What causes diarrhea? Intestinal cleansing at home without harm to health

Speaking about what causes diarrhea, many often mention laxatives from pharmacies or recipes for traditional medicine. But is it worth it to take? Many people who suffer from frequent bowel disorders are perplexed when hearing this question from others. The opposite category of patients who suffer from daily constipation or want to lose weight can respond with accuracy, which causes diarrhea.

When should I call loose stools?

There are many different reasons that prompt a person to manipulate in order to cause loose stools. First of all, it should include the treatment of constipation. Constipation causes great concern among patients, because due to the frequent stagnation of feces in the intestines, various kinds of health problems appear.

home cleaning


If you don’t know what causes diarrhea, then constipation can lead to the following complications:

  • hemorrhoids and fissures;
  • neoplasms of the rectum and colon;
  • inflammatory process of the colon;
  • hepatitis;
  • inflammatory process localized in the sigmoid and colon.

In such situations, experts recommend causing diarrhea on their own to cleanse their body. Therefore, it will be important to know what causes diarrhea - which drugs or folk remedies. If this is not done, then the villi that line the gastrointestinal tract will begin to clog. For this reason, the nutrients necessary for the patient's body will be poorly absorbed. Toxic substances that are formed directly in the intestine begin to be absorbed into the bloodstream, and then penetrate the vital organs in the patient’s body, affecting the overall well-being, as well as overall health.

If you clean the intestines at home without harm to the body, you can remove all harmful toxins, as well as excess fluid. A similar procedure is simply necessary for those people who suffer from obesity. Cleaning the intestines at home without harming the body is a very effective method of losing weight. However, they should not be abused.

laxative at home

How to cause diarrhea at home?

There are many different ways that can trigger diarrhea. For example, you can take a quick-acting laxative at home. Many use traditional medicine recipes for these purposes. In some cases, people cannot avoid visiting a hospital to cleanse their intestines and cause diarrhea. However, the most popular remedies are the following:

  • eating certain foods;
  • conducting an enema;
  • taking laxative medications.

However, whatever tool you choose at home - a quick-acting laxative or an enema, you should consult your doctor before doing this. It is he who will be able to choose the most suitable option for you, based on the individual characteristics of the body, as well as starting from the main goal. Indeed, some methods have contraindications.

The use of medicines

The most popular method that is used at home to cleanse the intestines is the use of drug laxatives. Using these medicines, people cause diarrhea in a fairly short amount of time. Between themselves, laxative drugs differ in composition, effectiveness.

pill for constipation

List of effective drugs

Any medicine should be prescribed by your healthcare provider. Most often, experts prescribe the following laxatives:

  1. Dufalac. This syrup, made on the basis of lactulose, provokes diarrhea, while stimulating intestinal motility. It is allowed to use the drug for children if they suffer from constipation.
  2. Linex This popular medicine is used in case of difficulty with bowel movements. The drug is taken for diarrhea, dysbiosis, as well as for constipation. The dosage of the product for the best result should be calculated by the doctor.
  3. Dulcolax. This laxative stimulates intestinal motility. Pills are taken in case of chronic constipation, as well as in order to cleanse the intestines before surgery or examination of an organ.
  4. Glycerin suppositories. These suppositories can be prescribed for both adults and children who suffer from constipation.
  5. "Bisacodyl." This laxative also stimulates intestinal motility. A medication is prescribed for constipation, for bowel movement, to conduct colonoscopic examinations. Also, the drug is used before surgery.
  6. Mikrolaks. This medical product perfectly dilutes the stool. Constipation after using microclysters is eliminated after 10 minutes. The drug has no age restrictions, so it can be used for children.

The list of medications that can improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is extensive, but not all of them will be allowed for each patient. Only the attending physician should prescribe medications when he examines the body. As a rule, specialists take into account the age, as well as the general health of the patient.

fast-acting laxative


Many medications quickly cause diarrhea in those people who suffer from constipation. However, all medicines have contraindications for use. Some drugs should not be taken during pregnancy when diagnosing a stomach ulcer. If there is a suspicion of internal bleeding, then in no case should you cause diarrhea with the help of laxatives. In addition, with hemorrhoids it is forbidden to artificially provoke loose stools.

Irritating drugs should not be used for a long period. Such drugs are contraindicated in case of pain in the abdomen of a different nature, with acute illness of the digestive system.

