Chronic tonsillitis. Treatment

Tonsillitis is called inflammation of the tonsils. This disease can go into a chronic form due to incorrect or late treatment of the acute form.

The disease is usually caused by pathogens such as staphylococcus adenovirus, streptococcus. Respiratory failure, acquired or congenital deviation of the nasal septum, diseases of the sinuses, sinusitis, caries can also cause the development of the disease. Often there is chronic tonsillitis in children, the treatment of which is in most cases carried out surgically, that is, tonsils are removed (or, as they say, tonsils are cut). Often the disease in children occurs due to poorly cured sore throat.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of chronic tonsillitis are persistent sore throat, coughing up tight lumps of white or yellow mucus, pain when swallowed, sometimes there is an increase in temperature, enlarged lymph nodes.

The consequences and complications of the disease

Chronic tonsillitis can be the cause of diseases of the heart, kidneys, and joints. Treatment of acute tonsillitis should begin as early as possible, so that it does not go into a chronic form, since it can be very difficult to cope with a running disease. To do this, at the first signs of the disease, you need to immediately take action. In this case, the risk of developing the disease and its transition to a chronic form will be minimal.

Chronic tonsillitis, the treatment of which was incorrect or untimely, can cause the development of diseases such as neurodermatitis, scleroderma, psoriasis, hemorrhagic vasculitis. In medical practice, cases of toxic liver damage have been described.

Chronic tonsillitis. Treatment

Treatment of tonsillitis in a chronic form can be non-surgical and surgical. With a mild form, palatine tonsils are washed with antimicrobial solutions, the patient attends physiotherapy. Tonsils are washed with solutions of furatsilin, miramistin, silver. The course includes about 15 procedures that are repeated every six months. There are also drugs specifically designed for washing the tonsils. One such remedy is Tonsilor. It affects the development of infection and aromatherapy. Essential oils such as eucalyptus, cedar, lavender are used in the treatment of tonsillitis, including chronic. Inhalations help ease breathing and reduce pain.

Additional methods of treatment include acupressure, which should be carried out regularly, as well as exercises to strengthen the muscles of the neck, which have a positive effect on blood circulation and, thus, contribute to healing.

There are medical methods to cure chronic tonsillitis. Antibiotic treatment is prescribed in case of complications of the course of the disease. Antibiotics included in the macrolide group are highly effective in the fight against the disease, which was caused by penicillin-insensitive bacteria. These include erythromycin, azithromycin. Sumamed medication helps both children and adults. Antibiotic treatment should only be prescribed by a doctor.

Surgery was previously quite common. But with the development of medicine, the emergence of new treatment technologies and drugs, removal of the tonsils has become less common.

Chronic tonsillitis. Treatment with folk remedies

Folk remedies can also help cure the disease. For gargling, the following solutions and decoctions are used:

• Rinse the leaves of coltsfoot well and chop finely. Squeeze the juice, add onion juice and red wine in the same amount. Mix everything and refrigerate. Immediately before use, shake the medicine and dilute one tablespoon of the medicine with three tablespoons of cold water. Take several times during the day.

• Two tablespoons of chopped sage and four garlic cloves pour boiling water (liter). Send to the water bath for half an hour under a tightly closed lid. Cool and strain. The tool is taken in two tablespoons regularly 2 times a day, you can gargle every hour to quickly achieve a positive effect.

• Lubricating tonsils with garlic juice also helps get rid of infection. To do this, wrap a finger with a sterile bandage, moisten in garlic juice diluted with a few drops of water and lubricate the tonsils.

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