Hunting rifle TOZ-120: specifications and reviews

The small-caliber rifle in our country was originally intended for mass shooting training and for securing already acquired skills in shooting galleries. Such a gun was positioned as the most convenient so that it was with him that a person mastered the art of a well-aimed shot, so that subsequently it was as easy as possible to master combat weapons.

general information

The most widely used in the class of small-caliber hunting rifles in our country have received TOZs. They are produced by the famous Tula Plant, which was founded by Peter the Great in 1712.

Today it is considered one of the centers of military technology. The plant produces both civilian products, for example, light and reliable hunting carbines of various calibers and modifications, including the TOZ-120 rifle, and self-loading variants. The creator of the famous series is the designer D. Kochetov.

A distinctive feature of all models and modifications of TOZ is the simplicity of their device. During the long Soviet era, this weapon was widely used in DOSAAF and in school shooting galleries. Representatives of the older generation remember well the first - thirty-fourth model. In general, all small-caliber versions of the products of the Tula plant are distinguished by their reliability and operational reliability. This is relevant primarily for those models that are positioned as hunting, including the TOZ-120 gun.


In the postwar years, the plant developed several varieties of this series at once. The very first were TOZ-8 and 9. But the TOZ-11, 12 and 16 models were especially popular in the Soviet years.

Photo TOZ-120
They were lightweight small-caliber rifles intended primarily for hunter-traders. Their weight was reduced to two kilograms. Moreover, the designers provided these models with a birch butt - a new design for those times. It must be said that all small-caliber hunting rifles produced by the Tula Plant are surely awarded with diplomas and awards. Apparently, the reason is not only in quality and reliability, but also in their great demand among the population. The production of hunting rifles and carbines at the factory continues to this day. In 2000, on the basis of the ninety-first model, the TOZ-120 double-barreled shotgun was released.


This single-shot gun, according to experts, is a fairly balanced model of the twelfth caliber, which has vertically located trunks and has good applicability. A detachable forend is designed on it. TOZ-120 is intended for amateur or commercial hunting.

Toz-120 reviews

From the base one hundred and twenty model received the receiver group. The “locking system” has also passed “by inheritance,” and this is understandable: these nodes have been well proven for a long time during operation. Fundamental changes affected the design of its trigger mechanism. TOZ-120 is equipped with a separate selector switch for the order of firing, combined with a safety button.


Until now, only one model has been produced at the Tula Arms Plant for hunters, with a vertical stem arrangement. This is the TOZ-34 gun, which very quickly gained popularity among Russian hunters. But when a completely new development of the plant appeared with a similar solution for the location of the trunks, then popular love soon enough switched to TOZ-120. The characteristics of the new model differed from their predecessors. It is equipped with twelve-gauge barrels, which are arranged in a vertical plane.

Trunk uniqueness

Their length can be seven hundred ten or seven hundred and fifty millimeters. The chamber is made only under a sleeve of seventy mm. Both the lower and upper trunks are provided with half-millimeter muzzle narrowings. TOZ-120, the unit production of which involves the production of guns with both one and two cylindrical channels, according to experts, today is one of the most popular types of hunting equipment.

Shotgun TOZ-120 reviews
The possibility of acquiring a rifle with a pair of barrels having any desired combination of a muzzle device is an attractive feature. This allows users to turn this rifle in the most suitable for a particular type of hunting gun. Everything will depend on what kind of prey its owner prefers to go at a given time. The weight of the TOZ-120 is three kilograms and four hundred grams.


This model, according to many, is not only convenient and easy to operate, but also has excellent accuracy of fire and applicability. The new modification, which has one descent with a selector, makes it possible to instantly execute two shots in a row, and this is sometimes very necessary when hunting. Cocking this gun is made during its opening: when returning to its original state, the weapon is ready to fire. A very convenient solution is the extension of the shells, carried out due to the "activity" of separate ejectors. Many users especially like the fact that the shot sleeve is automatically ejected immediately by the ejector.

Hunting rifle TOZ-120

The lever on the selector for the sequence of shots is also a fuse. A specially designed modification of TOZ-120 with a 76 mm chamber allows for firing of a Magnum type bullet .

Shock mechanism

This twelfth-caliber double-barreled shotgun is one of the best offspring of the Tula arms factory, originally intended for commercial hunting. The TOZ-120 model, reviews of which indicate its high reliability, was developed based on the TOZ-91. The work was led by designer E. Starukhin.