Use of prebiotics

Drugs belonging to this group of medicines are gently and safely able to fight constipation. It is allowed to use them during pregnancy, as well as after childbirth. Prebiotics stimulate the growth in the intestines of beneficial microflora, while toxic substances are also eliminated from the body, and the absorption of beneficial microelements and substances improves. Prebiotics are used in case of chronic and acute constipation both among adults and among children. Quite often, these drugs are prescribed by specialists in case of dysbiosis.

loose stool

Folk remedies

Many people often refuse to use medications to provoke diarrhea, believing that the drugs are harmful to the body. However, there are quite effective folk remedies that help provoke diarrhea without the use of any pharmacological drugs.


If you want to achieve a result, you can drink vegetable oil. To do this, in the morning you should take three tablespoons of sunflower or olive oil. After an hour, the body should respond. Speaking about what will happen if you drink oil, it should also be mentioned that such a tool can solve the problems of obesity.


Diarrhea can also be provoked with an enema. This method is common and quite famous. Both adults and children are allowed to use it. Procedures are recommended in the morning or a few hours before bedtime. Experts do not recommend using an enema during the day.

You should also pay attention to the fact that the procedure has some contraindications. It is forbidden to use it to those people who have undergone surgical intervention, are currently undergoing rehabilitation. The procedure is contraindicated in patients with bleeding, which is localized in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, if you have chronic intestinal pathologies, then you must refuse to use an enema.

which products weaken

What foods cause diarrhea?

To eliminate constipation, you can use certain foods that have a laxative effect. For example, many observed diarrhea after alcohol. This is an absolutely normal body response to such drinks. In addition, many have a question about why beer diarrhea. This is due to the fact that the composition of the drink contains yeast that provokes liquefaction of the stool.

However, other foods that can effectively eliminate constipation should be mentioned. These include:

  1. Citrus fruit. These include tangerines, lemons, oranges, which perfectly remove toxins from the body. If you want to achieve good results after eating an orange, you must follow the measure. If you eat these fruits in large quantities, an allergic reaction may occur.
  2. Prunes This dried fruit has a pronounced laxative effect. In addition, prunes are rich in minerals and vitamins, and also helps to create a favorable environment in the intestines.
  3. Vegetables for constipation. If you want to provoke a breakdown in the stool, you must eat separately raw vegetables: greens, tomatoes, cabbage, garlic. You can also make vegetable salad from these products. Vegetables are rich in fiber and vitamins.
  4. Cucumber pickle. Many people know that you can thin a chair with cucumber pickle. However, it is necessary to use it in an amount of at least 3 glasses per day. Thus, the body is cleansed in a fairly short period of time.
  5. Spicy foods can also cause severe diarrhea in humans. The fact is that food with a large number of spices is able to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, while increasing the flow of gastric juice.

If you refuse laxatives, then you can normalize the stool by using laxative foods. Talking about what will happen if you drink sour milk, then this can also provoke diarrhea. In addition, almost all products have no contraindications. However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that a person may have an individual intolerance to a particular food.


The right diet will help normalize stool for a person, as well as cleanse the intestines. In order to provoke diarrhea, it is necessary to increase the amount of fluid in your diet, while consuming a greater amount of plant fiber. Many people use castor oil and lemon to cleanse the intestines. All products that are used in the diet, in their composition should contain a large amount of minerals and vitamins. In abundance, you need to eat fresh vegetables, fruits, dried fruits.

diarrhea in a man

Above, we figured out what would happen if you drink oil. In addition, dairy products can stimulate the growth of microflora in the intestine. The following foods must be present in the diet of a person who wants to get rid of constipation:

  • bakery products from wheat and rye flour;
  • fruit and vegetable soups;
  • oat, buckwheat porridge made in milk;
  • fresh vegetables, including green beans, lettuce, broccoli;
  • vegetable and butter;
  • juice from fruits and vegetables;
  • pasta.

However, pay attention to the fact that constipation will also not disturb you if you observe the temperature regime of foods and avoid overeating and hunger.

Herbal remedies

Various herbal remedies are often used to provoke diarrhea. However, this must be done after consulting a doctor. Herbs that contain anthraquinones can irritate the walls of the intestines. Plants that this powerful substance contains: buckthorn alder, Alexandrian leaf, joster.

However, you should pay attention to the fact that these herbs are contraindicated for use by pregnant girls, as well as young children. In an adult patient who suffers from a chronic pathology of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, these herbal preparations can cause even more serious complications.

When to see a doctor?

If after the use of medicines, the situation with the stool has not changed, and the general condition has worsened, then you need to seek help from a medical institution. The reason for this will be regular constipation, which does not go away from laxatives, vomiting, nausea, fever, severe pain in the stomach, purulent or bloody impurities in the bowel movements. The causes of constipation can be very serious, so the help of a specialist in this case is simply necessary.

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