Marketplace - what is it ... Meaning, types and examples

Scientists every day more and more develop technological innovations. We don’t even have time to keep track of them. Just imagine, 30 years ago, people had no idea what the Internet was. And today, the social network has become part of our lives. We can communicate via the Internet, look for useful information for us, watch movies, listen to music and even make purchases online. The trading market in a social network is developing quite quickly. Moreover, there are several varieties of commercial sites. In the article we will talk about one of them. Marketplace - what is it? What is its difference from a regular trading platform?


Marketplace is such a complicated, at first glance, and incomprehensible word of foreign origin. The question immediately arises: "Marketplace - what is it?".

  • This is a market platform on which manufacturers offer their goods or services to potential customers using the World Wide Web.

In today's world there are countless diverse trading platforms such as Amazon, Aliexpress and others.

Types of platforms

What is it needed for? Value

The world does not stand still, and it is necessary to move in rhythm with time. In the 21st century, it became popular to shop without leaving your home. In addition, it is very convenient. The client simply goes to the commercial site, looks at the goods that are presented there, and in case of interest acquires it. There is no need to go around the mall for a long time and look for the necessary products. Moreover, online shopping will save you time. Marketplace - what is it and how is it profitable? Well-known brands or just manufacturers turn to such platforms for selling and promoting their products. However, it is worth considering that in order to arrange such a commercial site, it is necessary to spend a lot of effort and money. A whole team is working on creating the platform, consisting of authors, Web-designers, editors, data processing and customer service employees, programmers, SMM-marketers and many others. Marketplace is a kind of market, only in the electronic world, which helps to increase sales of products of different customers, advertise and promote their goods, while receiving a good income. And for buyers it has now become relevant and as comfortable as possible.

The benefits of marketplaces

Types of sites

When they found out the marketplace, that, undoubtedly, you need to know about the variations of commercial platforms, which will be discussed later. There are three of them:

  • Horizontal type: products of absolutely any variety are provided here, but they all have a common feature. Such a marketplace helps to purchase goods not in one particular store, but in several at the same time.
  • Vertical: in this case, the product belongs to the same species, but it is presented from different suppliers. For example, the sale of mobile phones.
  • Global: here customers can make purchases of different types of goods from absolutely any manufacturers. For example, the eBey platform.

A bit of history

For the first time, Marketplace was mentioned back in 1995. Then a platform called eBey was created. This was the beginning for the development of such a method of selling goods and services. eBey is considered one of the most popular marketplaces, the product that is presented on it is famous for its quality. In the entire history of the platform, about 90 billion products have been sold. Millions of users shop daily on this site. eBey is one example of an influential marketplace.

Marketplace how it works

The difference between the marketplace and the online store

However, it will be interesting to find out how the commercial platform differs from the usual online store. What are her advantages? Firstly, there are much more products on the site of such outlets than in the online store. It is important to understand, considering the marketplace, that this is not a store, it is a kind of exchange where various types of products from different brands and manufacturers are presented. More precisely, the buyer has more options for choosing the thing that he needs. And the online store specializes only in products of one manufacturer. Secondly, the trading platform provides favorable and reliable transaction conditions for both the buyer and the manufacturer. In addition, sellers have a wide customer base. Thus, the marketplace is a profitable guide for buyers and suppliers.


International ratings

Now we will affect the ratings of marketplaces around the world. Where is it more profitable to shop? Which Internet platform is considered the most reliable and profitable? We provide the TOP-5 list of ratings:

  1. First on our list is one of the most famous outlets in the world, The platform website provides millions of different products from well-known brands and sellers. Yes, the interface is English-language and, at first glance, it is difficult to understand. But in fact, it’s enough just to browse the product, select and place an order, the main thing is to sit a bit and study the site. Amazon is a trusted and trusted point of sale that delivers products to all corners of the world.
  2. We will give the second and honorable place to the pioneer of the marketplace - eBey, which is famous for its stability. 167 million users is an indicator that people give their preference to this site because of its convenience and quality.
  3. Uber is in third place - this platform is known for its high-quality, safe and reliable transportation of passengers from around the world. Uber expands its capabilities and provides customers with the most comfortable conditions.
  4. Aliexpress is gaining momentum every year. This is a Chinese commercial point. On it you can find many products at low prices, so it attracts the attention of buyers.
Famous Marketplaces

Marketplaces of Russia

Should I pay attention to domestic platforms? Are our manufacturers reliable, are good products provided on their sites? Of course, you should not ignore Russian trading floors, as, firstly, our sellers make fairly high-quality products at affordable prices, and secondly, instant delivery awaits you. A list of Russian marketplaces has been created for you, their rating:

  1. Boxberry offers comfortable conditions for the delivery of goods not only in Russia but also in the CIS countries. Most users respond well to this site.
  2. Ecwid provides opportunities to create your own store based on this platform. User-friendly interface and company reliability. The ability to create and promote your business.
  3. A fairly large platform in Russia is considered Yandex.Market. The design of the site is simple and straightforward, you can easily compare the prices of any stores. Also presented are many different products, from children's to electronics. Yandex is a well-known company, therefore, making a choice in its direction, you can be sure that you will be served at a high level.

Bitrix Platform

Bitrix is ​​Moscow’s main marketplace. Gives the ability to its customers to provide their online store with all the necessary tools and increase sales. Also using this platform you can earn. "Bitrix" allows you to receive marketplace product reviews, both positive, which raise the rating, and negative. Many users who use the services of this company leave good comments about it. In other words, the Bitrix marketplace is a platform for promoting your business and expanding its capabilities.

Good deal

Pluses of the site

Undoubtedly, the creation of an electronic retail outlet is a great idea for a business and generating a good income. Firstly, there is a turnover based on your platform, which allows you to take interest on the purchase of goods, as well as for its promotion. Secondly, the opportunity to attract well-known brands that will be ready to sell goods on your site and pay big money for it. Thirdly, you can save time and money by looking for SEO marketers. Your site itself will be partly an intermediary for the promotion of services and products. Fourth, the creation of a marketplace will be much cheaper than an online store. Moreover, if the site provides a wide variety of products from manufacturers, this means that there will be good demand, and if there is demand, then the platform will be visited by more buyers.

How to create

Creating a marketplace requires some effort, but everything is real. There are several ways to help you put your idea into action. First of all, if you do not understand anything about this, but you have the money, it is best to turn to specialists who will help you. But if you want to create such a platform yourself, then you need to have both theoretical and practical knowledge in programming, otherwise you will not be able to implement your plan. However, there are already special, packaged programs that are installed on the domain. Thus, you become the owner of the finished platform. You can also rent a site. In fact, there are many ways.

How to create your own store

To summarize, it should be mentioned that the marketplace is widespread. Most manufacturers prefer opening online stores on the basis of such a platform, as it is profitable and there is open access to customers. And for customers a wide range of products is provided.

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