The process of losing weight: methods and methods of weight loss

It’s one thing when it comes to “invented” excess weight, that is, it seems to be absent in physiological parameters, but I would like to remove some imperfections in the figure. And it’s completely different when it comes to obesity, because it is a serious disease that causes internal organs to suffer. Whichever of these two examples the situation is, one must approach the question while being in their right mind. If any of the measures taken turns out to be wrong, undesirable for practical use, then the whole process will fly "down the drain". And this is not just unnecessary, but can also negatively affect the state of health. It is important to remember that the process of losing weight is a serious occupation that requires a careful approach.

The basic principle of proper weight loss is to get rid of extra pounds without harming the physiological and psychological state of a person. It is important to know that the process will not be effective if the patient himself does not want this. It is simply impossible to achieve the desired result in this case. You can only make the situation worse. So, in order to lose weight without harm to health, you need to know a few important rules. They will help to understand why and when to lose weight, what methods and methods exist for this, as well as how to prevent the re-formation of unnecessary kilograms.

When the process of losing weight is necessary, like air


As already mentioned, excess weight negatively affects the condition of internal organs, as a result of which the body is deprived of the ability to work properly. Excess kilograms are determined by a simple calculation, in which you need to subtract 100 from your height in centimeters. For example, 165-100 = 65. That is, if a person is 165 cm tall, his ideal weight will be 65 kg. Therefore, when the scales show more, you should think about losing weight.

But here it’s difficult to talk about the veracity of the data, as various individual characteristics affect the ideal weight. If we continue the previous method of determining the excess body mass, which Brock, incidentally, developed, it is important to know that with growth less than 165 cm the form of calculation changes. In this case, 105 should be subtracted from growth. And if more than 180 cm, then 110.

For some people who understand that they are overweight, but still feel good, you need to find reasons to start the process of losing weight. Here they are:

  • Sooner or later, the body will fail, but it will be too late. It is better to take care of weight loss now, when you can still fix it almost painlessly. Otherwise, there is a high risk of a sharp deterioration. Over time, diabetes mellitus, oncological and skin diseases develop, pathologies in the endocrine system may occur, and atherosclerosis, hypertension, and diseases of the cardiovascular system also appear.
  • Obese people live less.
  • The development of complexes is a psychological problem, especially often encountered by women. Physiological problems also arise, such as shortness of breath, excessive sweating, and a deterioration in appearance.

The main methods of weight loss

In order to start the process of losing weight in the body, there are several ways:

  • Develop an effective diet by setting a diet.
  • Drawing up a training scheme.
  • The use of medicines.
  • Surgical intervention.

Method one: making the right diet

Proper diet

Food is our everything. But the main mistake of mankind lies in the fact that they made a cult out of nutrition. If in the minds of those wishing to lose weight food is presented in this way, then you need to immediately change this opinion. How? Retune yourself with the fact that nutrition is the saturation of the body with useful substances necessary for it to work properly, no more.

There are a huge number of diets developed by specialists and those who imagined themselves nutritionists. Yes, all this to some extent contributes to weight loss, but at what cost? Metabolic disorders, the development of gastrointestinal diseases and other unpleasant pathologies. About diets in the sense in which people are used to understanding this word, you need to forget. This is not a temporary phenomenon, but a way of life. Yes Yes exactly. Proper nutrition is a lifestyle that everyone should adhere to.

The process of losing weight is impossible without a diet. So this stage can be called the basis for weight loss. Before lists of healthy and harmful foods are presented, it’s important to say that you don’t need to immediately deprive yourself of harmful, but your favorite food. Better to do it gradually. The daily calorie content decreases little by little, and it is precisely due to this that the desired disposal of extra kilograms occurs. Many experts recommend using the "1200 calories" weight loss system. The technique is effective and harmless.

Replacing harmful with useful

Harmful products

The following foods should not be included in the new diet:

  • Various sweets, including chocolate (except for bitter in a small amount), confectionery and bakery products.
  • Fried and smoked foods, as well as fatty dishes.
  • Pickles, canned foods.
  • Fatty dairy and dairy products.
  • Carbonated drinks, fast food.

A new diet that will help start the process of losing weight in the body should consist of:

  • Fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Green, herbal tea, natural freshly ground coffee.
  • Low-fat fish and seafood.
  • Cereal, pasta, lentils, pea beans.
  • Croup, cereal bread.
  • Meat of low-fat species.

Fish, meat and vegetable dishes are steamed, baked in the oven or boiled. Soups and broths on chicken meat are very useful.

Method two: development of a program of physical activity

Exercise while losing weight

There are many exercises for all muscle groups of the body that will help reduce excess weight and make the body fit. Physical activity is the right process of losing weight. You can choose the exercises yourself, not be too lazy and make up for yourself the plan that is best suited. In this case, it is important to know:

  • Before basic physical exercises, you need to do a warm-up.
  • Exercise is recommended on an empty stomach in the morning. Otherwise, physical activity is given to the body at least an hour after the meal (or before it).
  • The set of exercises should not be large from the very beginning, as well as the number of approaches and the duration of the implementation. It is better to increase these parameters gradually, as the body prepares.
  • No need to tackle difficult exercises. The risk of injury should be avoided.

