What is the purpose of creating a parent committee at school? The responsibilities of this organization are to help educators. It is this body that mediates between students, the class teacher, and parents.
The class’s Parents' Committee is a mechanism for creating positive relationships between students and adults.
Among the main functions that a cool parental committee performs, we note the organization of the educational and educational process.
The choice of composition
The regulation on the school ’s parent committee determines the procedure for selecting its members. This body includes parents of class students in the amount of 5-8 people. Note that the parent committee of the class exists on a voluntary basis. Elections are held at a general parent meeting on a voluntary basis. By voting, a chairman is selected from them, who will be a member of the parent committee at the school. The responsibilities of this body are determined based on the Charter of the educational institution.
For each school, its own Regulations on the school committees of parents are developed. A detailed work plan for the parent committee is drawn up for the school year. Depending on the age of the children, the capabilities of the parents, it includes cool, school, city events and competitions.
Members of the parents' class committee systematically report on their activities to class meetings. If the work is deemed unsatisfactory, then snap elections are called.
It is those parents who are elected to the class committee who are delegated to various school-wide conferences, meetings with the school administration.
Frequency of meetings
How often does a parent committee meet at school? The responsibilities of this body are regulated by internal school documents. For example, its internal meetings should be held three to four times during the school year.
All decisions that are made during the meetings must be recorded in the minutes of the meetings of the school's parent committee. Documents are kept by the chairman of the schoolwide committee of parents.
Why is a parent committee formed at school? The responsibilities of this body are related to the involvement of parents in activities aimed at optimizing the educational and educational process. The group selected as the parent committee communicates with the class teacher, the school administration, and conducts various raids.
For example, the work plan of the parent committee includes a periodic check of the quality of cooking in the dining room, an assessment of the sanitary cleaning of all classrooms.
Primary activity
Throughout the school year, activists verify compliance with internal rules by schoolchildren: school uniforms, late for classes, absence from school without a good reason.
The rights of the parent committee at the school also include the representation of the interests of students in front of the school administration. Among the responsibilities of the initiative group of parents, we also note the nomination of personal proposals to improve the educational and educational process in a general educational institution.
How are responsibilities allocated?
The chairman of the parent committee of the school is considered a responsible person, it is he who should represent the interests of the parent committee at the level of the educational institution. His deputies are responsible for certain areas of activity that are established during the first (installation) meeting.
The task of the treasurer is the correct and rational separation of financial resources that were collected for the needs of the school.
The authority of the school's parent committee includes attending extracurricular activities and class activities (after obtaining permission from the teacher). Parents have the right to provide the class teacher, the school with all possible assistance in acquiring textbooks, fiction, necessary for organizing a full-fledged educational process. Together with the class teacher, they can organize holidays and creative events aimed at involving the younger generation in social life. It is the representatives of the parent committee that help teachers to develop in their children a sense of pride in their land, to raise true patriots of their country.
They take active measures aimed at working with problem students: organizing conversations, preventive visits to families, maintaining relations with representatives of public organizations.
A report from the school’s parent committee is provided at the end of the school year. It is published on the website of the educational institution.
If all members of the committee work harmoniously, this will certainly bring results. The children are pleased that their mothers and fathers participate in their school life, organize holidays, tournaments, and creative contests for them.
In many Russian schools, there is a good tradition - conducting creative annual reports on the work of the class team and the parent committee. Such meetings are organized at the end of the next school year, they become the logical conclusion of the work that was carried out throughout the school year.
Creative tournaments
In discussing what the parent committee does at school, here are a few specific examples.
Recently, in educational institutions there has been an increase in interest in intellectual tournaments. The television program “What? Where? When?" inspires classroom and school parenting committees to create their own teams, to conduct tournaments inside the school.
The frequency of such events is determined individually in each school. For example, creative events may be dedicated to specific dates: New Year's holidays, March 8, May 9. The children and parents assemble the teams, and the class teacher acts as the leader of the intellectual tournament.
Script game with parents
Earth is a unique planet, the secrets of which mankind has been trying to comprehend throughout its entire existence. This year is the year of ecology, so some of the questions of our intellectual tournament are devoted to physics, chemistry, biology, history, geography. Blaise Pascal said that a person should always strive forward.
Let the statement of the great physicist be for you, dear parents and schoolchildren, an excellent farewell to our game today.
