Egyptian facial massage: description of the technique, recommendations and features

A healthy lifestyle is an integral part of good health. The pace of modern life obliges us to monitor our appearance, physical and moral condition. Everyone knows this, but not everyone adheres to certain rules, that is, does not eat properly, does not pay attention to the condition of the skin, and neglects wellness procedures.

egyptian massage

In Egypt, massage of the whole body and face is a daily mandatory procedure, which has become widespread and widely popular in almost all countries of the world.

Massage Impact

From massage movements, the skin warms up, blood flow is activated, transporting oxygen to tissues and cells, which helps to normalize metabolic processes in the body. As a result, each cell is saturated with nutrients, which allows faster production of collagen and elastin (substances that smooth the skin).

  1. Regular massage strengthens muscle tissue, tightens the skin.
  2. The spots, acne disappear. The skin becomes healthy due to increased blood circulation.
  3. Clear outlines acquire facial contours, swelling, bruises and bags under the eyes disappear.
  4. Muscles gradually relax, resulting in less visible wrinkles.

The essence of Egyptian massage

Egyptian facial massage is perhaps the most effective technique in the fight against age-related skin changes. A similar procedure is widely used in beauty salons around the world.

egyptian facial massage

Egyptian massage is characterized by a combination of vibrational and acupressure on the skin. Beauticians dubbed this type of massage โ€œbrushโ€.

Try to imagine how soft brushes touch your face. This is not only a massage, but also a relaxing procedure in which each cell is stimulated and muscles relax. Gentle action helps relieve tension from the face, restore strength and just relax. What could be nicer? Vibration vibrations penetrate deep under the skin, which means that Egyptian massage can be called a special type of peeling.

Secrets of the Egyptian Methodology

The main feature of this technique is the use of special techniques from the masseur. Vibrational and point impact penetrates deep into the body, covering each of its cells. Moreover, the depth of exposure can sometimes be struck.

Revitalization of the internal organs - plus, which can boast an Egyptian facial massage. The implementation technique will be given below.

egyptian facial massage technique

The effect of massage depends on the professionalism of the master. A correctly performed procedure helps to increase blood circulation and improve metabolism, which positively affects the process of losing weight. Some people who have tried on themselves the properties of the Egyptian relaxation technique, argue that this is truly a miraculous procedure.

Massage with brushes improves the condition of the skin: it becomes more toned, supple and elastic. Stains and pimples disappear. Bags and bruises are less visible under the eyes. In addition, it is an excellent prevention of age-related changes and the aging process.

Egyptian facial massage strengthens tissues and muscles. For the procedure, a special cream or oil is used. It all depends on the type of skin. But everywhere and in everything there are nuances. For example, an Egyptian facial massage cannot be done on charred skin until it is completely restored after tanning. Contraindications include the presence of herpes, allergic rash, peeling.


Before the massage procedure, any master should talk with the client, build confidence, help relax and tune in to the massage. Then the master proceeds to treat the skin using cleansing preparations. Beauticians strongly advise women not to use cosmetic and decorative products on the day of the visit to the masseur.

Egyptian massage school

Immediately before the massage, by stroking and lightly tingling, the facial muscles are warmed up and relaxed. A perfect relaxing environment is achieved through light music.

Execution technique

Two hours - this is how long an Egyptian facial massage lasts. The technique of execution depends on the skill of the master. The manipulation itself takes about 50 minutes, and the rest of the time is required for preparation and relaxation, that is, recovery. Ideally, it is advisable to go from 5 to 8 full brush procedures, which on average will take from 1.5 to 2 weeks. Further massage can be done 1-2 times a week. The duration of subsequent sessions is reduced by half an hour.

Massage manipulations are performed on a clean face without makeup. The client completely relaxes, and the master provides massage with the help of brushes, located at the clientโ€™s head. The procedure can begin after complete muscle relaxation.

The whole session is a relaxation procedure during which a person is immersed in his own thoughts. You can recall the pleasant moments of life, reflect on a specific problem, get rid of psychological barriers.

egyptian massage for men

The masseur himself determines the pace of brush touches to the client's face. A special school of Egyptian massage teaches similar techniques. The master makes manipulations well known to him, the brushes smoothly glide over the client's face, drawing invisible lines. Each movement has its own sequence, symmetry. Any touch carefully thought out by the master gives impulses to the muscles and nerve endings, which are responsible for human emotions, relaxation and intelligence. In balance are these three areas.

On the face there are energy lines, which are the center of emotions, feelings. That is, the face of each person is an individual emotional map. Egyptian massage for men and women is a unique wellness procedure that helps to restore physical and mental balance, put yourself in order after a busy day, and get a lot of pleasant emotions.

Self massage

You can perform an Egyptian massage yourself, but complete relaxation is still impossible to achieve. Such procedures are best performed in salons where only specialists perform their work at the proper level. Typically, these are beauty salons, the staff of which includes a makeup artist, massage therapist or body psychotherapist.

In Asian countries, people who are fond of meditation practice a similar massage technique .

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