Yoga poses

Yoga provides an opportunity not only to master the complex exercises, which are commonly called "yoga poses", but also makes the human spine incredibly flexible. It is she who today is the panacea for many diseases, and is probably considered the most popular method for relaxation.

Yoga pose gives a person much more than increasing the flexibility of his body, although this is also important. It has a sufficient effect on its hormonal system, and with proper combination with proper breathing, it increases the body's oxygen supply.

Today, many groups have been created to study this method of relaxation, where, along with breathing exercises, a person can study asanas or yoga poses.

At the same time, many are mistaken, considering yoga a kind of cult. It’s just that some religions use it as a method to achieve a relaxed state, just like Christians pray and sing in church.

If a person starts mastering the posture in yoga, he must first learn that their perfect embodiment may not work out for the simple reason that different people have different degrees of body flexibility. And only with time will he be able to determine the level acceptable to him that will be most comfortable for him.

First you need to consult a doctor, especially if a person has some kind of chronic illness.

There are many asanas, however the first yoga poses are done daily (there are sixteen of them), including relaxation, meditation and breathing exercises. You can choose three or four from this complex, changing them periodically so that almost all parts of the body are loaded.

Beginners should learn some rules: firstly, you can’t follow them only when you wake up, it is not recommended to perform yoga poses before bedtime. They have an exciting effect.

Yoga poses must be done on an empty stomach, four hours after a hearty meal or two hours after a lung.

They are best done outdoors, where no one will interfere. However, if this is not possible, it is recommended to choose a well-ventilated room.

If a person has problems with his back, he is categorically contraindicated to stand on his head or neck, and if in the process of training any pain appears, then it is better to stop them immediately.

Women should definitely warn the instructor about their critical days.

For yoga, you need comfortable and spacious clothes. Nothing should bother a person or distract. The time for practitioners should be chosen in accordance with the routine and capabilities in order to perform all yoga poses slowly and without fuss, focusing your attention only on your own body.

They begin the exercises as follows: to begin with, a mat is spread. A person should try not to think about anything, leave aside all anxieties, thoughts, vanity. You can turn on soft relaxing music to stay alone with yourself, your body.

The main yoga asanas are the pose of a mountain, a triangle, a tree, a staff, a warrior, a dog pose upside down, a camel.

If a beginner doing yoga cannot stay in the asana for ten or fifteen seconds, then it is better to start with a short duration (2-3 seconds), each time increasing it more and more, while entering and leaving poses must be done very carefully.

If a person is not physically independent or unwell, in this case, the exercise may require very great physical effort, not to mention the fact that some yoga poses can put significant pressure on the spine and joints.

Therefore, if there are problems with the back, a person should avoid too difficult exercises. In this case, it would be better if he enters a special health group, in the classes of which the above elements will be included.

Today, many yoga instructors specialize in treating not only back pain, but also diseases such as atherosclerosis or asthma.

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