What is a standard? This word has a foreign origin, and therefore not everyone understands. But it can often be found in the media, in military and historical literature. To better understand what a standard is, you should study the origin of the word.
Several species
Understanding what a standard is will help acquaintance with its varieties, which are described below.
- A sign that served to distinguish between military units in the Roman Empire.
- Another type of standard is the banner, which in Russia and in Russia was called ensign. It was a personal flag of a noble person, which had a rectangular shape, as well as the banner of various military units, for example, a cavalry regiment, a squadron.
- State symbol or symbol of formation, military banner. First, the latter appeared among the cavalrymen. In the army of the Russian Empire, the standards were awarded to Cossack and cavalry regiments.
- Imperial standard, which is a personal flag. As well as the standard of the king, other heads of state or persons in leadership positions. He is raised at the place of their stay - in the residence, in transport.
To consolidate the understanding of what a standard is, it is worth considering synonyms for this word.
In the dictionaries you can find such as:
- banner;
- a banner
- banner;
- cloth;
- flag;
- icon
- check box;
- oriflamme;
- pennant;
- shaft
- subdivision;
- kumach;
- regalia;
- symbol;
- sign;
- labarum;
- weather vane;
- Bosean;
- jack.
As already mentioned above, the linguistic object in question came to us from another language. According to some researchers, this language is Dutch, where there is a standard noun, which means “banner”.
Others believe that this language was New High German, where the noun standarte, which stands for "standard", is found. It comes from the German stanthart. The latter, in turn, was formed from the old French estendard, which translates as "cavalry banner." He is considered German in origin. So, in German there is a noun Ständer, which has such meanings as “stand”, “stand”, “hanger”, “backup”. In Russian, the word appeared during the time of Peter I.
A number of linguists note that in some Russian dialects there is such a thing as “standand,” or “standand.” It designates an object representing an oak pile. They are driven into the ground instead of the foundation under the log house. It is possible that such a construction method was brought to Russia by the Germans and Dutch who arrived here under Peter I.
Standard for Immortal Regiment
Recently, the movement under this name is one of the most massive patriotic actions dedicated to Victory Day. It exists not only in Russia, but throughout the world. The organizers of this procession emphasize the fact that the event is absolutely democratic in nature. Anyone who wants to, who wants to remind others of their relatives who have dedicated their lives to the liberation of our country and other countries from the Nazis, can be a participant in the action.
To take part in the demonstration, you need to bring a photo with you or have information about your heroic relative in the absence of a photo. At the same time, the organizers recommend making a standard with a handle for convenience. Firstly, it will be easier to carry, and secondly, the photograph will be better visible in the general system.
At the same time, there are no strict rules regarding the size of the standard for the Immortal Regiment. But there are approximate recommended indicators. For photography, this is 200 by 300 mm, which is close to the size of an A4 sheet. And for the standard itself - this is the A3 format, that is, 300 by 400 mm. This format is convenient for transportation.
A standard can be with or without a photograph. In addition to the photographs, the surname, full name and patronymic of the war veteran, his military rank are indicated on the finished banner. In many families, photos of grandfathers and great-grandfathers are available only in the form of old, sometimes worn, photographs.
Therefore, the procession participants are advised to take care in advance to improve them - to digitize, retouch, if necessary - to increase. If there are no photographs at all, then the shelf logo is placed on the standard or simply inscriptions are made, without any images.
If it’s difficult to make transparency on your own, you can find organizations that provide such services. As a rule, they are made in a short time and at an acceptable cost.