Those nodes that have proven themselves well, such as a locking system or a receiver group, were retained in the new products. But a radical revision of the design of the trigger mechanism, having one trigger, had to be done. Today, TOZ-120 is equipped with a separately designed selector switch for the sequence of shots, and combined with a safety button.

The barrels on the gun are detachable. Their connection to the box is carried out using a barrel hook, as well as the hinge axis. Changed also fore-end with locking frames. The hammer trigger mechanism is equipped with a safety platoon to prevent accidental firing. The TOZ-120 hunting rifle can be made with a conventional trigger, equipped with two traditional-action hooks, as well as with a trigger that has one trigger and selector. The function of the latter in this case is performed by the fuse button.

TOZ-120 piece

The cartridge cases in the gun from the chamber are forcibly advanced by separate ejectors. They are thrown out with the help of automatic ejectors, and then unshooted follow. The butt TOZ-120 with the fore-end is made of beech or walnut.

Execution options

TOZ-120 is made in several versions at once, which have various external finishes. In the future, the plant plans to release sports-class models, as well as for shooting at round or trench stands.

It is possible that in the future the 12th and twentieth caliber TOZ-120 rifles will go on sale, both with the usual chamber and Magnum type, in which one barrel will be combined with an ordinary choke and the other with a “paradox”, moreover the latter will be provided not as a nozzle, but with the barrel. At the moment, constructive development of such options at the plant is already underway.

According to experts, a solid barrel has a definite advantage over nozzles having a threaded type of connection with the muzzle. In the case of the latter, it is quite difficult to achieve such an indicator as absolute alignment, which means a deterioration in the accuracy of the battle. Shots of such experimental samples at a distance of thirty-five meters showed a fifteen to twenty millimeter diameter dispersion of cartridge holes.


Photo TOZ-120 is proof of the elegance of this carbine. Its detachable trunks, for the separation of which it is necessary to take and remove the lever latch on the fore-end, are opened and removed from the box. Cocking one of the two internal triggers in the percussion mechanism or preloading the combat springs is carried out when opening the gun. And to exclude the product of an accidental shot, safety platoons are provided. The trigger mechanism is equipped with one hook, which when fired, pulls the trigger first from the lower, and then from the upper trunks.

Dismantling TOZ-120

The sequence of release of bullets can be changed using the selector, the function of which was taken over by the fuse button. A single-trigger mechanism in the TOZ-120, reviews on the quality of fire from which is mostly positive, allows you to quickly make two consecutive shots, while reducing the gap between volleys to a minimum. This opportunity is especially relevant for the hunter during firing in the thicket or short, when prey appears unexpectedly and for a very short time. The firing sleeve is forcedly pushed out of the barrel chamber on each barrel by a separate ejector, after which it is thrown out. If the shot was not fired, then the cartridge only extends from the chamber, but does not throw out.


Dismantling TOZ-120 is quite simple and quick. The wooden parts of this gun are made of high quality beech or seasoned sparkling walnut.

Depending on the type of execution, the exterior finish can be varied. For the design of the metal parts of the gun, both electrochemical and laser engraving can be used. Sometimes hand-made highly artistic inlays with precious metals or mother of pearl are made on the nominal piece weapons. Wooden parts of the TOZ can be decorated not only with carvings, but also with a notch. The first type of design looks particularly elegant and beautiful in places where a conventional notch should traditionally be applied, made to prevent slipping of the hand and holding the carbine at the time of the shot. Of the sights on this gun, a vented aiming strip with a front sight is provided. The kit also includes sling attachments necessary to comfortably carry a 120-TOZ shotgun when hunting.


The opinions of hunters about this carbine are quite contradictory. Some people love the TOZ-120 for its unpretentiousness and high reliability, especially in bad weather conditions. Many also note a good fight with low returns. However, there are also such users who scolded these products of the Tula plant for unreliable descent, noting that it often leads to doublets. Others talk about the inconvenience of the forearm and the large weight of the weapon.

But one thing is certain: this hunting carbine has found a consumer niche. It is equally well suited for both novice hunters who bought their first gun and professional traders. The models of the TOZ-120 series have a successful combination of elegance and simplicity of design.

You can recognize a weapon only by shooting from it

Most like the look of this gun. Depending on the design, it may have a different exterior finish. The base on the trigger mechanism and the outer coating at the receiver can be made both black - oxidized and nickel-plated.

Many users consider the TOZ-120, especially the model with replaceable bombs, an excellent alternative to similar products from the Izhevsk arms factory. In general, even despite numerous reviews, it is possible to appreciate all the advantages and disadvantages of this carbine only after hunting with it at least several times.

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