Split hair? Treatment found! At home, you can get rid of forked tips, but only if you fully follow the recommendations below. And with a complete rejection of thermal effects. What will help in this fight?
Split hair: treatment and tips
In order to start the fight against split ends, you have to cut them, albeit a little. This must be done so that the bundle does not go any further. How and with what frequency is it recommended to do a haircut? Firstly, it is advisable to cut with hot scissors, because in this case they “solder” the hair ends and will not allow them to “move apart” further. Secondly, in no case do you cut off the split hairs yourself. Thirdly, a haircut should be done every two months to constantly get rid of damaged ends. Fourth, after washing, use special indelible sprays or serums.
Split hair: treatment at home
Is it possible to get rid of the cut ends using self-made masks? Of course you can, but for this you need to do these masks regularly and follow certain rules. Firstly, no thermal effects on the hair, otherwise masks against split ends will be ineffective. Secondly, no plastic combs that injure the structure: only natural bristles and only after the curls have completely dried. Thirdly, regularity. Only with this care will your hair please its condition. So, what can be done at home so that there are no untidy double tips?
Home treatment: recipes
So, for homemade masks, we need one of the vegetable oils. It can be burdock, and almond, and coconut. It is important that the oil is slightly warmed up. The mask can be made both full-length and only at the tips: before each wash, apply the mixture to your hair in two hours, wrap your head in a plastic bag, and on top in a warm terry towel. Another homemade mask for split ends is gelatin. Or, as the girls themselves call it, home lamination. We need food gelatin and a little hair balm: dilute a tablespoon of food gelatin with three tablespoons of warm water, add the same amount of hair balm and leave for swelling. At this time, wash your hair and dry with a towel. After twenty minutes, heat the mass in a water bath, apply to wet clean hair. Next - everything is the same as in the previous recipe. It is worth noting that it is advisable to warm the hair with a hairdryer over the towel to enhance the effect. Gelatin has a bonding effect, and therefore it reduces the delamination of hair. Split hair? Treatment should begin immediately, since if the stratification goes further, it will be difficult to deal with this. You should regularly get rid of the ends of the hair in the salon to avoid bifurcation. And to maintain the effect and strengthen hair will help the best home masks, which can be made easily and quickly.