Back in 2013, significant changes were made to the pension system that affected the funded part of the pension. It can be transferred from the state PF to private funds, which leads to a significant increase in savings. Funds are paid after citizens retire, but if a situation arises when they die before they reach the age of pensioners, then the money can be inherited. Many people are interested in the question: when can I get the funded part of the pension, and where should I go for these funds.
Legislative regulation
The procedure for the accumulation and use of pensions is regulated by some legislative acts:
- Federal Law No. 424 “On funded pension” adopted in 2013;
- Federal Law No. 360, which contains information on how exactly the financing of pension payments occurs.
When can I receive the funded part of my pension? Based on these laws, people who are considered pensioners by age have the right to expect to receive this payment, and it can be one-time, urgent or unlimited. If a citizen dies before retiring, the right to receive funds passes to his heirs.
How to find out the size of savings?
Initially, a citizen for whom pension contributions are paid by the employer must know how much money has been accumulated during the work. There are several ways to do this:
- visit to the fund department where the funds are stored;
- use of a personal account on the website of this organization;
- application of the Gosuslug portal, for which it is required to register and log in to this resource.
Most often, citizens prefer to use the Gosuslug portal, as it can be used to get up-to-date and relevant information. If you choose a personal visit to the fund chosen for storage of savings, then you need to have a passport and SNILS with you. Based on the information from these documents, an employee of the company will be able to say how much is on the account of a citizen.
Who can get the money?
It is important to understand not only when it is possible to receive the funded part of the pension, but also who can apply for these savings. On the basis of Federal Law No. 424, citizens insured in accordance with the provisions of Federal Law No. 167 have the right to receive these funds. For this, the insured person must have accumulations in the pension account.
A funded pension is granted even to citizens of other states or stateless persons, if they are participants in the insurance system.
Citizens have savings in the savings account:
- born later than 1967 and choosing their own organization, where their accumulations were directed;
- born before 1967, but they were supposed to officially work in 2002;
- people who are participants in pension co-financing;
- Citizens who have sent money on maternity capital to increase mother's pension.
If no decision has been made within the established timeframe to begin the formation of a funded pension in any non-state fund, then this payment is assigned by the RF PF.
What requirements should be met?
In order for a citizen to be able to receive a funded pension, the following conditions must be taken into account:
- a person must officially retire after reaching the required age;
- the individual account must have accumulated funds.
Is it possible to receive the funded part of the pension ahead of schedule? This process is allowed if a citizen, for various reasons, retires before reaching 55 or 60 years. For example, if he worked in difficult conditions or has the right to retire early on other grounds, then he can receive the funded part right away.
Is it possible to receive the funded part of the deceased's pension? This process is permitted, funds are issued exclusively to the direct heirs of the account holder. They can be determined on the basis of the requirements of the law or by will.
On what grounds are payments made?
How can I receive the funded part of the pension for working pensioners? After reaching the appropriate age, the citizen performs sequential actions:
- a statement is drawn up that indicates the need to receive the accumulated amount;
- a document is transferred to the management fund, and other papers are attached to it, confirming the human right to apply for savings;
- if the amount of such payment is less than 5% of the old-age pension, then a lump-sum payment in full is paid.
If the amount of payment exceeds 5% of the pension assigned by the state, then funds are transferred monthly.
Differences for working retirees
Many citizens are interested not only when it is possible to receive the funded part of the pension, but also what differences exist for working or non-working people. There are no differences for these pensioners, since the basis for the purpose of payment is the achievement of a specific retirement age.
The size of the payment is fully determined when taking into account exactly what amount is on the account, since it is it that accumulates over the entire period of work of a citizen in an official way. But annually on August 1, a recalculation is made, so the payment is adjusted due to the income received from investments and unaccounted for cash receipts.
Therefore, if a pensioner decides to continue his career, they are still paid contributions to the fund on their own or with the help of the management of the company where he works; by this he increases his payments.
When is it listed?
Many people who will soon reach retirement age are thinking about when it is possible to receive the funded part of the pension at the same time or in equal payments. Funds are paid only after the citizen reaches the appropriate age.
It is important to independently apply for a pension to the fund. For this, it is necessary to draw up a competent statement, to which documents are attested, confirming the human right to payments.
The order of treatment
How can I receive the funded part of the pension for a pensioner? For this, sequential actions are performed:
- the owner of the retirement account may apply for payments to the fund at any time after it reaches the appropriate age;
- for this it is important to correctly compose a statement, and it is advisable to take the form of this document directly at this institution;
- you must apply to the fund where the citizen’s funds are stored, so if they were transferred to a non-governmental organization, you do not need to visit the Pension Fund, since you should write an application directly to this fund;
- insured persons can independently choose whether payments will be urgent or unlimited, which is indicated by them in the application.
Is it possible to receive the funded part of the pension at a time? It is paid only in certain circumstances, when the account has a too small amount, so it is impractical to break it down into separate monthly payments.
When is a one-time payment scheduled?
Most often, retirees are interested in the question of which part of the funded pension can be received at one time, and also what conditions must be observed for this. Under these conditions, the insured person or his successor receives funds from the fund only once, therefore, the entire accumulated amount is paid in full. Is it possible to immediately receive the funded part of the pension? The process is allowed to citizens:
- receiving a survivor's pension or based on an existing disability group;
- have reached the age of a pensioner, but do not have the right to receive an old-age pension, since they lack the required length of service and IPC;
- who have accumulated too small an amount in the fund, therefore the monthly payment is less than 5% of the standard pension assigned by the state.
