Liquid threads for the face: reviews, review of drugs, features of the procedure

Every woman on this planet wants to be young and beautiful, regardless of her age. However, the impact of negative environmental factors, health problems, nervous strain, fatigue, as well as malnutrition provoke early withering of the skin. Calmly watching the approach of old age, as well as being pessimistic is the lot of weak women. It is for this reason that the fair sex begins to look for any methods by which you can return to its former beauty and smoothness to your skin.

To date, in the field of cosmetology, special liquid threads are used for the face, reviews of which are mostly positive. They perfectly tighten the skin and eliminate unwanted wrinkles, without using a scalpel. So, we consider the features of liquid threads for the face, reviews about this procedure, indications and contraindications.

liquid facial threads

general information

Today, the most popular method of tightening the skin on the face is thread lifting. This method is considered the safest, most gentle, it almost does not give a woman a pleasant feeling, and the result after use can be compared with the result of facelift, which is a surgical method.

The use of liquid facial threads, the reviews of which we will consider below, is an effective and innovative anti-aging cosmetic procedure. This technique is aimed at the body's natural production of collagen, which helps to tighten and rejuvenate the dermis.

Features of the procedure

Liquid threads are a novelty in the field of cosmetology. They were created specifically to combat the aging of the skin, with sagging and loss of elasticity. In fact, this drug is a biogel, which is supplemented by an animal polysaccharide, as well as zinc chloride. All these components in the complex form the so-called zinc hyaluronate.

Reviews of liquid filaments for the face by experts say that this lifting method is carried out due to the formation of a substance that provokes the inflammatory process directly in the structure of the dermis. As a result of this, intensive production of connective tissues begins, due to which the skin thickens and static wrinkles are smoothed.

The procedure for facelift using liquid threads is carried out on an outpatient basis. Before carrying out this event, it is necessary to consult with a professional cosmetologist, who must determine the contraindications and indications for use, based on the individual characteristics of the patient.

liquid rejuvenation result

After that, liquid threads for a facelift are introduced into the problem area using special thin needles. Dosage will be determined depending on the specific site of exposure. The effect of lifting can be seen 2 weeks after the procedure. The result from the use of liquid threads for a facelift is stored on your face for two to three years, if you go through a full rejuvenation course, which includes 4-6 sessions.

How are they different from simple threads?

The action of simple threads is directed to the mechanical effect of tension. During lifting, the tissues that surround the threads are captured using notches. This triggers fibrosis due to the process of collagen formation in the body. The effect of solid filaments begins to weaken after their biological decay.

If we talk about liquid threads for a facelift, then they are a gel-like substance that, after getting into the structure of tissues, is distributed evenly over a certain area. The components of the gel provoke the early production of fibrillar protein, as well as the proliferation of connective tissue.

The resorption of fibrosis will be delayed for a long period, due to which a prolonged and persistent effect is observed. The shade of the skin on the face begins to improve, in parallel with this, age spots are eliminated, and proper hydration of the skin is observed.

Indications for

Threads for facelift can be called a revolutionary discovery in the field of cosmetology. This method of facelift is prescribed in case of age-related changes described below:

  1. Weak turgor, insufficient elasticity of the skin.
  2. Accumulation of fatty soft tissues in the chin area.
  3. Ptosis eyebrow.
  4. Aesthetic defect of the lips, eyes, giving the face a dull expression.
  5. Explicit facial wrinkles that are localized on the forehead.
  6. Creasing in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle.
  7. Violation of the integrity of the skin, such as scars.
  8. Bulldog cheeks.


In the field of cosmetology, the use of liquid filaments with zinc for a facelift is considered to be the safest rejuvenation procedure, but it also has some limitations. This method of rejuvenation is contraindicated in the case of the following diseases and conditions:

  1. The period of pregnancy and lactation.
  2. Adolescence.
  3. Diabetes.
  4. Chronic cold sores.
  5. Diseases that were caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
  6. Infections of various etiologies, including acute respiratory viral infections.
  7. Bronchial asthma.
  8. Blood clotting problems.
  9. The inflammatory process of the dermis.
  10. Exacerbation of a chronic disease.
  11. Malignant neoplasms.
  12. Various skin rashes.

For this reason, an important component of rejuvenation with the help of liquid biomezonites is the qualified advice of specialists in this field. It is the doctor who should direct the patient to conduct the procedure or exclude this event.

Technique for performing bio-reinforcement of the face with liquid threads

This method of rejuvenation with the help of special liquid threads implies a less traumatic small operation, which is carried out under local anesthesia. Particular attention should be paid to dosage. The fact is that the appearance of fibrosis is observed due to aseptic inflammation, and this process will always be accompanied by swelling, as well as reddening of the skin. After the introduction of a special drug, the specialist should carefully monitor the skin reaction, and in case of negative signs, the dose of the drug should be reduced. That is why, before carrying out a rejuvenation session, it is necessary to choose the right amount of funds based on the type of skin.

