Prostate: structure, functions and features

The human body has many vital organs and systems that help it maintain health. One of the most important elements on this list is the prostate gland. Often, people know almost nothing about the structure of the prostate, which is responsible for the proper functioning of the reproductive and urinary systems. Very often, men pay attention to it too late, when failures and changes begin, dangerous not only for health but also for life.

Let us in this article learn more about this mysterious, incomprehensible organ in order to understand and prevent many unpleasant moments.

general information

The prostate begins to form at an early stage of embryogenesis, in the first months of embryo development. It is formed by protrusion of genital urosinus. During prenatal development in men, factors of nerve tissue growth develop in the gland, which subsequently determine the development of the peripheral nervous system.

Although the gland is called the auxiliary organ of a man, not one system in the body can do the same thing that it is. The prostate produces a special substance called secret, which is vital for sperm. A healthy man produces 0.2 ml of fluid daily. The secretion of the gland is rich in various nutrients needed by sperm cells during movement along the female genital tract to fertilize the egg.

Enzymes are present in large numbers in the structure of the prostate, in particular, the prostate-specific antigen involved in sperm liquefaction. Thus, it affects the activity and vital activity of sperm.

Any malfunction of the organ affects the health of the man, and this can cause infertility.

Prostate structure

The structure of the prostate gland

The prostate gland enters the male reproductive system and is located directly under the bladder. It encircles the proximal part of the urethra, which extends from the neck of the bladder to the end of the penis. The proximal part surrounding the urethra is round, while the distal end narrows and appears dull.

The gland is about the size of a walnut and weighs about 20 grams. It includes 70% of the glandular mass, as well as smooth muscles and fibrous tissue. This structure is supplemented by 50 vas deferens, passing through part of the urethra, known as the prostatic, as well as two ejacular canals. The organ is surrounded by a thick fibro-muscular layer.

Structurally, the structure of the prostate in zones or lobes can be divided as follows: peripheral, central, transitional and fibromuscular zones, or anterior, posterior, lateral and middle lobes.

The transition zone or anterior lobe is associated with a condition known as benign hyperplasia. This formation is a benign tumor and is found mainly in the anterior part, while peripheral and posterior zones or the posterior lobe are usually associated with prostate cancer.

Think about your health

Production and storage of seminal fluid

Most of you will be surprised to find out that about a third of the sperm is actually released from the prostate gland, but it is.

Due to the fact that the male structure of the prostate and testicles are closely interconnected, when the seed is ejected from the scrotum, it enters the gland, where it is mixed with a secreted organ with a special alkaline secretion that blocks the protective functions of the acidic environment in the female genital canal. Thus, it allows sperm to penetrate and reach the fallopian tubes.

The secret contains the PSA enzyme, citric acid and calcium.

Thus, we can say that one of the most important tasks of the prostate gland in the male body is the release of fluid at the time of ejaculation.

The prostate is also a storage place for seminal fluid, which is partly produced by seminal vesicles or vesicles.

The secretion of prostatic fluid is influenced by male sex hormones, mainly testosterone.

Sperm activity

Mixing substances

Due to its structure and function, the prostate performs the mixing task. Seminal vesicles are used to transport sperm from the testicles. When they reach the organ, they are mixed there with its own fluids.

Very few can be aware that PSA (prostate specific antigen) is also produced inside the prostate gland. Enzyme in large quantities begins to be released into the bloodstream during cancerous processes and is a tumor marker that is taken if cancer or prostate adenoma is suspected.

In fact, there is much debate about the validity of this test, as well as its results and variation with several other factors associated with it.

PSA helps the sperm remain legally capable inside the uterus, maintaining its liquid form. Another enzyme performs a prophylactic effect against a special enzyme that makes sperm sticky. When the fluid enters the female body, PSA begins to dissolve the enzyme, which ultimately leads to the release of sperm so that they can move forward to the uterus and efficiently fertilize the egg.

