Some types of expertise

Examination is a special study, interpretation and establishment of certain facts, as well as circumstances. In order to carry out this activity, special knowledge is needed in any scientific branch, field of art, or craft or craft.

Some types of expertise

The study of the limitation of the document. In this case, a physicochemical assessment of the age of the signature, the imprint of the seal, the authenticity of the record and other things is carried out. This study is carried out without damage or changes to the document using a special technology - spectrometroscopy.

Handwriting examination is used when studying a letter to establish certain characteristics of the person who executed the signature or wrote the text.

Forensic analysis is carried out to determine the partial or general forgery of documents. The objects of this study should include the following documents: typewritten, handwritten, made by printing methods. In addition, the study can be applied to writing instruments (felt-tip pens, pens, pencils, etc.), materials (paper, ink, etc.), seals, and means used for etching texts. The objects of study may include equipment, components for it, binding materials and so on.

As a rule, the above studies are used as types of forensic examinations and are carried out in accordance with the definition of the court, investigation authorities or inquiries. However, such an assessment can also be carried out in accordance with a civil law contract for laboratory research.

Engineering and technical expertise

Construction and technical assessment is used at complexes and individual objects, construction sites and their elements, certain territories, special zones, land plots that have a functional relationship with construction objects. The objects of research also include materials, structural elements, products, engineering systems, soil masses, sanitary facilities, electrical equipment, etc.

Land management expertise is carried out in relation to land plots, plots for various purposes, documents that confirm ownership, orders from territorial self-government bodies on the allocation of plots, land surveys, cadastral documents, acts of BTI.

Engineering and technological types of examinations are different studies of complex equipment, its technical condition, attributes, defects, malfunctions, damage, circumstances and the causes of their occurrence. Thus, the objects of evaluation include machines, machines, equipment, hoists, elevators, aggregates, cranes, devices, apparatuses. They also study technological lines, raw materials, materials, drawings, photographs, etc.

Computer-technical assessment is an independent kind of forensic expertise. It belongs to the engineering category. It is carried out to determine the status of an object as a computer tool, to gain access to available data on media and its subsequent comprehensive study. The objects of study include classes of hardware, software or information objects.

Phonoscopic types of examinations are used to identify the person whose speech is recorded on the phonogram, seized equipment for sound recording, determine the reliability and authenticity of the recordings. This study is also used to establish the method of recording (original or dubbing), the facts of the presence of signs of falsification of a phonogram, class, type of microphone and other things.

Various types of environmental impact assessment are used as a legal measure to ensure compliance with certain environmental requirements.

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