Where to pierce a childā€™s ears and how to do it best

Every mother wants to see her daughter as a little princess: well-groomed hair, clean and beautiful dress, shiny shoes, cute earrings-carnations. But the latter often causes fear. Where to pierce a childā€™s ears ? Go to the beauty salon or do it in the hospital? Maybe do it yourself?

Where to pierce a childā€™s ears7
A bit about beauty

One of the most important moments of the realization that beauty requires sacrifice, the girl receives in childhood when it comes to ear piercing. First, the daughter constantly asks: "Mom, I want earrings." But when it comes to real action, it is important to be informed. Too much can happen:

- the child may be scared;

- you may be worried.

Questions arise: ā€œWhat if the ears get rotten?ā€, ā€œHow to handle them properly?ā€, ā€œWhat if some kind of nerve is affected?ā€

These and many more questions will torment your consciousness until it surrenders. In order not to be nervous in vain, you must immediately understand the situation.

Where to pierce a childā€™s ears?

Many parents try to choose a good beauty salon for this procedure. In reality, this is not always correct, since in such institutions they do not attach special importance to the sterility and correctness of the puncture. It is best to go to a hospital where an experienced doctor can pierce a childā€™s ears. There you will be confident in the sterility of the instruments and the professional conduct of the procedure.

Poke a childā€™s ears with a gun
How to pierce your ears?

Many parents understand that if a daughter wants to wear earrings and is even ready to endure pain, then they will have to consult a specialist. There are only two options:

1. Pierce the childā€™s ears with a gun. This method is usually used in beauty salons. It is quite simple and fast. Another plus will be the relative painlessness of the procedure. The fact is that the clove earring is loaded into a special gun and pierces the ear with great force and speed. This happens quickly, so the child does not have time to be afraid. The disadvantage of this procedure may be:

- the possibility of infection (if unscrupulous employees work in the salon who do not attach special importance to the sterility of instruments);

- the possibility of piercing the ears at different heights (when the holes in the ears are not symmetrical: one ear is pierced higher than the other);

- the cost of the procedure (in beauty salons for such an insignificant procedure, they can rip off a lot of money from you).

2. Make a puncture with a needle. This method is offered in a hospital. To do this, the ear is pre-massaged so that blood is added to it, and then a puncture is made using a conventional or surgical needle. Due to the fact that the eye was kneaded, it will not hurt, and the child will not feel the moment of puncture. A puncture in a hospital where it is cheaper and not so scary for a child to pierce his ears has its drawbacks:

- you are not immune from the possibility of asymmetric puncture of both urine;

- the procedure lasts longer and is more painful;

- ears will grow longer.

What time to pierce a childā€™s ears?
Optimal age

Sometimes piercing the ears of the baby is the desire of the mother. She tries to make her daughter beautiful and wants a similar procedure to happen without unnecessary tantrums when the girl is still in an unconscious age. In this case, you need to know exactly what time to pierce the ears of the child. Many experts argue that the sooner the better. In fact, a developing organism has its own characteristics of the nervous system, which also need to be taken into account. First of all, you can not injure the baby during adaptation to the outside world, during the period of intensive growth and before the onset of conscious age. On average, a child begins to perceive himself as a person from a year and a half. Before this period, it is better to wait with ear piercing, as it can cause moral trauma, which can lead to serious mental disorders in adulthood. There is also a popular sign: "If the spring has healed, you can also pierce the ears." The period of intensive development and adaptation lasts until the spring is completely healed. Thus, many doctors strongly recommend starting such procedures no earlier than two years.

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