Medical complaint to the Ministry of Health: sample

The Constitution of the Russian Federation states that all citizens have the full right to provide timely medical care. With the advent of health insurance, some services should be provided completely free of charge. But in practice, quite often you can encounter a violation of established orders and laws. In this case, the patient has the right to write a complaint about the doctor to the Ministry of Health. But first, you must try to resolve the issue at the local level, although often such appeals do not end there. In what cases can I contact the Ministry, how to write a complaint? We will try to answer all these questions in our article.

Distinctive features of the complaint

In any organization that monitors the work of medical institutions, you can contact with a complaint or write an appeal. Not everyone understands the difference between these two documents. The main difference of the complaint is that it contains convincing charges. If the patient has only some suspicions, then he can write an appeal in which he will express a request to check the work of this or that institution or a specific doctor.

doctor complaint to the ministry of health

Very often, doctors are accused of bribes. If there is evidence, then you can safely write such a document as a complaint about a doctor to the Ministry of Health. Although, such a complaint can be sent to the police or prosecutors.

For what reason can there be a complaint

The Ministry of Health most often sends complaints on the following issues:

  1. Untimely first aid rendered. Very often, cases where an ambulance arrives at the patient too late.
  2. The doctor refuses to receive the patient or does not give a referral to hospitalization if there are clear indications.
  3. Mistakenly diagnosed, which leads to the appointment of an ineffective treatment, which is fraught with death for the patient.
  4. Incorrectly prescribed medications.
  5. Therapy only leads to a worsening of the condition.
  6. Death came due to the fault of hospital workers.
  7. A doctor is seen taking bribes.
    write a complaint about a doctor to the ministry of health
  8. A negligent operation that led to serious complications.
  9. Rudeness and rudeness of doctors.

The list goes on, but it must be remembered that the human factor has not been canceled. Nevertheless, for obvious and intentional violations, it is still worth writing a complaint to the Ministry.

Where can I file a complaint?

If you have a complaint to the doctor or to the medical institution as a whole, then you should not rush and send a complaint to the Ministry of Health immediately, there are other instances that can help deal with the problem:

  • First, you need to discuss the problem with your doctor.
  • You can complain to the head doctor of the hospital.
  • Contact the city health department.
  • The last resort is the Ministry of Health.

Domestic medicine is far from perfect, patients simply have nowhere to go and have to agree to treatment, even if the reviews about the doctor or hospital are not entirely good. But not everyone has the money to afford paid services, although it is not a fact that they will turn out to be better.

how to write to the ministry of health

Quite often, the problem can be solved at the local level, but if this does not work out, then it is necessary to threaten a complaint to higher authorities. As a rule, doctors don’t need this and the question quickly finds a solution.

It happens that one encounters vivid unprofessionalism and blatant arrogance, here it is already necessary to fight decisively and draw up a complaint about the doctor to the Ministry of Health.

How can I contact the Ministry of Health

If you need to write a complaint, then it is not necessary to buy a ticket and go to Moscow, you can send it in other ways:

  • Via the Internet - to the email address or to the website of the Ministry.
  • You can find the hotline phone and call, the operator will record the text of the complaint and report the results of the proceedings.
    write a complaint to
  • If you really want it or if the place of residence allows, then you can contact the minister personally, after making an appointment.
  • Modern technologies make life much easier for a person; you can fax a complaint.
  • Send by registered letter, so that when sending the attached documents are not lost, it is necessary to compile a register of everything sent. All copies must first be certified by a notary.

The patient has the right to file a complaint simultaneously with several authorities.

We are sending a complaint to the Ministry of Health

A complaint about a doctor is sent to the Ministry of Health if it is not possible to resolve the conflict by contacting local control authorities. It is important to understand that only substantiated complaints and documented ones are considered. Therefore, before applying, it is necessary to carefully prepare the evidence base. Many are not able to carry out such work on their own, for this you can seek help from a law firm.

There are some rules for admitting citizens to health departments:

  1. Strict order of admission of citizens is respected.
    make a complaint to the doctor at the Ministry of Health
  2. You must have a passport with you.
  3. If there is such an opportunity, then it is possible to attract an expert from the relevant field.
  4. In person, you can file a petition and receive a written response.
  5. All petitions must bear the mark of the official.
  6. The decision is entered in the applicant's admission card.

How to write a complaint

Most often, patients are not able to personally apply to the ministry, therefore they send a written complaint. To be accepted and considered it is important to know how to write to the Ministry of Health. There are no special forms, but some requirements still exist:

  • The clarity of the question is important.
  • Clarity.
  • The completeness of the disclosure of the problem.
  • The brevity of the above.
  • The veracity must be documented.
  • Summary of the conflict.
  • Polite treatment.
  • Your contact details.
  • Indicate what legislative norms, in your opinion, have been violated.
  • Documents confirming the essence of the complaint.

If you are not particularly strong in writing competent complaints, then it is better to contact specialists.


