Development of budget documentation. Approval of budget documentation

Estimated documentation is an obligatory part of the project for the construction of structures, buildings, enterprises and is included in it as a separate section. Design work is carried out on the basis of a contract with a customer legal entities and individuals licensed for this activity. Let us briefly consider the composition and procedure for the development of design estimates .

development of budget documentation

General information

According to the procedure for the development of design and estimate documentation , under the contract, the customer must transfer the terms of reference to the contractor. It indicates the timing of the construction of the object, its parameters, the stages of design and other initial information necessary for the quality performance of the work. The task can be prepared by the contractor himself on behalf of the customer.

In accordance with Art. 761 GK, the designer is responsible for the timely development and quality of documentation.


The customer selects the contractor, as a rule, on a competitive basis. Development of design estimates can be carried out in one or two stages. The first option is used for technically simple objects, typical buildings and structures, objects for technical re-equipment.

The development of design estimates for more complex objects is carried out in 2 stages. The first is a project, the second is working documentation. The first consists, in turn, of two parts:

  1. Architectural and construction drawings (including the organization of work, engineering equipment, etc.).
  2. Estimates and technical and economic parameters.

Working documentation

It is developed after the approval of the project. The working documentation includes a set of drawings, in accordance with which construction and installation works are carried out. Drawings serve as the basis for the development and approval of cost estimates . They are also used in compiling consolidated and local statements on resource requirements.

procedure for the development of design estimates

Composition and procedure for the development of budget documentation (general rules)

To determine the cost of construction work, it is recommended to make calculations:

  • object and local;
  • for certain types of expenses;
  • construction / repair costs.

These calculations are included in the project. If necessary, a summary of costs is compiled. As part of the working documentation there are object and local estimates. The latter act as primary documents.

Local estimates are developed for individual work and expenses in accordance with the volumes determined during the preparation of the project and working documentation (drawings). They are also formed in cases where the size of the costs and the volume of work are subject to clarification.

In the object estimates summarizes the information of local documents throughout the object as a whole. They serve as the basis for settlements between contractors and the customer.

Calculations for certain types of costs necessary to determine the budget limit (if these costs are not taken into account in the standards) are made according to the rules provided for the formation of local estimates.

The summary documents determine the amount of expenses for the entire construction as a whole. These calculations include information on object estimates and calculations for certain types of costs.

A summary of expenses is a document by which the cost of construction is determined when the documentation is developed for the objects:

  • production purpose;
  • auxiliary agricultural and domestic services for citizens;
  • housing and civil purposes;
  • ground urban passenger transport and several others.


If the project provides for the commissioning of a facility (institution, enterprise) by launching complexes, development of budget documentation for the cost of facilities included in these complexes is carried out. If environmental protection measures are assumed during the construction process, a statement of their value is formed.

composition and procedure for the development of budget documentation

Unit Rates

When developing construction budget estimates , territorial or federal unit rates are used (TER and FER, respectively). The former are used in the preparation of calculations for work performed on all construction sites and facilities, regardless of the sources of their financing, including if the costs are covered by the federal budget. FER are used only when there are no TEP compilations in the region or there are, but not all, works. In the latter case, the simultaneous use of federal and territorial collections is allowed.

Job grouping

It is carried out in sections on the structural elements of the structure, types of devices and works. The arrangement should correspond to the sequence of construction activities, as well as the contractor's specialization. When developing the budget documentation for the local type of work, related to the ground and underground parts of the facility are allocated in separate sections.

Calculation Methods

Development of budget documentation is carried out using the following methods:

  1. Resource. It provides for the calculation of forecast / current tariffs and prices of consumable items by resource pitch.
  2. Resource Index. It involves the use of the resource method and resource indices.
  3. Basic index. This method involves the use of a system of forecast and current indices relative to the estimated cost established at the base price level at unit prices.
  4. Basic compensation. It combines the basic method and the definition of compensation for the additional costs of the contractor.

The development of budget documentation can also be carried out on the basis of an information base on structures and buildings similar to those designed.

composition and procedure for the development of design estimates

Types of jobs

Development of budget documentation is carried out on:

  1. Construction work (including special ones), internal sanitary measures, electric lighting, purchase and installation of power units, other equipment, control of measuring devices, low-voltage devices, automation, inventory, furniture, etc. These calculations are made for buildings and buildings.
  2. Vertical layout, laying of utilities, roads, paths, landscaping, installation of small architectural forms, etc. Calculations are made for general site work.


