Filling in T2 card (sample). Employee personal card

The form of form T2, or Personal card, is included in the list of personnel documents required to be maintained in any organization. Information about employees, both current and dismissed, periods of work, information about professional qualifications and labor activity - all this should contain correctly completed unified form T2. The employeeā€™s personal card is a personnel document of the legally approved form and must be established immediately after the order on the employeeā€™s acceptance has been agreed and signed. How to enter information into this document? What information must a T2 personal card contain?

T2 card filling sample

Basic requirements and features of filling

A personal card is filled out for each employee, including part-time workers, in one copy. The T2 card is required to be filled in by organizations, however, for employees employed by an individual entrepreneur, this document can be kept only at the request of the employer. Another exception is civil servants, they have established a different form of documentation.

Filling in the T2 card, a sample of which is presented in the article, is carried out in accordance with the mandatory requirements established by law:

ā€¢ All information is entered into established sections, legibly and without abbreviations.

ā€¢ Abbreviations are allowed when indicating the place of residence or information about education, but in a generally accepted form that does not distort the significance of the information.

ā€¢ The completed T2 form must contain codes that correspond to all-Russian classifiers: OKIN, OKATO, OKSO, OKPDTR. The number designation must be entered in a special table on the right side of the line. All code designations are freely available in printed directories, as well as on the All-Russian Classifiers website.

ā€¢ If the classification code is incorrectly filled in, the T2 form is considered invalid, in this case a new personal card is required. Strikethroughs, corrections in the coding table are not allowed.

ā€¢ Changes in employment or personal data of an employee should be reflected in a timely manner in T2. All changes made to the personal card are certified by the signature of a specialist in the personnel department.

ā€¢ Information is entered in T2 on the basis of supporting documents provided by the employee.

ā€¢ Words and phrases ā€œnoā€, ā€œwas not (a)ā€, ā€œnot availableā€, as well as dashes in the T2 form are not entered - such lines are left blank.

unified form t2 employee personal card

Grounds for entering information about employees

Personal T2 card must be filled out on the basis of the following documents:

ā€¢ an employment contract with an employee;

ā€¢ orders for organization: on hiring, transferring, granting leave, dismissal;

ā€¢ passport (other document replacing it) of the employee;

ā€¢ SNILS;

ā€¢ documents confirming education, courses, certification sheets and so on;

ā€¢ TIN certificate;

ā€¢military ID.

Other information (for example, the degree of knowledge of foreign languages) is indicated only from the words of the employee. If necessary, other supporting documents may be requested by the employer, in accordance with the specifics of the organization's professional orientation, as well as established internal regulations.

How to fill in the title?

The first page of the form contains information about the employee and the level of his professional qualifications. Filling out the T2 card (a sample of entering information is presented below) begins with the name of the employer organization on the top line of the form. The name is indicated in full, in accordance with the charter documents of the organization. In the coding table are digital designations OKPO and OKUD. Further, the following data is entered in the table below:

ā€¢ date of filling T2 (Arabic numerals);

ā€¢ personnel number assigned to the employee during employment;

ā€¢ TIN (based on the certificate of the Federal Tax Service);

ā€¢ SNILS employee;

ā€¢ the first letter of the employeeā€™s surname is put in the column ā€œalphabetā€;

ā€¢ nature of work, in accordance with the conditions in the employment contract: temporary, permanent;

ā€¢ type of work: it can be either ā€œmainā€, or for external or internal part-time jobs - ā€œpart-timeā€;

ā€¢ gender is indicated by the letters "F" or "M".

After completing the title of the document, you can proceed to other sections, including the initial filling of the T2 card. Sample title entry:

employee personal card sample fill

Employee Overview

The completion of this section begins with the indication in the table ā€œEmployment Contractā€ of the number and date of the employment contract concluded with the employee. Next, filling out the T2 card, a sample of which is presented below, is carried out in the following order:

1. In the line ā€œ1ā€ the surname, as well as the name and patronymic of the employee, are fully indicated.

2. On the line ā€œ2ā€, the date of birth is indicated in text form. Example: ā€œApril 20, 1981.ā€ In the table, the same date is encoded in Arabic numerals: "20.04.81."

3. Line "3" must contain information about the place of birth. It is important to be guided by the following requirements:

- When specifying a settlement with the words ā€œcityā€, ā€œvillageā€, ā€œregionā€, ā€œvillageā€, ā€œdistrictā€, ā€œkraiā€, generally accepted abbreviations are allowed: ā€œoblastā€, ā€œcr.ā€ and so on. Example: ā€œmountains. Samara "," pos. Taiga. " However, the designations ā€œvillageā€, ā€œvillageā€, ā€œvillageā€, ā€œvillageā€ are recommended to be indicated in full.

- The total number of characters in the string ā€œ3ā€ must not exceed 100 characters.

- The coding table is filled in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Territorial Entities (from 2014 - the new name is OKTMO code).

