Collagen activator BioSil: reviews. BioSil by Natural Factors

We all know that aging of our skin occurs with age. The production of natural collagen and elastin is slowed down. Lipid production is reduced. Fibroplasts lose their activity. The structure of the skin changes, the muscular frame is weakened. Sagging tissue occurs. The skin becomes dry and dehydrated. Wrinkles appear. To help the body naturally produce collagen, various supplements containing an amino acid complex must be used . Among them is the drug BioSil by Natural Factors.

What is collagen?

Collagen is a fibrillar protein, which is the basis for the entire connective tissue of the body. It is found in the skin, tendons, cartilage, joints, spine and other organs. Gives connective tissue strength, provides its elasticity. With age, its production in the human body slows down. Therefore, the skin begins to lose its elasticity. It becomes lethargic and wrinkled.

Collagen is another good moisturizer for the skin. When it is produced by the dermis in sufficient quantities, it creates a film on the surface of the epidermis that prevents moisture loss. As a result, the entire surface of the dermis is evenly moistened. The skin gains elasticity, tightens and smoothes.

How to stimulate the natural production of collagen cells? For this, in cosmetology there are many special tools. The activator of collagen production BioSil stands out against their background.

About BioSil by Natural Factors

Biosil reviews

Biosil supplement stimulates collagen regeneration due to exposure to the skin of substances such as orthosilicic acid, silicon-choline, ChOSA. The last component increases the amount of hydroxyproline, this is the main amino acid that our body needs to produce collagen and elastin.

Clinical trials of the effects of ChOSA on the skin of women yielded amazing results: in women aged 40 to 65 years, the number of wrinkles was reduced by 30%. The dermis elasticity increased by 55%. The skin is less aged and better tolerated the negative effects of the environment.

In order for BioSil to give a result, you need to take it for 20 weeks (5 months). It is this time that the body needs to stimulate the natural production of collagen cells. First, the dermis will become more dense. Then it will begin to tighten and become more elastic, smooth and beautiful. Wrinkles are smoothed. The oval of the face will be pulled.

The product works best for people aged 40 to 65 years. Previously, you can take the drug, but only if the skin is damaged by the sun and prematurely aged. As a rule, collagen production slows down after 35 years.

The tool "Biosil" not only improves skin condition, but also strengthens bone tissue. Which is very important for people after forty years.

The composition and effect of the drug

Biosil vitamins have two forms of release: drops and capsules.

The collagen activator in drops is enclosed in a 30 ml vial. It contains substances that stimulate the natural production of collagen cells. Among them:

  • silicon;
  • choline, aka vitamin B4;
  • water;
  • glycerol.

The last two substances are auxiliary.

Collagen is

BioSil capsules are packaged in a plastic bottle containing 120 pills. Capsules contain all the same choline and silicon. True, other ingredients were involved as minor components, these are microcrystalline cellulose and water. The pill shell is made of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose.

The drug is intended for men and women after 35 years.

The action of the collagen activator on the body is unique.

  • It restores the human body from the inside.
  • It makes the condition of the skin better.
  • Increases the elasticity of the epidermis.
  • Gives it smoothness and elasticity.
  • Smoothes the microrelief of the dermis, removing wrinkles.
  • It makes the contours of the face more toned and clear.
  • Improves the condition of the hair - tightens its structure, gives shine and silkiness to the strands.
  • Strengthens the nail plate. Nails after taking the supplement cease to exfoliate and heal.
  • Supplements have a positive effect on bone tissue. Increases its density, which reduces the risk of injury by several times.

Method of use, dosage

Biosil by natural factors

BioSil Collagen is a very healthy supplement for our body. It must be taken strictly according to the instructions and only after consulting a doctor.

BioSil in drops is taken as follows:

  • To improve the condition of the skin, hair and to strengthen the nail plate, the drug is taken orally five drops twice a day. Drops are dissolved in ΒΌ cup of water.
  • To strengthen bone tissue, the drug is taken twice a day, six drops. They, as in the previous case, should be parted in ΒΌ of a glass of water.

The drug in capsules is used to take one tablet twice a day to improve the condition of the skin, hair and to strengthen nails. Pills can be washed with water.

Biosil Vitamins

The course of taking "Biosil" to improve the condition of the skin, nail plates and hair is at least five months. If the drug is taken to strengthen bones, then it should be drunk for at least one year.


The supplement has no particular contraindications. The exception is special sensitivity to the components that make up this tool. Do not take the product for people under 35 years old. At this age, the body itself produces a sufficient amount of collagen.

It is not recommended to take the drug during pregnancy and while breastfeeding, since studies confirming the safety of Biosil during this period have not been conducted.

With extreme caution, the supplement should be taken during an exacerbation of chronic diseases, when the body is weakened or prone to colds.

Collagen activator BioSil: reviews

Biosil collagen

Taking this supplement has caused a lot of positive reviews. According to users, it perfectly activates the production of collagen. The results are noticeable 2-3 weeks after the start of the drug. People have improved skin condition. She became more elastic and resilient. Wrinkles smoothed out. The oval of the face was pulled. The face has become more fresh and toned. After 2-3 months of admission, the condition of the nails improved. The nail plate hardened and stopped flaking. Got a healthy look. In a positive way, the drug also affected the condition of the hair. They stopped falling out. They became more dense and thick. Reinforced their growth intake of dietary supplement BioSil.

Collagen regeneration

Reviews note that the drug strengthened the joints. They ceased to be ill in bad weather. The crunch of bones is gone. Missing leg pain.

What did users not like?

Product Biosil reviews caused and negative. True, there are only a few people to whom the supplement did not fit. These users note that the drug caused side effects, which were manifested in numbness of the arms and legs, increased blood pressure. Some users have diarrhea and nausea after taking the capsules. After discontinuation of the drug, the negative symptoms disappeared.

More people speak negatively about the bad taste and smell of drops. Some refused to take liquid BioSil because of the taste and switched to capsules.

Among the negative aspects, users note the duration of the supplement, its cost and the complexity of the purchase. This product is not sold in pharmacies and stores. It has to be ordered in online stores.

The opinion of cosmetologists

Beautician reviews about BioSil are mostly positive. They know and love this drug. They offer to buy the supplement to customers whose age has exceeded 40. They note that the supplement works better than a cream with lifting, but you do not need to expect special miracles from it. It cannot be compared with the hand of a plastic surgeon.

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