Is it possible to receive the funded part of the pension of the deceased? The process is permitted only if the insured person dies before applying to the fund for funds. The successors can be indicated not only in the will, but even directly in the insurance contract or in a special statement, which states how the funds will be distributed after the death of a citizen. If there are no official orders, then the money is divided on the basis of legislative requirements.
Payments to heirs are transferred solely on condition that they apply for funds within six months after the death of a citizen who owns the account.
When is an urgent pension appointed?
Is it possible for a pensioner to receive the funded part of the pension in the form of a monthly payment? If the collected amount in the account is enough for this, then money is paid every month. The payment term is set directly by the pensioner in the contract. You can count on these transfers even if the citizen retires ahead of schedule.
How much can I receive the funded part of the pension? According to the law, the payment period cannot be less than 10 years. To pay such a pension, the money accumulated by the citizen on the basis of co-financing of the pension and from the contributions of the management of the enterprises where the person worked was used. Additionally, it can increase when using mothercapital.
What part of the funded pension can I get on a monthly basis? To calculate this payment, the entire amount of available savings is divided by the number of months during which a pension will be paid to a citizen. The number of months cannot be less than 120.
When is a perpetual payment scheduled?
Many citizens are interested in the question of whether an unlimited payment can be assigned. The procedure is available only in a situation if in 2018 a citizen has enough money on his account to distribute it for 246 months.
Under such conditions, a pensioner can count on the fact that until the end of his life he will be able to receive money from a previously selected investment fund.
Where to apply for a pension?
If a person reaches the age of a pensioner, then he thinks about where to get the funded part of the pension. The procedure has the following features:
- funds are issued solely on the basis of a correctly prepared statement and the transfer of other important documents to the investment fund, where the citizen's funds were accumulated;
- if the money was not transferred from the state PF, you will have to apply to the department of this institution located at the pensioner's place of residence, and you can also use the services of the MFC;
- if savings were transferred to a non-governmental organization, then it is necessary to contact this institution.
You can make a statement directly at the organization’s office. In this case, employees of the institution will give the client the appropriate form, where you need to enter only the necessary information. Previously, you can find out from the specialists of the institution what part of the funded pension can be received by the insured.
What documents are required?
To receive such a payment, a citizen must prove that he really has the right to it. To do this, they prepare the following documents:
- a well-formed application, which indicates the personal data of the citizen, as well as details of the previously drawn up contract;
- copy of passport and SNILS;
- documentation with which you can confirm your existing experience, and this includes a work book, contracts drawn up with different employers, or other papers;
- information with the details of the account where the money will be transferred.
Find out exactly what documents you need to prepare, whether it is possible to receive the funded part of the pension at a time, and what other nuances are in the process of registration, directly from the employees of the institution.
Design Nuances
The rules for obtaining this pension include:
- it is appointed exclusively from the day when the insured person applies for funds;
- for this, the citizen must have the appropriate right;
- It is allowed to apply to the fund within a month before the retirement age.
Due to such a payment, the income and welfare of any retired citizen significantly increases.
How to make a statement?
To receive the payment, it is required to send to the fund, where the person’s savings are located, a statement and additional documents. The application is usually filled directly at the office of this institution. The rules for its preparation include:
- a document can be formed by a proxy having the appropriate power of attorney;
- the document states whether the pension will be lump-sum, urgent or unlimited;
- the full name of the fund is indicated, where the citizen's savings are located;
- personal data of the insured person are provided, for which his name, data from the passport and SNILS are entered, as well as the date of birth and place of registration;
- register the account number and type of pension;
- official employment is marked;
- It is indicated exactly when the application is filled out;
- at the end is the signature of the citizen.
If a pensioner uses the assistance of a trustee, then the representative must indicate in the application not only the data of the direct insured person, but also information about himself.
How are funds paid?
The application is considered within 10 days after its acceptance together with other documentation. According to the Federal Law No. 424, a maximum of 3 months is given for verification and consideration of documents.
Based on the audit, a decision is made, and if it is positive, then a monthly payment is assigned. It is paid every month along with the main one. The pensioner independently chooses how the funds will be paid to him, so the money can be sent by mail, bank or other companies.
If a citizen, for various reasons, changes his place of residence, then it is required to transfer to the fund information about the new place of residence, since it will be transferred to the new address.
Can I receive ahead of schedule?
Such a payment is assigned exclusively upon the occurrence of an insured event, therefore, the main condition for its transfer is reaching the age of a pensioner.
It is allowed to receive funds ahead of schedule if the citizen himself has the right to retire ahead of schedule. Therefore, if he is assigned the main payment of the PF, he can immediately contact the non-state fund where his savings are stored in order to arrange these payments. Such citizens include people who work in the North or who are educators and medical workers.
How do relatives get paid?
If the insured person dies before applying to the fund for savings, then funds can be received by his relatives who are heirs. An important condition is that the citizen himself should not have received money from the fund. Therefore, if an unlimited pension has already been established, then the successors will not be able to rely on money.
The insured persons can independently decide who will be the recipient of the funds. To do this, they make wills or heirs can be prescribed in the insurance contract. You can specify not only relatives, but even strangers.
The process of forming the funded part is considered simple. It is paid only upon the occurrence of an insured event. Its size depends on the number and size of payments transferred to the fund during the period of work of the citizen. It can be formed independently by citizens, through employer transfers or through the use of mother capital.
To receive such a payment, you should contact the fund where the pension was transferred. To do this, a statement is correctly compiled and other documents are prepared. Based on the accumulated amount, it is determined what the size of the monthly payment will be.