For example, for thin skin, too concentrated zinc salts will not work, while the threads should be displayed quite deeply. Based on this, it should be concluded that it is necessary to carefully select an experienced specialist for the procedure. Be sure to make sure you have a medical education and relevant qualifications.

result of tightening with liquid threads

At the consultation, the cosmetologist must collect the patient’s history, paying attention to the state of his immune system. The procedure itself is carried out in several stages:

  1. The skin of the face is cleansed of the remnants of makeup.
  2. Next, thorough antiseptic treatment is carried out.
  3. The cosmetologist makes marking lines, thanks to which you can determine the area of ​​the drug.
  4. Anesthesia is carried out.
  5. When anesthesia works, the specialist proceeds with the introduction of special liquid threads, using an injection using thin needles.

Thanks to the effects of anesthetics, a rejuvenation session is absolutely painless, and the holes after the injections disappear after two days.

Negative consequences and possible complications

It should be noted that this drug was created on the basis of zinc, as well as hyaluronate, which proved the safety of time use. However, any injection rejuvenation procedure can provoke a number of side effects. All of them will depend on what parts of the face put the liquid thread. Possible complications include:

  1. Redness of the skin.
  2. The appearance of puffiness.
  3. Burning and itching.
  4. Discomfort, which makes it scratch the area that has been exposed.
  5. Pain during pressure on the skin of the face.

All these manifestations will disappear in one week. If the patient will feel such uncomfortable conditions longer, then you should immediately seek help from a specialist. The main rule is that you should not look for a cheap way of rejuvenation, it is best to use the service of some prestigious cosmetology center. Only in this way will you be able to minimize the occurrence of side effects after the procedure.

liquid threads for facelift

Rehabilitation period

Despite the fact that this rejuvenation procedure using liquid filaments is not considered a surgical method, the patient still must adhere to some recommendations and limitations. They will be as follows:

  1. After the session, you need to conduct gentle skin care of your face.
  2. As a hygiene product, use various gentle gels, as well as liquid soap.
  3. In the hot season, use special sunscreens with an SPF factor.
  4. During the first two days after the procedure, the injection site should be treated with ordinary hydrogen peroxide.
  5. At the initial stage of rehabilitation, you will have to abandon the use of alcoholic beverages, salty and spicy foods, as well as coffee.
  6. Do not constantly feel your face, massage and knead it.
  7. On the day of the scheduled session, the use of any cosmetic preparations should be avoided.
  8. During the first days at night, it is best to lie on your back.
  9. If puffiness appeared, then you can use a cool compress to eliminate it.
  10. During the first week, it is advisable to refuse to visit the baths, saunas, as well as a solarium.

The rehabilitation period after the rejuvenation procedure is practically absent, as a rule, it is no more than 1 week.

Name of drugs for biorevitalization

Each patient wants to achieve the maximum effect from such a rejuvenation procedure, that is, eliminate defects, get rid of wrinkles, and also make a clearer facial contour. There is currently a wide range of aesthetic products on the market. The patient has the opportunity to choose for himself the most effective and safe means to eliminate certain disadvantages. Consider the most popular manufacturers.

Outline: Description

Outline liquid filaments are a viscous gel characterized by an elastic structure and a high sterility rate. This drug is more like a liquid than some kind of solid. Outline (it is used quite often for biorevitalization) contains purified hyaluron in its composition.

This product is manufactured by a Japanese company, which has become famous for the incredible quality of cosmetic products worldwide. The drug is able to eliminate age-related wrinkles, correct the deformed oval of your face, increase the tone of the skin. In addition, this tool is sometimes used for problem areas in the cheeks, as well as the chin.

liquid threads offline

Fibrolift: Description

Fibrolift Liquid Bioniti is another popular cosmetology product. In their structure, they are practically not similar to threads. The substance contains zinc, as well as high molecular weight hyaluronic acid. Such a drug can be used by patients whose age is more than 30 years. Mesonity threads are used to eliminate sagging not only on the face, but also on the abdomen, hands, inner surface of the hands, and thighs.

Feedback on the procedure

liquid facelift with zinc

And what about those patients who have already used the method of rejuvenation with liquid threads? On the positive side, they attributed the fact that the procedure is painless, there are no traces of bioplastics, and the recovery period is very short. In addition, patients note the duration of the effect after the rejuvenation procedure. Over time, the liquid filaments are completely biodegradable, and the visible result can be seen already a day after the implementation of this event.

In the reviews you can also see some negative points. In most cases, they are associated with the high cost of the procedure, the presence of some contraindications, as well as a slight trauma to the skin. In addition, many do not like the fact that rejuvenation requires several sessions of such a procedure.

liquid rejuvenation result

The cost of the rejuvenation procedure

The cost of such a rejuvenation event using liquid filaments will depend on the region, as well as on the level of the cosmetology center. In addition, the type of material used, the number of exposure zones, and the degree of tissue ptosis will affect the price. On average, the cost of the rejuvenation course is from 20,000 to 60,000 rubles. However, it is necessary to consider the price of rejuvenating one area of ​​the face with different drugs:

  • Fibrolift - about 8000 rubles.
  • OutLine - 6500-7000 rubles.

Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that liquid filaments are an excellent substitute for their solid predecessors due to the large number of advantages. They can correct not only the signs of aging on the face, but also any problem areas on the body. At the same time, this procedure guarantees excellent skin tension, as well as a quick result. Many have already appreciated the effectiveness of this technique and are very pleased with its result.

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