So, we play ten questions, one minute is given for the discussion of each team. Then the team gives its answers to the “swallow”, and the jury enters the results into the form. So, today in the game “What? Where? When?" teams of student groups and their parents are represented.
First question. Once Bernard Shaw said: “Now that we have already learned to fly through the air like birds, swim underwater like fish, we only need one thing: to learn ...”. Answer what did he mean?
The answer to the question: to be human.
Second question. It turns out that potato is important in our country, in France they like grapes, and in southern Europe they like olive. What fruit, according to many legends, was important three times for the fate of all mankind?
Answer: apple.
Third question.
In Ulyanovsk, which is the birthplace of Karamzin, there is a monument to the letter that he introduced it for the first time in print in 1797. What letter is it for?
Answer: dedicated to the letter "".
The fourth question. According to popular beliefs, it was precisely such creatures that influenced the creation of the foundations of writing, the appearance of modern hieroglyphs in Japan.
Answer: ordinary chickens.
The fifth question. Earlier in the Red Book there were four types of animals: endangered, rare, declining, little studied. The fifth book has appeared today. What is it called?
Answer: the book "restored animals."
Six question. In a variety of options, ikebans use the essential elements. In their quality are: branch, flower, grass. What do they symbolize?
Answer: heaven, man, Earth.
The seventh question. One of the foresters decided to clear the forest of old trees with hollows. What happened after his actions with the forest?
Answer: The forest was destroyed by numerous pests.
The eighth question. For whom in the sixteenth century did ladies in Europe wear mink or sable skins on the belt of their dresses?
Answer: so that lice accumulate on skins, do not bite the ladies themselves.
The ninth question. This Soviet biologist managed to visit many countries: the United States of America, Italy, Ethiopia, many other states. He traveled to all the republics of the Soviet Union, collected a unique collection of useful plants, as well as wild species, unique at that time. It was for this that botany was made president of the Geographical Societies, and was awarded the medal by N. M. Przhevalsky "For Geographical Feat." What is the name of the scientist?
Answer: Academician Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov.
The tenth question. Cruel punishments were imposed by Peter for certain offenses. What kind?
Answer: for illegal deforestation.
As assistants who are involved in counting the number of correct answers given by teams, the class teacher attracts children and parents. The logical conclusion of such an intellectual tournament will be a joint tea party, summing up, rewarding.
Joint hiking
In addition to creative contests, a special attention in their activities to the parent committee is given to preserving the health of the younger generation.
For this, parents and teachers organize joint trips and trips. For example, you can organize a joint trip to the forest on a day off.
Interesting information
The school is a certain model of the state, therefore, a clear division of powers between participants in the educational process is supposed here. The parent committee of the class, school, is a public organization that not only monitors the progress of the educational and educational process, but also provides all possible assistance to teachers.
Committee mission
Being a member of a parent committee is a serious responsibility. It is this body, which is selected annually from among dads and mothers, helps to strengthen ties between the public, the teaching staff, government bodies and schoolchildren.
The work of such mini-teams should be systematic, thoughtful. Despite the fact that there are some distinctive characteristics between the classroom and school-wide parenting committee, they are engaged in solving related and similar problems.
The activities of such groups are clearly regulated by the Regulation “On the Committee of Parents at School”, as well as the Federal Law “On Education”. Among the main issues addressed by parent activists who are elected to the asset of the class, school, the most important are:
- drawing up a full-fledged work plan for the year, a report for the past period;
- participation in the resolution of various technical and material issues related to the life of the class team, educational institution;
- Thinking through numerous cultural events;
- monitoring compliance with sanitary standards in the offices;
- nutritional analysis in the school cafeteria.
In case of violations, members of the parent committee have the right to appeal in writing to local authorities, the prosecutor's office, demanding that departmental structures eliminate problems, restore the violated rights of students to receive quality and safe education.
It is the schoolwide committee of parents that is the coordinator between activists of individual classes, school teachers, the administration of an educational institution, as well as representatives of the school’s board of trustees.
Among the powers that representatives of the parental school committee can currently be vested with, the possibility of being present as outside observers during the final certification in the ninth grade and the unified state exam in the 11th grade is of interest.
To do this, parents must go through the registration procedure, which they can learn about from the head of the educational organization.