When developing budget documentation for construction work, the cost is calculated:

  1. Earthworks.
  2. Foundations and walls of the underground part.
  3. Skeleton.
  4. Sten.
  5. Overlapping.
  6. The partitions.
  7. Genders and grounds.
  8. Finishing work.
  9. Other construction activities (construction of a porch, etc.).

When preparing estimates for special works, it includes the following sections:

  1. "Foundations for equipment."
  2. "Channels and pits."
  3. "Special grounds."
  4. "Protective chemical coatings."
  5. "Insulation and lining", etc.

The estimate for internal sanitary work includes sections:

  1. "Water pipes".
  2. "Heating".
  3. "Sewerage".
  4. "Air conditioning and ventilation", etc.

The calculations for the installation of equipment consist of the sections:

  1. "Technological equipment".
  2. "Metalwork".
  3. Pipelines, etc.

Base index method

Considering the procedure for the development of budget documentation , it is necessary to dwell separately on the most common way of making local calculations. It is the basic index method. It is a regulatory and costing method for determining value based on TER. Cost calculated at basic prices is translated into current prices using indices.

development of construction budget estimates
Recalculation can be made by applying the coefficients to:

  1. Direct expense items. Among them, in particular, are articles on labor costs for employees, on the operation of special equipment, and materials.
  2. Consolidated estimated cost, calculated in prices and according to the norms of the base period.

Indices are divided into groups by type of work and construction.

Resource method

In the early 90's. It was recommended as the most accurate way to calculate in the face of inflation. To use it, a local statement is compiled first. It defines the production resources necessary to carry out the work:

  • number of workers;
  • operating time of special equipment;
  • consumption of products, materials, structures (in physical units - cubic meter, tons, square meters, etc.).

When determining resource indicators, the following can be used:

  1. Design materials, information about labor costs and other information contained in the OS project (for the organization of construction) or work (PPR).
  2. Collections of standard consumption of materials for the main types of work (installation, special, construction).
  3. Estimated regulatory base. It includes collections of the GESN-2001. In case of their absence, branded (FSN), industry (DOS), territorial (TSN) collections are used.

Estimated cost is calculated by evaluating certain types of resources at forecast / current prices.

development and approval of budget documentation

Object estimates

They are formed using current prices. The calculation is made by summing up the total indicators of local estimates with a grouping of expenses and work according to the columns:

  1. "Construction works".
  2. "Equipment, inventory, furniture."
  3. "Installation".
  4. "Other expenses".

When determining the total cost in the object estimate, limited costs can be used. Their standards are set as a percentage of the cost of work for:

  1. The construction of temporary facilities.
  2. The rise in price of work in the winter.

In the object calculation, the β€œTotal” line-by-line shows the unit cost values ​​for the design meter of the structure per 1 cubic meter. m of construction volume, 1 sq. m. m total area, 1 m length of communication systems, etc.

After the β€œTotal”, the sums of refunds are reflected for reference (15% of the cost of temporary objects, summed up with the cost of returnable materials, which is provided for in local settlements).

Information base on analogues

A similar object should be an object under construction or already built, the estimates for which are formed according to the working drawings. When choosing the characteristics of the designed structure / building and analogue, they should correspond to each other as much as possible according to the structural-planning scheme, functional / production and technological purpose.


The results of the estimates are summarized for each chapter, as well as for the sum of chapters 1-7, 1-8, 1-9 and 1-12. A separate line at the end provides a reserve amount for unforeseen expenses and work. It is calculated from the total cost. For construction carried out on capital investments financed by the budget, the reserve amount cannot be more than 3% for industrial facilities and 2% for social facilities.

the procedure for the development and approval of design estimates


The procedure for the development and approval of design estimates is determined by the Gosstroy. The basic rules are given in Decree No. 18-41 of October 29. 1993 year

In accordance with its provisions, design estimates for construction carried out at the expense of the republican budget are approved by the State Construction Committee. The approval rules may be established by the specified body in conjunction with the concerned departments and ministries on the differentiation of powers.

Design and estimate documentation for construction carried out at the expense of the regional budget is approved by the relevant government bodies or in the manner established by them.

Projects for facilities built on own, borrowed, attracted funds of investors (including foreign ones) are agreed directly with customers.

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