How to relieve a hangover syndrome at home?

Hangover syndrome is the result of prolonged intoxication of the body with a drink. After a person stops drinking alcohol by his own decision or forcibly, he develops very strong discomfort, which is popularly called a hangover. A person in this condition does not want to perceive the surrounding reality and tries to alleviate his condition with new doses of alcoholic beverages, as a result of which a kind of vicious circle is formed. In the medical field, this condition is called an abstinence crisis and is considered quite dangerous for the body, as it negatively affects both the physiological and mental systems.

Status Description

It is quite difficult for people suffering from withdrawal symptoms to suppress it on their own. In most cases, it is necessary to get out of hard drinking by taking medications and contacting a treating specialist. But it should be noted that there are a large number of safe and effective methods to combat hangover folk remedies. You should determine how to get rid of the hangover syndrome at home.

Status Features

Types of Hangover

Hangover syndrome is divided into two varieties:

  • withdrawal syndrome that occurs with chronic alcoholism and prolonged binges;
  • alcohol intoxication, which can occur in humans with the use of excessive amounts of alcoholic beverages.

But it is very important to be able to distinguish two such states, since they arise for various reasons and have their own individual characteristics. With simple intoxication, a person immediately experiences a strong aversion to alcohol. With withdrawal symptoms, the patient should re-drink a small dose of alcohol to restore his condition. This process occurs due to problems with fermentation in the body after regular intake of alcohol. At the same time, alcohol already enters the metabolic process and provokes a strong physical dependence.

Possible complications

A hangover syndrome is a simple poisoning, so it can not lead to death. As a result of such a condition, arrhythmia, Mallory-Weiss syndrome (rupture of the mucous membrane of the esophagus), sleep problems, severe dehydration, impaired consciousness, the appearance of hallucinations can develop. In patients suffering from cardiovascular disease, arrhythmia can even lead to death.

The main reasons for the development of a hangover

The main reason for the development of a hangover is the poisoning of the human body with alcohol products. At the same time, liver cells do not have time to normally process a large amount of ethyl alcohol in carbon dioxide and water, as a result of which an intermediate decomposition substance, acetaldehyde, appears in the blood stream. Such a component is considered more dangerous than simple alcohol, it is he who leads to the appearance of the main signs of a hangover syndrome. A hangover is a protective reaction of the human body, with its help it warns of the presence of serious intoxication.

Reasons for the appearance

It is important to remember that alcoholic beverages are strong diuretics that accelerate the process of urine output, causing severe dehydration. Such dehydration greatly worsens the condition of the body and provokes the appearance of unpleasant symptoms. The body is rapidly losing fluid, and its organs and systems cease to function normally.

Any alcohol leads to the rapid removal of nutrients, minerals and vitamins from the human body, as well as a decrease in the amount of sugar. Pain in this condition appears due to the expansion of the blood vessels of the head. Also, a person may have severe pain in the heart, shortness of breath due to dehydration.

Signs of a Hangover

The main symptoms of alcohol poisoning, doctors include the following manifestations:

  • Severe pain in the head, chills in the limbs, fever, seizure condition.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Rings of nausea, vomiting.
  • Complete or partial lack of appetite.
  • Strong trembling in the extremities, increased sweating.
  • Weakness, feeling of malaise.
  • Dizziness.
  • The presence of shortness of breath.

Severity of poisoning

The severity of the poisoning and the severity of symptoms will directly depend on how much alcohol was drunk and in what quantity. The most difficult hangover after eating the following foods: rum, whiskey, champagne and cognac. Excessive amounts of red wine can provoke severe migraines, as it contains tyramine, a histamine-like component that provokes severe pain in the head after taking excessive alcohol immediately the next day.

Symptoms of a Hangover

The most pronounced symptom of the disease is vomiting and nausea. Due to vomiting, the body loses a large amount of water, beneficial components, minerals and vitamins, and dehydration of various degrees develops. In addition, the following symptoms occur: weakness, apathy, tremor, problems with the intestines and digestive system, redness of the eyes, high blood pressure. A person does not react to anything, he has a desire to do something, a long depression may develop.

Problems with sleep and health

A symptom of a hangover can also be insomnia and other sleep problems. It is difficult for the patient to fall asleep, he has nightmares, which is why the sleep regimen is very confused, and the next day he feels very tired. With withdrawal symptoms, the patient develops severe trembling of the hands. A person is very ill, but vomiting does not appear.

Significantly faster heartbeat, severe shortness of breath is manifested. Until the person drinks again, the signs of defeat will not recede. He also has sharp mood swings, aggressiveness, irritability and apathy. With alcohol poisoning, a feeling of guilt arises. This can be explained by the fact that biochemical processes are launched in the body, which affect the patient's condition. Consider relieving a hangover syndrome.

Body intoxication treatment

How to quickly relieve a hangover syndrome? When treating the symptoms of alcohol poisoning, one should start taking medications that eliminate decay products from the body, suppress pain in the head, and restore fluid balance in the body.

The first aid in this situation will be the administration of Enterosgel enterosorbent. The drug is a water-saturated molecular sponge made of organic silicon. The gel-like sorbent reliably binds toxic substances and metabolites in the gastrointestinal tract and removes them naturally. Unlike non-selective powder sorbents, Enterosgel does not linger on inflamed mucous membranes in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract and in the intestinal villi, therefore it does not aggravate inflammation and does not facilitate the reintroduction of ethanol decay products into the blood. The soft gel formula of enterosorbent has a selective absorbing effect, binds and removes only harmful substances, does not violate the number of useful intestinal microbiota.