Method Three: Drug Therapy

Unlike the two methods presented above, this one is used in more advanced cases. It happens that without medical measures it is difficult to start the process of losing weight. Both diets and exercises are powerless. Drug therapy is aimed at combating fat inside the body. It is important that the drugs are prescribed exclusively by the attending physician and are used strictly under his supervision. Orlistat and Sibutramine are commonly used to fight obesity.

As for cleansing enemas and dietary supplements, their use is not welcome. And, in general, such drugs do not belong to the drug drug groups. They do not contribute to the burning of fat, but can only negatively affect the state of the stomach and intestines. So it is better to forget about them and not believe the promises from the manufacturer.

Method Four: Surgical Weight Loss Method

Stomach resection

This method is used for obesity, and, in its severe manifestation. A gastrectomy is performed, that is, a decrease in its volume. In the case of obesity, this is the best and most effective way to combat overweight. Therefore, experts most often on the question of where to start the process of losing weight often advocate surgical intervention, and then they take other measures. Often such patients require psychological assistance. But after the operation, the quality of life of a person suffering from obesity is significantly improved.

On the effect of sleep and the regime of day and night in general

When we sleep, we lose weight. This conclusion was made by scientists after a series of studies. Therefore, those who wish to reduce weight, it is recommended to increase the duration of sleep. It should be at least 7-8 hours. Scientists also recommend replacing bedtime snacks, if possible. Although restricting oneself in food is also harmful, do not forget about it.

A person should work during the day, and sleep at night. In no case should you change this rule, since the body is already accustomed to such a regime, and it will be quite difficult for it to be rearranged, it takes a lot of time.

In addition, the regime of the day as a whole matters. This is also a good answer to the question of how to start the process of losing weight. That is, daily breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, as well as training, bedtime and waking up should be the same. The mode is of great importance in the program of getting rid of extra pounds. You could even say that it will be much easier to get used to a new lifestyle.

A comprehensive approach to weight loss

Proper weight loss

Losing weight will be more effective if you use not one method, but several at once. If there is no such serious problem as obesity, then attention should be paid to diet and exercise. Thanks to these methods, you can lose weight well in a month. Weight loss will take a little longer if you use only one of the methods. But in any of the above cases, you should remember the importance of the regime.

Useful tips that are useful for losing weight

Simple rules should be followed:

  • The main part of the diet should be given to fresh vegetables and fruits. Citrus fruits are especially welcome. Fruits and vegetables, as a rule, have a low calorie content, but are rich in useful substances.
  • Start the day with breakfast. This is the most important meal when the body is in particular need of food. Therefore, breakfast should not be skipped in any case. It’s best to choose cereal.
  • Those who have an idea of ​​how the process of losing weight are aware of the importance of drinking plenty of fluids. After all, everyone knows that a person is 80% water. When it is not enough in the body, the appearance worsens: the eyes grow dull, the hair begins to fall out more, the skin loses elasticity. Even fatigue comes much faster. Therefore, you need to drink plain water as much as possible.
  • During the absorption of food, you need to concentrate on this process. This will help to avoid overeating and better get enough food.
  • During stress, deal with this condition by any other methods, but not food.

How to speed up the process of losing weight, and is it necessary?

Gradual weight loss

In general, it is not recommended to interfere with weight loss. This process occurs exactly as the body needs. It is never fast; everything takes time. A sharp weight loss is fraught with the formation of stretch marks and sagging skin folds. Also, "extreme" weight loss causes disturbances in the endocrine and digestive systems. Yes, and lost kilograms will still return.

However, you can speed up the process without harm. Physical exercises will help, which need to be gradually (moderately!) Increased. There are also a number of products that have so-called "fat-burning" properties. First of all, these are citrus fruits - grapefruit, orange, lemon. Helps fat break down green tea, plain water and natural coffee. Not that instant, but in grains or already ground. You should also pay attention to foods rich in protein, as this substance helps trigger metabolic processes.

You need to understand how the process of losing weight goes. First of all, for the breakdown of fat in the body must be certain nutrients. If they are not there, weakness is felt, the body experiences stress and begins to stock up on fats, without spending the incoming food in energy. And this is a completely unnecessary phenomenon. With a properly balanced, but low-calorie diet, the body first consumes glycogen reserves, then only fat leaves. This explains why at first a person quickly loses weight, and then this process slows down. As a result, the loss of kilograms again becomes noticeable.

In general, if the food is as correct and useful as possible, the daily calorie content will not be high, and physical activity will be constantly given to the body, taking breaks, if necessary, only for 2-3 days a week, and the result will not be long in coming. You need to be patient and understand that the only way, smoothly and gradually, you can get a beautiful, slim body without stretch marks and sagging folds of skin. And the lost kilos will not return again.

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