The life and work of the Soviet actor Ilya Baskin

Baskin Ilya Zalmanovich was born on August 11, 1950 in the USSR on the territory of its Latvian part in the city of Riga. Ilya is known to many as a Soviet and American actor. Baskin's mother was called Frida, and his father was Zalman. You can learn about the life of an actor and his work in the world of cinema by reading this article.

Childhood and youth

actor in his youth

Since childhood, Ilya Baskin dreamed of showing himself in the cinema. That is why, as soon as he graduated from school and received a full secondary education, he immediately went to Moscow to learn acting skills there. In the capital, Ilya entered the Moscow Circus Variety School. In 1971, the guy completed his studies, being at the faculty of conversational genre. Immediately after receiving his education, he joined Utesov’s large orchestra and worked there for a little less than a year. Then, in 1972, the future movie actor moved to the Moscow Theater of Miniatures. When the grand festival was held in the theater, Ilya Baskin was awarded at it in the nomination "Best Young Actor". In the USSR, a man gained his first fame after playing a role in the film "Big Change". There, the actor appeared before the viewers in the image of a disheveled student with red hair, who was sitting in the classroom on the first desk next to Avdotyin.

Actor in Hollywood

movie work

In 1976, actor Ilya Baskin moved from the Soviet Union to the United States. Arriving in new lands, he immediately went to Hollywood, where he continued his acting career. Nine years after arriving in America, Ilya managed to obtain citizenship there. In 1995, the actor married a girl named Marina, and some time after the wedding, a young couple had a child - a girl who was given the name Michelle. Baskin starred in many well-known American films, among which special attention should be paid to the following films: “The Airplane of the President”, “Spider-Man 2”, “Transformers 3”, “2010”. For many years, Ilya Baskin's best friend was Savely Kramarov. This man also emigrated from the Soviet Union to the United States, only did this in the first half of the 1980s, and only after Baskin himself invited him. The actor also made good friends with American colleague Robin Williams. Their close communication began from the moment the actors worked together on the film "Moscow on the Hudson". Men maintain friendly relations to this day.

The life and work of the actor now

actor Ilya Baskin

Ilya Baskin continues to show his acting skills now. At the moment, he is actively acting in the seventh season of the series "Homeland" as the Russian ambassador who arrived in the United States. Given how well the actor knows both languages, and the fact that he has a Slavic appearance, such a reincarnation suits him perfectly. In general, Ilya is a wonderful actor. He equally well performs his roles in both Russian and American cinema. Although sometimes it seems from the outside that these are two completely different people, in reality Baskin simply managed to let the spirit of the people through which films are made accordingly, and that is why he equally well fits into any character image that he is to perform. Photos of Ilya Baskin can be seen in this article.

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