Drug treatment

Against pain in the head, several tablets of Citramon should be taken after a meal. Vitamin C quickly eliminates alcohol products from the human body, restores the condition, eliminates unpleasant symptoms. It should be taken in the form of capsules or in the form of lemon juice, rosehip infusion.

Remedies for nausea

With the urge to vomit and nausea, a good effect can be achieved from activated charcoal: 1 tablet per kilogram of patient weight. You can also take a few tablets "No-shpa" or "Loperamide." Eliminate nausea and a combination of several means: "Aspirin" and "No-shpa", activated carbon. To improve the condition, you should take 6-8 tablets of activated charcoal, several tablets of No-Shpa, 1 tablet of Aspirin immediately after taking alcohol. In the morning, a person will not have any pain in the head, as well as other unpleasant symptoms of poisoning.

Remedies for nausea

How to relieve a hangover syndrome at home? Activated carbon helps adsorb harmful components, No-Shpa removes ethanol and other decay products from the liver, Aspirin speeds up the blood circulation and reduces pressure. Vitamin B6 in ampoules will help against a hangover, bad smell and bitterness in the oral cavity: several ampoules are poured into a glass half filled with water, and immediately taken.

Water intake

How to relieve a hangover syndrome? The treatment of a hangover should be carried out along with the intake of a large amount of water, a decoction of rose hips or cranberry juice. Mineral with lemon juice will help to eliminate vomiting, restore nutrients and salts in the body lost during vomiting. Also, a good effect can be achieved by drinking strong tea with sugar, it will help accelerate the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Mint broth or mint tea helps get rid of unpleasant symptoms in the stomach, restore the state of the nervous system, and relieve pain in the head. To normalize the functions of the intestines and stomach, you should eat chicken stock or a light soup with rice and vegetables.

Eating healthy foods

The treatment of symptoms of alcohol poisoning can be carried out using glucose and ascorbic acid, if the patient does not have diabetes. For treatment, you can use food additives or sweet grapes, herbal tea, Pepsi and other carbonated drinks. With the development of intoxication with alcohol, important potassium salts are washed out of the body, therefore, foods and medicines with potassium should be taken. Useful products for dealing with a hangover include: dried apricots, potatoes, sauerkraut, tomatoes, pickles or cabbage brine.

Treatment with folk remedies

How to relieve a hangover syndrome at home? When treating such a condition, a good effect can be achieved from the following traditional medicine:

  1. Brine made from cucumber, sauerkraut or tomatoes - a high amount of salts makes up for the lack of minerals and nutrients in the body, helps to keep water in the blood during dehydration. Use brine should be in small sips with breaks.
  2. Cabbage and kefir - in such a tool there is a large amount of acids and potassium salts, which is very important for the fight against alcohol intoxication. For cooking, add a small amount of kefir in a bowl with chopped cabbage. Mix everything well, squeeze the juice from the cabbage, and then eat it.
  3. Brew strong tea or make coffee, add a slice of lemon and a few teaspoons of cognac. You should drink the product while it is warm. It helps eliminate unpleasant signs of intoxication and restores sleep patterns.
  4. Blood Eye is an effective and safe hangover cocktail. In a glass of tomato juice, add one chicken yolk without protein, do not mix. Drink a drink at a time. Such a tool helps to eliminate alcohol degradation products from the patient’s body and envelops the walls of the stomach, thereby protecting it.
  5. Lemon and ice. Fill a glass with ice, add a small slice of lemon and pour mineral water, add a pinch of salt. Drink the resulting mixture in slow sips, this is important for the best absorption. The tool helps to get rid of vomiting, restores the balance of fluid in the human body.
  6. Tomatoes with salt - they contain a large amount of potassium, which helps restore the balance of minerals in the human body.
  7. Kefir flakes. How can I remove a hangover syndrome? To do this, take any cereal and pour kefir (1 tablespoon per 100 ml of kefir). Mixes need to be given time to insist, after eat. Flakes help absorb all the chemicals and toxins from the intestines, which speeds up the rehabilitation process.
  8. Castor oil and milk. How to remove a hangover syndrome? To do this, mix a few tablespoons of castor oil with 1 cup of milk. Milk must be hot so that the butter can completely dissolve. The drink is cooled to room temperature, after a drink.
Cucumber pickle

How to prevent the development of alcohol poisoning?

To do this, observe the following rules:

  1. Eat well before drinking alcohol. Food helps to bind the components of alcohol, which requires the body more time to completely process it.
  2. Drinking alcohol should be slow, it is important to monitor the amount of alcohol consumed.
  3. Alcoholic beverages should be alternated with water, water should be much more alcohol consumed. Due to the fact that alcoholic beverages remove water from the body, you are very thirsty. After each glass of alcohol you should drink a glass of water.
  4. Dark alcohol, which contains many additional components, provokes the most severe poisoning syndrome.
  5. Alcoholic beverages should not be mixed, and drink only one type of alcohol. This will help prevent severe intoxication and alcohol poisoning.
Unpleasant sensations

To prevent dehydration, a few glasses of clean water should be taken before going to bed. To restore lost beneficial substances in the body, you should take multivitamins.

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