Self-improvement: how to pump up calves at home

how to pump up calves at home

Due to the fact that a sports and beautiful body is now in fashion, many young people and girls went to the gym. But what are they doing there? They work out problematic, in their opinion, places. In men, this, of course, is biceps, triceps, chest and abs. Girls also pump abs, as well as gluteal muscles. And what is the result? Due to the fact that some muscle groups are subject to constant load, while others are not, an imbalance occurs in the figure. For example, the study of the muscles of the legs. The athlete crouches, lunges, quadriceps grow, and calves remain thin. But it is the calf muscles that create the appearance of harmoniously developed slender legs. Therefore, many people are wondering: " How to pump up calves at home?" Indeed, for a beautiful figure, it is necessary to work out all the muscles of the body, and especially the calves, which are often undeservedly forgotten.

Features of the calf muscles

How to pump up calves quickly
This muscle group is difficult to work out. Therefore, it is better not to think about how to quickly pump up your calf, and try to do it as efficiently as possible. The calf muscles are characterized by the fact that they are subjected to a serious load daily while walking, so you should make a lot of effort to load them even more. Consequently, pumping up caviar without additional burdening will not work, and burdening should be large. Someone thinks that calves should be loaded every day, but this is a mistake. Like any other muscle group, they must rest. Thinking about how to pump up your calves at home, you should make a training schedule and do not miss them. It should be practiced 1-2 times a week, giving the body time to recover.

How to pump up calves at home: basic exercises

The basic exercise for calves is lifting on a stand with a load. A step platform, a thick board, a step can serve as a support. To stand with the right foot on the stand (on the toe), take the load in the right hand (dumbbell, water bottle), hold the support with the left hand. Start raising and lowering on the toe until you feel a burning sensation. Do the same exercise for the left leg. Make 5-7 of these approaches. You can perform the lifts, standing on both legs, putting on a backpack with weight. The amplitude should be maximum so that the calves stretch.

Additional exercises

how to pump calves at home
Are there any other ways to pump up calves at home? Of course. Exercises such as jumping rope, walking alternately on toes and heels, and weight-bearing jumping contribute to the load on the leg muscles. Including skiing, cycling, ice skating in your training complex, you can efficiently pump your calves. And, of course, one should not forget about running. This is the easiest and most effective way to work out all the muscles of the legs, and running helps increase stamina.


So, we found out how to pump up calves at home. This will require a minimum of equipment (stand, weights) and, of course, the desire to grow and develop. Systematic weekly classes will allow your calves to become more athletic, stronger, pumped up.

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