What to do if a woman has hairy breasts

For all women, the hair removal procedure has become something ordinary and familiar. Legs, armpits, bikini area - these are the parts of the body on which the presence of hair is undesirable. Epilation in these cases is a studied procedure. But what if the girl has hairy breasts?

Hairy chest

With a normal hormonal background, hair grows only in certain areas of the body, but if it is disturbed, "vegetation" begins to appear in unexpected places, most often on the chest and abdomen. It's all about the high level of the "male" hormone testosterone. In this case, a woman's hair begins to appear on the body, which is typical for males. It is worth distinguishing between ordinary cannon hair, which is the norm for a woman, and hard black hairs.

Another reason for the appearance of chest hair is a genetic predisposition. Since this is inherent in nature, there is nothing to be done. The degree of body hair growth of a person may depend on the type of skin and hair, ethnicity, nationality.

During pregnancy, serious hormonal changes occur in the woman’s body. It can also cause chest hair to appear. As a rule, after childbirth they disappear.

For some diseases, your doctor may prescribe hormonal medications. Hairy breasts can be a side effect of taking them. In this case, you need to see a doctor to change the drug.

Getting rid of hair

If the pituitary gland and adrenal glands are disturbed, endocrine disorders can occur that lead to chest hair. For treatment, you must definitely consult a doctor and take a hormone test.

Getting rid of chest hair is not such a complicated procedure. This is easier than epilating your legs or bikini area. Unlike men, women grow a single amount of hair on the chest. Most often they appear in the nipple area. It is best to remove them with tweezers. The tool must be worn carefully so as not to break the hair, but pulled out together with the bulb. To do this, use a sterile tweezers to grab the hair and pull it slowly. At the end of the procedure, the epilation site and tools should be disinfected.

There are other ways to remove hair, but it is not recommended to use a razor, as it is difficult to control the hair removal zone and you can accidentally cut yourself. In addition, after applying it, instead of the usual invisible fluffy hair, black coarse hair will appear.

Hair Removal Methods
If you have a hairy chest, you should use the depilation cream with caution, as pimples, allergies, irritations, and so on are possible. The disadvantage of this method of hair removal is that ingrown hair may appear , and it is more difficult to remove it.

In order to get rid of such a cosmetic defect as a hairy chest, laser hair removal is ideal . She makes hair thinner, lighter. The fact is that the laser kills hair follicles that contain coloring pigment. Unfortunately, this type of hair removal is expensive.

If the breast covers a large amount of hair, then they can be removed with wax. True, this procedure will be painful, since the chest is a sensitive area, but with each hair removal, the hair will become thinner and lighter.

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