Chronic chlamydia is characterized by a clinical picture identical with other sexually transmitted diseases. However, in this case, the inflammatory process is less pronounced, characterized by a course that has virtually no subjective sensations. Thus, the disease turns into a sluggish form, lasts for years, provoking serious complications in both women and men. Therefore, before chronic chlamydia manifests itself, people rarely turn to specialists.
An ascending infection provokes inflammatory changes in the epididymis and prostate in men. This, in turn, leads to a breakdown of generative function, as well as infertility. In the latter case, the provoking factor is not only the transferred epididymitis. Chronic chlamydia affects sperm directly, which is another cause of infertility.
The penetration of infection into the female body also provokes a disorder of reproductive function. Genital chlamydia causes serious complications. The most common include occlusal processes in which the fallopian tubes are involved. Thus, tubal infertility develops .
The consequences of chlamydia in the prenatal period are expressed in urgent, premature birth, spontaneous miscarriage, undeveloped pregnancy. It is believed that in 40-50% of cases, newborns acquire an infection at birth. This is due to passage through the infected birth canal. In this case, the infected material was released in children from the nasopharynx, lungs, conjunctiva, trachea, middle ear, vagina and rectum. In addition, infection can also occur in utero, through the amniotic fluid.
A very serious complication of chronic chlamydia is Reiter's syndrome. This disease is characterized by the presence of a triad of symptoms. This includes arthritis, conjunctivitis, and urethritis. As practice shows, men are more prone to this disease than women. It should be noted that the disease leads to severe disabling consequences.
There are also chlamydial rashes in the form of psoriasis-like elements, plantar and palmar keratoderma, erosive manifestations on the mucous membrane in the oral cavity. The disease is also an etiological factor in erythema nodosum, sclerosing penile lymphangitis.
With the combined development of trichomonas and chlamydial infections, the phenomenon of endocytobiosis is revealed. In this case, a reservation occurs. Vaginal trichomonads create the prerequisites for the preservation of chlamydia, which, after elimination of the first, provoke recurrent chronic chlamydia.
Treatment is a very lengthy process. This is because the infection develops inside the cell.
It should be noted that most of the antibacterial drugs have a slight penetrating ability in the membrane. That is why a special treatment regimen for the disease is developed, consisting of several parts.
The use of antibacterial agents is considered the main and only method for eliminating the disease in young people with acute infection. The medicines used should have an effect not only on the chlamydia themselves, but also on other microorganisms involved in the inflammatory process.
The duration of therapeutic measures is usually from two to three weeks. Treatment involves the use of three main groups of antibiotic agents. These include macrolides, tetracyclines, fluoroquinolones.
In addition, therapy involves measures aimed at improving the general condition of the body. For this, spa treatment, elimination of dysbiosis, immunomodulation is used.