4. Line "4" is intended for entering information on the citizenship of the employee on the basis of a passport. All subsequent information in this section is entered in strict accordance with the OKIN code. The information should be entered as follows:

ā€¢ citizen of the Russian Federation (the designation ā€œ1ā€ is entered in the encoding table);

ā€¢ code ā€œ2ā€ is indicated if the employee has dual citizenship, one of which is citizenship of the Russian Federation; the entry about it looks like this: ā€œCitizen of the Russian Federation and a foreign stateā€;

ā€¢ for workers who are citizens of another state, the code ā€œ3ā€ is indicated in the encoding table, the entry: ā€œForeign citizenā€ is entered in line ā€œ4ā€;

ā€¢ if the employee is stateless, ā€œStateless personā€ is entered in the line, ā€œ4ā€ in the coding table;

5. Line ā€œ5ā€ shall indicate the employeeā€™s knowledge of a foreign language and the level of language proficiency. The encoding OKIN assumes three categories characterizing the level of proficiency in writing and speaking in a foreign language:

ā€¢ code ā€œ1ā€ - translates and reads with a dictionary;

ā€¢ code ā€œ2ā€ - reads and can be explained;

ā€¢ code "3" - fluent.

In addition, OKIN contains specific codes for foreign languages, which should also be indicated in the code table. Thus, the information in line "5" is entered in the following order: name of a foreign language - level of proficiency - code designation of the language and degree of proficiency (in the table). Filling in T2 card, sample: ā€œGerman - I speak fluentlyā€ OKIN code: 171/3.

6. The sixth line of section ā€œIā€ is filled out solely on the basis of educational documents provided by the employee. An example of a text designation and the corresponding OKIN codes are presented in this table:

personal card t2

Example: ā€œ6. Secondary professional education - OKIN code: 11 Ā»

Further in the table below should be indicated: the name, series and number of the education certificate provided by the employee, the year of graduation, as well as the qualifications and the name of the profession in strict accordance with the document. The code of the profession for OKSO is entered in the table. If an employee has provided two documents on education, for example, secondary vocational and higher or first and second higher, information on all available documents is entered in T2. Similarly, sections IV - VI contain information on retraining, certification, and advanced training received by an employee after employment.

Information on incomplete education should also be entered in T2, indicating the type of education available. For example, for an employee undergoing training at the time of employment, information should be entered on the education that existed before entering this educational institution; on the basis of a certificate from the educational institution, indicate that the employee is currently studying, the name of the educational institution and the course of study. In a similar way, information is entered if the employee passed training, but did not finish his studies, but was expelled (or was expelled):

ā€¢ with less than three courses completed, only the education that the employee had before admission should be indicated;

ā€¢ information about the training passed, provided that three or more courses of the educational institution are completed, is entered in T2 on the basis of a diploma (certificate) of incomplete higher education; at the same time, the designation ā€œIncomplete higher educationā€ and the course from which the employee was expelled are indicated;

7. The lines ā€œ7ā€ indicate the full name of the main and, if available, additional position (profession) of the employee, which he occupies in the organization in accordance with the order on hiring and staffing. Abbreviations or distortions of the name are not allowed. The coding table of the section indicates the code of the post according to OKDTR.

Work experience

It is entered in accordance with the previous labor activity of the employee, the basis is the labor book. In case the employee is employed for the first time, zeros are put in the first line ā€œgeneralā€.

Information about the relatives of the employee: who should be indicated?

The completion of this section begins with an indication of the marital status of the employee at the time of employment. You should avoid words and phraseologisms ā€œmarriedā€, ā€œin a civil marriageā€, ā€œcohabitā€ and so on: the line is filled with the wording defined by the all-Russian classifier with the OKIN code.
If you change the marital status, amendments are made on the basis of the certificate of the registry office, indicating the details of the document.

Information about relatives directly living with the employee, indicating the degree of their relationship, should also be included in such a document as the employeeā€™s personal card. Sample filling T2 is as follows:

T2 card required

Military accounting

Information on the suitability for military service is filled out on the basis of the military card provided, indicating the rank and category of stock marked in the document. Information for items 3-4 is on page 3 of the military ticket. For an employee who has not yet served, but who does not have restrictions for the service, the lines are left blank, with the entry ā€œto be called upā€ in line 2.

The degree of fitness for service is indicated on the basis of the attribution certificate with the letter designation:

ā€¢ Godin - A. This category is also affixed if there is no indication of the category in the documents.

ā€¢ Suitable for restrictions - B.

ā€¢ Limited fit - V.

ā€¢ Temporarily unsuitable - G.

Line 8 of the section is intended for marks ā€œRemoved from military registrationā€ indicating the reason, for example, by age or health condition.

Page 3, Section III

This section contains only information about the transfer of an employee to another structural unit within one organization (including the transfer to another locality) or about a change in job functions. All information is entered on the basis of orders for the organization with the details of the order (date, number).

T2 card required

Important to remember! Indicate information on changes in the rate or salary, carried out without changing the position of the employee, in this section should not be.

With all entries made in this section, the employee must be acquainted with the signature.

Holidays and days off

This section is filled in as far as the employee is granted vacations in accordance with labor legislation and internal regulations. The details of the vacation order, type of vacation, number of calendar days must be entered in the table of the section. For annual leave, you should also indicate the period for which vacation days are given in columns No. 2, 3 of Table VIII (employeeā€™s personal card). A sample fill is as follows:

T2 card required

Section X: what information can be provided?

ā€œAdditional Informationā€ - a section provided for information that may be related to work, but is not indicated in other sections of Form T2. Such information may include, for example, the presence of an employeeā€™s driving experience and a driverā€™s license of a certain category, health restrictions (in accordance with a medical report), etc.

personal card t2

How to enter the information about the dismissal

The last section is filled on the last day of the employee. It is necessary to indicate the details of the order, the reason for the dismissal of the employee and assure the entry with the signature of the staff employee. Section XI entries should also be reviewed by signature.

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