Apparatus for vacuum massage. Description

The vacuum massage apparatus includes an air compressor and a double-acting pump. The device is based on the principle of alternating pressure increase and decrease. The movement of the piston in one direction promotes suction, and in the other - forcing air.

vacuum massage apparatus
The vacuum massage apparatus includes one or more “flasks” (applicators). They can vary in diameter (from one to fifteen centimeters) and in configuration. Each flask is designed for use in different parts of the body. Using a hose, the applicator is connected to the device. The procedure is accompanied by a significant or slight reddening of the skin caused by the influx of blood to this area.

Apparatus for vacuum massage is used to improve blood circulation (peripheral) and trophic tissue. Procedures have a beneficial effect on blood flow and muscle tone. The device for vacuum-roller massage is used to increase the strength of the calf muscles and to eliminate transient pain in the legs. After the procedures, people with high blood pressure decrease. Specialists note the high therapeutic effectiveness of such massage in the treatment of lymphovenous insufficiency and pathologies of peripheral nerves and muscles.

vacuum massage apparatus
Today, there are a lot of devices that allow for various procedures. Each apparatus for vacuum massage has its own characteristics, while working on the same principle. For example, the Paris device allows you to achieve both stable and unstable hyperemia (redness) of the massaged area. This is achieved by sliding the applicator over the surface of the body. The apparatus for vacuum massage "Pari" includes two independent compressors and a meter (vacuum gauge). With the help of the last device, control over the change in vacuum is carried out. Vacuum control during the process is automatic.

The duration of the massage session is about fifteen to twenty-five minutes.

Before carrying out the procedures, hair should be removed, for example, on the lower extremities. The massed part of the body is lubricated with liquid paraffin. This ensures better glide of the applicator over the skin.

Movements are made along the vessels (blood and lymphatic) longitudinally, spiral, zigzag, transverse, to enhance the outflow of blood and lymph.

vacuum roller massage apparatus
During the movement procedure, the applicator must be carried out smoothly, without pressing and jerking. Exposure should not be accompanied by pain, otherwise it is necessary to reduce the dosage. Having completed the procedure, the vacuum value must be reduced to the initial indicator.

The use of the device is contraindicated in case of skin infections, thrombophlebitis, lymphostasis, cardiovascular insufficiency of 2 and 3 degrees, hematomas, acute injuries of the musculoskeletal system.

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