Sexual health depends on the prostate

Muscle contraction

The prostate anatomy and structure help its smooth muscles contract during ejaculation, increasing the spread of sperm and seminal fluid along with secretion. Her muscles contribute to the process of ejaculation.

It is believed that the muscles of the organ act spontaneously, without human intervention and prevent the entry of urine into the urethra at the time of ejaculation.

The gland also helps to remove sperm through the penis, which is why in medicine it is considered the necessary muscle of the male body. She needs a lot of strength in order to develop a high rate of ejection of fluid from her canals, so that it easily reaches the cervix.

It is interesting that the male point G is located in this gland, so prostate stimulation is used to improve sexual reactions.

Toxin Filtration

Another valuable function of the prostate, the structure of the gland, this determines, is the ability to filter. Since the reproductive system is extremely important for the body, the gland helps to extract and neutralize all toxins, so that sperm remains completely safe. Without a doubt, this is one of the main duties of the gland. It helps to improve the overall health of men and naturally avoid life-threatening diseases such as prostatitis, cancer and other problems.

Fluid secretion

One of the more necessary features of the structure of the prostate in men is the preservation of the urethra with its own secret, providing protection against various infections associated with the urinary tract. These diseases are quite rare in the male body, compared with the female, so we can say that prostate secretions do their job perfectly.

Lower abdominal pain

Urination control

An important function of the prostate is its structure allows you to control the flow of urine. The specific part of the urethra that extends along the prostate gland is known as the prostatic. The prostate helps surround the urethra just below the bladder so that fluid flow can be easily controlled. This structural feature helps protect the ejaculate from damage during urination or orgasm.

Two small muscles in the prostate, which are well known as sphincters, work like gatekeepers by adjusting shut-off valves. These guards control the flow of fluids at the right time, the differences are ejaculation and urine.

In case of damage to the sphincters, sperm can enter the bladder. This process disrupts normal urination and causes retrograde type ejaculation. A patient with such a problem needs surgical intervention.

Excretion of substances into the blood and lymph

Iron produces the necessary elements for the human body. One of the most important enzymes produced by the prostate gland is known as alpha reductase. This enzyme helps with the conversion of testosterone to DHT (dehydrotestosterone), which is 10 times more powerful.

The main goal of DHT is to control sexual desire.

As the prostate gland and the structure of the organ allow you to perform the function of a filter, the level of testosterone is also controlled. If it lingers in the gland for a long time, it can begin to influence the production of necessary enzymes. Ultimately, this leads to a decrease in sexual desire. DHT helps keep you safe from all these troubles.

Dihydrotestosterone is a hormone molecule. Many people are mistaken that testosterone and DHT lead to various problems in the prostate. In fact, this is due to an excessive increase in estrogen levels.

male examination

Everyone should understand that any operation of the prostate can lead to big problems of a sexual nature. Take a closer look at this while protecting the prostate, and it will help you enjoy a healthy life and the normal functioning of the reproductive system.

Prostate disease

The prostate gland is an organ that grows and develops in childhood and adolescence, during puberty. Then it freezes for many years and is at rest for up to 50 years. Unfortunately, in the future, the structure of the prostate changes, the gland gradually increases in size and can cause many problems.

In addition to benign prostatic hyperplasia (adenoma), which leads to urinary incontinence, infections and stones in the bladder and cancer, prostatitis is another important functional and structural disorder of the prostate. This is an inflammatory process, and in some cases antibiotic treatment will be required to alleviate its symptoms.

In old age, the prostate is an organ that can lead to several problems. Most of them are treatable, and early diagnosis will contribute to a positive outcome in the treatment of prostate cancer.

In any case, problems associated with prostate function should be treated by a urologist.

Urologist consultation

Take care of your health, pay attention to any changes in your body and do not be afraid to consult doctors. Never forget that timely diagnosis and medical care can save your life!

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