Amazing Iran. The capital and other cities of the country

Iran is a state that spreads widely in southwest Asia. Here you can see not only amazing nature, but also dilapidated ancient cities, statues and runes of temples. Snowy peaks, unique monuments, a warm sea - this is how we can briefly describe Iran. The capital of the country, Tehran, is considered one of the largest cities in Asia.

Iran is the capital


This city is located on the slope of Mount Tochal (1210 m above sea level), next to the Deshte Kevir desert. Almost all government and commercial buildings are located in the city center, and residential areas seem to be trying to climb to the top of the mountain range. Rapid population growth and phenomenally fast urban construction have led the quiet city to become a huge chaotic metropolis.

Tehran is very extensive, it is easy to get lost here. Due to the high level of seismic activity in the region, all houses are built no higher than three floors. Therefore, the main landmarks of the movement are mosques. It should be noted that these are not all the features that characterize Iran. The capital of the country is a real “treasury” of mosques, there are about 1000 of them in the city. The most famous of them is the Sepahsalar mosque, which was erected in 1831. The interior of the building is decorated with beautiful tiles and mosaics.

The Golestan Palace (translated as “Rose Garden”) is considered to be no less famous structure of Tehran. The palace has long been the residence of the Iranian shahs. In Golestan are the rarest manuscript books, which are executed in Arabic script. The palace has a Museum of Values, which houses one of the most unique diamonds in the world - “Dariya Nur”, or “Ocean of Light”.

Iranian cities

It should be noted that these are not all the attractions that Iran may surprise. The capital of this Islamic state also boasts an abundance of museums. The Ethnographic Museum can familiarize visitors with the customs of the country and with the lifestyle of its people. No less exciting will be a visit to the Museum of National Art, as well as the Museum of Modern and Decorative Art.

Cities of Iran

At an altitude of approximately 1575 m, the museum city of Isfahan is located. This settlement was founded in the III millennium BC. e. From 1598 to 1722, Isfahan was honored to be the capital of Iran. Here you can see the original architecture, colorful bazaars and picturesque nature.

The ancient city of Shiraz has long been considered a very important center in the Islamic world. Today this city, which lies at the foot of the Alla-u-Akbar mountain, is a picturesque settlement, you can admire a huge number of mosques and monuments in it.

The real pearl of Iran is the city of Shush. This place is the ancient biblical capital of Elam (Susa). In this region, many structures of the era of Xerxes and Darius, the acropolis, the cannonade and other amazing monuments of the past were discovered.

The state of Iran, in addition to these three wonderful settlements, boasts dozens of unique cities, including Kerman, Bam, Yazd, Tabriz, Pasargad and many others.

Iran state

This Islamic state, where ancient traditions and customs are strictly respected, is truly amazing with its historical heritage. It is also noteworthy that Iran is considered the cradle of civilization on the planet. The country's capital, Tehran, and many other cities with their incredible monuments and museums are the most direct evidence of this.

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