First aid for bleeding. Types of bleeding and first aid

First aid for bleeding is an action aimed at stopping them. Everyone should know about them and be able to produce them: a situation may arise that will require the necessary measures to help the victim survive to qualified assistance. And sometimes you have to act quickly and accurately.

first aid for bleeding

Description of bleeding: first aid

They are distinguished by the type of damaged vessel. We must be able to determine all types of bleeding. First aid depends on what is damaged in the body. There are three types of bleeding :

  1. Capillary. The integrity of the small vessel (or several) is broken.
  2. Arterial. The artery coming from the heart is interrupted. The bleeding is very strong and threatens the victim with death from hemorrhage, unless urgent action is taken.
  3. Venous The bleeding is not as intense as in arterial, but also significant.

In addition to overt, external, bleeding can be internal. They need to be able to recognize: the timely provision of first aid after bleeding into the internal cavity significantly increases the chances of the victim (or patient) to survive.

first aid for bleeding

Capillary bleeding

Let's start with the simplest, one might say, everyday situations. Damage to capillaries is common, especially in children with still imperfect vestibular apparatus. Broken knees and torn elbows are so familiar injuries that parents treat them calmly. The provision of first aid for bleeding caused by a violation of the integrity of the capillaries is quite mundane: disinfection of the wound and dressing to prevent infection. In case of deeper damage, when quite a lot of blood flows out, a bandage is required to be made compressive. In this case, you should consult a doctor only when the patient has poor blood coagulation.

nosebleeds first aid

Blood from the nose

Another fairly common household option for blood loss. It can be caused by an unsuccessful fall, when a person does not have time to put out his hands, a blow to the face or rupture of a vessel (for example, with high blood pressure in hypertensive patients). Forcing the victim to raise his face is the first reaction of most people to nosebleeds. The provision of first aid with him, however, consists in directly opposite actions. A person needs to be seated with a slight bend forward, so that blood does not enter the throat and nasopharynx - this can cause vomiting and coughing. If the nose is not broken, a tight swab soaked in peroxide is inserted into the nostril and pressed with a finger. Cold is placed on the nose - it will not only accelerate the stop of bleeding, but also prevent the appearance of edema if a person receives a blow. In about twenty minutes the blood will stop. To check, it is necessary to invite the victim to spit - if the saliva does not contain blood, a person can live on. A visit to the doctor is required only for a broken nose or unstoppable bleeding.

first aid for bleeding

Arterial bleeding

The most dangerous of the external (and internal) species. If first aid for bleeding from arteries is illiterate or late, a person will die very quickly. Signs of damage to the artery:

  • very bright, scarlet color of blood;
  • gushing from the wound;
  • blood splashes in the rhythm of the pulse.

If a small artery is touched, the limb is pulled above the wound, the victim is quickly delivered to a medical facility (by ambulance or by his own transport). If a large vessel is damaged, the limb rises, above the wound, the artery is squeezed with a finger (fist, if the artery is femoral) - this is necessary to stop the "fountain". Then a tourniquet is applied. Usually, medical treatment doesnโ€™t happen at hand, so that its functions are twine, a strip of fabric, a towel, a belt, a dog leash - which is closest. Delivery to the hospital is required, and as fast as possible.

types of bleeding first aid

Venous bleeding

It is characterized by intense, but not gushing, smooth bleeding of blood of a dark, crimson color. First, first aid for bleeding from a vein consists in applying a fairly wide bandage. If it turns out to be ineffective, a tourniquet is used, but it should be applied below the wound. The arm or leg, as in the case of arteries, needs to be raised slightly so that the blood flow to the limb is weakened.

How to apply a tourniquet

With serious bleeding, you can not do without it. However, in addition to the place where it should be fixed, you need to know how to do it correctly.

  1. An area of โ€‹โ€‹the limb is wrapped with clean tissue above the wound (in the case of venous bleeding, below).
  2. The leg (arm) rises and fits on any support.
  3. The tourniquet stretches a little, unless, of course, you have medical rubber. Two or three times wrapping it around a limb, in the right position it is attached with a chain and hook. If the tourniquet is made from improvised materials, the ends are simply tied.
  4. Under the blindfold, a note is inserted that indicates the time (up to a minute) of applying the tourniquet. No paper - data is written directly on the skin, away from the wound (at least on the forehead). Keeping it longer than an hour and a half in summer and an hour in winter is fraught with the onset of necrotic phenomena. If during this time it was not possible to reach the hospital, the tourniquet is removed for ten minutes, the artery or vein is manually clamped for this time, and after โ€œrestโ€ it is applied again.
  5. The wound is sterilely bandaged.
  6. The victim is rushed to the hospital.

If swelling is observed, and the skin becomes cyanotic, then the tourniquet is not applied correctly. It is immediately removed and imposed more successfully.

bleeding characteristics first aid

Forbidden actions

The first aid for bleeding includes the observance of the main medical commandment: โ€œdo no harmโ€. We list things that you canโ€™t do if you do not have a medical education.

  1. Do not touch the wound with your hands: an infection is possible, and in some cases a pain shock.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to clean the wound. This should be done only by the surgeon and in the operating room. If a foreign object sticks out of the wound, it is neatly fixed so that during transportation it does not expand the damage. The bandage in this case is imposed around him.
  3. You can not change the bandages, even if they are soaked in blood.

And most importantly - rather to the hospital. If there is no "emergency" - carry the victim yourself.

Internal bleeding

No less dangerous than arterial. A particular threat is that a layman may not immediately recognize it. Given that often the patient does not feel pain, one has to rely on secondary symptoms:

  • weakness, accompanied by pallor;
  • chills with cold sweat ;
  • dizziness, fainting is possible;
  • respiratory disorders: irregular, shallow, weak;
  • the stomach hardens and swells, a person tries to curl up into a ball.

Actions should be quick and decisive: call an ambulance, an ice warmer on the stomach, transport sitting. In no case should you give food, drink or pain medication.

Traumatic amputation

In the event of traffic accidents or industrial injuries, it is possible to separate the limb from the body. The provision of first aid for bleeding caused by amputation should also be supplemented by the preservation of the limb, if the arm is torn off below the elbow and the leg is below the knee. The limb is placed in two packets, if possible, covered with ice and sent along with the victim. If transportation does not take more than six hours, there is a possibility of sewing a limb in its rightful place. In Moscow, for example, this is possible in hospitals No. 1, 6, 7, 71, at the Scientific Center for Surgery of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the State Clinical Hospital. When calling an ambulance, it is imperative to clarify that the victim is with traumatic amputation.

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