Adult tricycle - what it is and where you can buy it

It would seem, well, what kind of adult can not ride a bicycle? And yet, such precedents do exist. Well, a person did not have the opportunity to learn this in early childhood! And at a considerable age, hardly anyone wants to walk in bruises and abrasions. If you find yourself in a similar situation, do not despair! There is an exit. The tricycle will help you. Adult! Buy it is not difficult. But let's talk about everything in order.

Adult tricycle

When people first hear about such a vehicle, the question immediately arises: what kind of monster is "about three wheels" and what are its features?

An adult tricycle is designed for a certain circle of people. Already from the name it becomes clear that it is exploited mainly by adults who, in childhood, never learned to ride a regular bicycle. It is convenient for elderly or overweight people, as well as for people with disabilities. What is the advantage of this type of vehicle over a two-wheeled counterpart? The answer is simple: the special design allows anyone who does not have the experience of riding a two-wheeled vehicle to become a first-class cyclist in an instant. This is facilitated by the following features of the said unit:

  1. An additional third wheel, which eliminates the possibility of falling. Thus, an adult tricycle is very easy to use: the owner can not worry about the fact that he will not be able to maintain balance.
  2. Wide seat with backrest for a comfortable ride. This detail will allow you to travel longer distances, while the cyclist does not suffer from a long stay in a tense position.
  3. The saddle is biased towards the front fork of the bike, which ensures correct vertical landing and low load on the hands.
  4. The adult tricycle is equipped with front-wheel drive. This greatly enhances ride safety and handling.
    Adult buy a tricycle
    Based on the foregoing, we can safely say that the design of this unit is optimally suitable for most adults who, for various reasons, are not able to drive a two-wheeled vehicle.

If you are interested in this vehicle, and you decide to buy it, you should pay attention to the following points.

1. Comfortable fit. When cycling, you should feel comfortable. Inspect the machine for stability without auxiliary materials. Take an interest in loading capacity of the chosen vehicle. Pick a bike that can support your weight.

2. The brakes. When choosing the mentioned vehicle, special attention must be paid to the quality of the brakes. Especially if people with disabilities will use this transport. The highest quality brakes are the key to their safety and comfort.

3. The weight of the vehicle. It will not be superfluous to inquire about the weight of the selected bike. It is possible that you will have to lift it, move it, or even transport it. And not by car, but by hand. Indeed, no one is safe from breakdowns.

Where to buy an adult tricycle
Now let's talk about where to buy an adult tricycle. It all depends on your place of residence and your financial capabilities.

If you live in a large city, then the best option is to buy a vehicle in a specialized store with a large assortment. If any, of course, is available in your village. In this case, you have the opportunity to personally verify the quality of the goods offered and choose a bicycle to your liking and capabilities. Unfortunately, this option is not always suitable, since such vehicles are not popular in Russia.

That is why you can place your order through the online store. The advantages of this method include price and warranty parameters. However, it should be understood that this method of purchase may be tantamount to acquiring a pig in a poke.

The third option. If you're lucky, then ads for such sales may be published in your local newspaper.

Summing up, we can safely say that an adult tricycle is a great find for people who, due to certain circumstances, are not able to control the usual two-wheeled unit, but strive for an active and healthy lifestyle.

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