contains 100 ml Parachute Coconut Oil. Although the volume seems small, it is very economical.


Although a good effect is obtained when using even one ingredient, hair recipes advise you not to stop there. The following are three therapeutic masks that are used at home.

  1. Mix half a tablespoon of Parachute oil with a tablespoon of linseed oil, add essential oil for the aroma. It is convenient to do this directly in a small bottle. Heat the mixture under running hot tap water. Apply one hour before shampooing. Provides restoration of colored, damaged hair.
  2. In a small bowl, mix a tablespoon of coconut oil and honey. It is convenient to do this by placing this bowl in a wider vessel, for example in a larger bowl. At the end add a few drops of β€œAevita” and 3 drops of lavender oil.
  3. A mixture of three oils is heated - coconut, cocoa and avocado. Apply warmly to the hair without touching the roots. Additionally insulate. Hold all night, then rinse with shampoo.
Hair oil

Other use of oil

Those who constantly dye their hair add 15 ml of Parachute oil to the coloring composition. It gives the hair protection against overdrying during dyeing. After the procedure, moisturize the hair, rubbing the oil with your palms. After washing off the shampoo, wet hair is smeared with two drops, starting from the ends. Do not neglect masks. This use of oil will provide a healthy appearance of colored hair.

How to use tanning oil

To get an even beautiful tan, you should first apply a scrub on the skin. So the desquamated epidermal cells are removed and the skin is ready to take coconut oil. After absorbing it (a few seconds), the skin is ready for sunbathing. The tan is smooth and lasts a long time. Oil saves not only from the sun, but also from salt water. It is known that it is very dry skin. This will not happen if you apply a layer of oil on time.


Parachute coconut oil reviews are very good. It is applied just like that, combined with other care products, and formulations of therapeutic masks are made on its basis. It deals with the elimination of dryness of the epidermis, hair restoration and helps in the elimination of small defects. It is used after depilation and shaving. It has a healing effect. All this allows us to conclude that you need to keep this useful natural product in your home medicine cabinet.

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