Snow landscapes and adrenaline - is this not one of the best ways to get an unforgettable experience from outdoor activities? However, not all extreme sports enthusiasts have the appropriate experience and capabilities. To learn how to choose a snowboard for beginner racers, the following information is provided.
Where to begin
The sports equipment in question is a board of a certain shape designed for descent through snowy terrain. A snowboard consists of several elements:
- The sliding working part is made of plastic.
- A piping made of metal built around the edge or sides.
- Basics with mount for special shoes.
When in contact with a snowy surface in the direction of travel, the edging provides excellent grip and allows you to control the projectile. It is important to know how to choose a snowboard for beginners. This will help to ensure not only the athlete's comfort, but also his safety. A correctly selected board will allow you to fully enjoy positive emotions without risk to health.
What to look for
When choosing a snowboard, especially if you are a beginner athlete, you should be guided by the configuration of the board. One of the most popular options is a sandwich. This name appeared in connection with the similarity of the shell to a famous sandwich. This association has arisen because of a lateral level connecting a covering and a fringing. This model is easy to repair, and also has an affordable price.
Studying the possibilities of choosing a snowboard for beginners, it is necessary to consider the second popular option, known under the name "cap". Such shells are much lighter than analogues, due to the lack of a bar. It is worth noting that their repair is more complicated and expensive.
Riding styles
Before buying a board, you should decide on the riding style. Consider three main areas:
- Freeride. This style is a free descent on a snowy slope without any restrictions. It can be used by both experienced racers and beginners who take their first steps in this sport.
- Freestyle. This direction includes descent on sharp turns and difficult sections with overcoming obstacles of various categories. A very complex and spectacular style requires a good preparation of a snowboarder.
- Freekarv is a freestyle skiing method similar to freestyle ski jumps and railings.
Those who want to know how to choose a snowboard for beginners, it is advisable to pay attention to the direction of "olmountin". It belongs to the class of universal styles that children and adults can master. After determining the category of skiing, you can proceed to the selection of boards and equipment.
How to Choose Beginner Snowboard Boots
This process is one of the most important procedures when choosing the right type of snowboard. Sports shoes in this form play a significant role. Shoes are divided into hard and soft type. The first option is made of a reliable plastic base with a soft cloth interior.
It is better for novice riders to use soft bots. They are comfortable, well protect muscles and ligaments from fatigue. Regarding the size of the problems do not arise. A wide range of sizes is presented on the market, which corresponds to that of ordinary shoes. Experts advise not to save on this element of equipment if you seriously think about the exits along the snowy slopes.
How to choose a snowboard for beginners
One of the main factors when choosing a board is its shape. Below are the recommended types of shells, depending on the riding style and other nuances:
- Freestylers are suitable for snowboards that have the same length and geometric rounding parameters. This allows the athlete to land in almost any position. This design is known as the twin type.
- For freeride, a strictly rounded configuration board is required. Its sliding surface is distinguished by its large weight and volume. In this regard, the athlete will not have to make significant efforts to stay in the snow. The edges of the projectile have an increased length, allowing movement on loose snow.
- Frikarv provides for the use of extremely rigid, narrowed and maximally elongated boards.
How to choose a snowboard for beginners? A photo of such a device is shown below. This configuration belongs to the style of "olmountin", is versatile, which allows users to choose the style of riding according to their individual preferences. The shells are distinguished by their soft design, suitable for use on slopes and in snowy specially adapted parks.
Length calculation
How to choose a snowboard for beginner girls and guys? Another significant factor is the calculation of the length of the board. The following are tips to help you do this process without problems:
- It takes 15 centimeters from its height.
- For people with a massive physique, another 5 centimeters is added, and for thin people the same indicator is taken away.
- Novice athletes should add another seventy millimeters to the length, and more experienced participants 50 mm.
- Three centimeters should be taken away from the received figures, and freeriders can safely add 5 cm.
This method will allow you to quickly learn how to choose a snowboard for beginners in length. In addition, you need to consult with a specialist who will tell you the nuances associated with the recommendations of the board manufacturer. The shorter the projectile length, the easier it is to control. The board width indicator should be such that the toe in the extreme positions does not go beyond the edge of the board for more than 20 millimeters.
Mount Selection
Mounts are designed to hold the athlete on the board. These elements are selected after the acquisition of shoes. Among the most common types of snowboard fixers, the following options are noted:
- Soft (soft) models. They are used most often, have an acceptable cost. The lower leg and foot are attached with a pair of transverse straps, and the heel is fixed by means of a hard back.
- System "Step-in" (steap-in). This design closes as soon as the rider steps on the mount. The product is notable for its high cost and the inability to quickly fasten when clogged with snow.
- Step-in-go. The peculiarity of this latch is that the lower and upper back are interconnected. This allows you to provide the most dense and comfortable girth of shoes. The back in this case leans back.
- Hard version. This method can be compared with a ski mount. In fact, the mechanism consists of a strap with two frames in which the leg is fixed with a lock. Such elements are used exclusively on hard shells.
Mount Features
How to choose a snowboard and equipment for beginner athletes, taking into account the type of bindings? Here you should pay attention to the compatibility of boots and clips. Checking is carried out directly on shoes that are worn on the foot. The mechanism should be securely and evenly fastened, while the heel is tightly pressed to the back, and the straps - exclude lateral displacement of the foot without discomfort.
Movable clip in normal condition provides a smooth movement and opens without much effort. For beginners, clamps of medium hardness are suitable. The same rules apply if you are looking for tips on how to choose a snowboard for beginners. In case of purchase of a board together with fastening, demand from sellers of their installation on site. In the process of developing snowboarder skills by experience, you can understand which of the bindings you need.
Children's snowboards
Like adult athletes, little riders choose a board taking into account the genre of skiing. As a rule, the projectile is equipped with appropriate inscriptions oriented to the riding style and age category. Usually they buy inexpensive universal boards of medium hardness, and later they are determined with the desired genre.
How to choose a snowboard for girls? The same rules apply here as in previous cases. The main anthropological parameter is height and weight. You should not buy a shell "for growth." This is fraught with injuries and inconvenience during operation. The board in height should be slightly above the chin, and its width is 1-2 centimeters less than the length of the boots. Close boards for children are more comfortable in management.
Useful Tips
Do not immediately buy an expensive shell. Itβs even better to rent a snowboard at rental locations. So you can decide on the style of riding and the necessary dimensions of the board. In addition, this approach will allow you to understand how suitable this sport is for you.
Do not worry about how to choose a snowboard for children? Buy a universal model, and after a set of certain skills you will see in which direction to move on. The average price of a beginner board varies from $ 100 to $ 300. When buying a sports equipment, pay attention to the presence of cracks, scratches and chips. This is especially true when buying used models.
Male and female modifications differ in design and marking. After purchasing all the required equipment, it is advisable to purchase a cover for the board, as well as a protective mask and helmet.