Most often, patients now have the opportunity to print a document on a computer, although handwritten writing will be considered, it is important that the complaint about a doctor to the Ministry of Health be drawn up according to some scheme:

  1. The first step is to write a “cap”, which indicates where the complaint is sent, who the applicant is. The address of the organization and place of residence of the applicant is indicated.
  2. The name of the document is written in the center, without a dot, with a capital letter: a complaint against a doctor.
  3. The substantive part should follow, in which the conflict situation is briefly but essentially described. For example: “On February 2, 2015, I, Petrov Ivan Alexandrovich, visited Polyclinic No. 5 in order to get an appointment with a therapist for severe chest pain. After boorish treatment at the reception desk, they gave me a ticket, but I did not have to count on help, as the doctor refused to accept me, saying that his working day was already over. On the way home, I felt ill and was taken to an ambulance with a heart attack. ”
  4. In conclusion of the complaint, it is desirable to indicate the laws and articles that the doctor violated and state their requirements.
  5. Writing a complaint ends with the signature and date of writing. You must also indicate the attached documents.

In any legal office, surely competent specialists will tell you how to write a complaint to the Ministry of Health.

complaints about doctors to the Ministry of Health of Moscow

What complaints will not be considered

Not every complaint will be considered, especially if there are non-compliance with some points:

  • The complaint is anonymous.
  • The address is incorrect.
  • An advertisement or spam is sent along with the complaint.
  • The letter contains threats and insults to the doctor or the Ministry.
  • Invalid complaint writing format.

Together with the complaint, the method of sending the decision must be indicated, it can be an e-mail or the actual address of residence.

Financial complaints

With the advent of paid medicine, financial complaints about doctors to the Ministry of Health of Moscow and other cities quite often began to appear. The patient is already entitled to demand a good attitude from the doctors, and if money is paid for the therapy, and sometimes a lot, then even more so. You can name the most common financial claims:

  1. The cost of the services provided is significantly overstated.
  2. It happens that the amount of treatment announced by the doctor at the beginning does not match the amount required at the end of therapy.
  3. Doctors often sin by imposing additional services, for which, of course, a separate fee is required. This can be observed not only in private clinics, but also in state ones.
  4. Payment for medicines and procedures is required when the patient is in the hospital, although such treatment involves the provision of free medicines. Such an example of a doctor’s complaint to the Ministry of Health can be found on the Internet at medical sites.
  5. In public hospitals, extortion of money before an operation can be observed, for example. True, very often this is veiled under a voluntary gratitude to the doctor.

Many patients believe that the quality of care provided is proportional to the amount paid, but this is far from the case. Every doctor took the Hippocratic oath, he is simply obligated to help people, regardless of the availability of money. This is completely on the conscience and qualifications of a specialist.

The consequences of medical errors

A complaint about a doctor to the Ministry of Health is often written about a medical error, which led to serious health complications or death. The deterioration of the patient’s health most often occurs for the following reasons:

  • The doctor refuses hospitalization if there are serious reasons for this.
  • Assistance to the patient was rendered out of time, which led to a sharp deterioration in health.
  • Mistakenly diagnosed.
  • Incorrect treatment tactics selected.
  • Unsuccessful surgery.
  • Due to the negligent attitude of the medical staff to their duties.
  • Low qualification of the doctor.
    file a doctor complaint with the ministry of health

The reasons can be listed further and among them there is harm by negligence, although putting on a white coat, each doctor already assumes responsibility in accordance with the laws of the state.

It is not difficult to write a complaint about a doctor to the Ministry of Health, but it is important to gather a substantial evidence base to prove the connection between the cause and the effect of death or ill health.

Medical complaint to the Ministry of Health: sample

If the patient decided to write such a complaint for the first time, then it would be logical to state everything independently with the provision of facts and documents, not everyone will succeed. To do this, you can contact the lawyers for help or find a sample on the Internet.

Here is a sample complaint about the denial of medical care

Where to____________________

(name of the authority where the complaint is written)

From whom_____________

(surname, name and patronymic of the sender)

Denial of medical care complaint

“___” ______________2010, I applied to ________________________ for emergency medical care. But the doctor was refused because of ___________________ (lack of a policy, passport, money, etc.). I believe that the doctor violated my right to receive medical care. Refusal to provide medical care in accordance with Art. 11 Federal Law "On the Basics of Protecting the Health of Citizens of the Russian Federation" is unacceptable.

I ask you to thoroughly understand and inform me of the decision at the specified address: _______

The date.


General recommendations for patients

Every patient who decides to file a doctor’s complaint with the Ministry of Health should be aware of the importance of such a decision. It is necessary to thoroughly study the entire legal side of the issue. If you have any difficulties, you can and should consult a lawyer, especially since at present you can get such advice even while sitting at home in front of the computer.

In case of conflict, in some cases, contacting an insurance company can help. Not for nothing that they pay the clinics for our treatment and assistance, you can ask for the inadequate quality of services.

To summarize

Health is the most precious thing that each of us has. And we have the right to demand from doctors the provision of assistance in full and in proper quality, especially if we also pay our hard-earned money for this treatment. Now patients have every right to go to another doctor and choose a medical institution.

If conflicts arise, dissatisfaction with the quality of treatment, then do not disregard this. The more often patients complain and claim their rights, the more hopefully the quality of care and treatment will be better.

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