Shtil Georgy Antonovich: biography, filmography

The artist George Shtil did not play high-profile roles, did not receive prestigious awards at film festivals. However, he was present in the frame of many of our favorite films and showed his skill, even if in the background. How did the episode master live and what paintings with his participation were most remembered by the audience?

Shtil Georgy Antonovich: photo, early years

George was born in early March 1932 in Leningrad. Shtil Georgy Antonovich, whose nationality is rather difficult to determine, has German ancestors and Poles in his family. However, in the family, as the actor said in one of his interviews, he spoke German. Moreover, before the war, he studied German with a German governess.

calm georgy antonovich

With the beginning of World War II, little Gosha was sent to evacuate to Bashkiria. The German father was not called to the front because of his nationality, but they did not begin to repress either - he continued to work at the factory.

After the liberation of Leningrad, the whole Calm family returned home. George first planned to enter a flight school. But there were circumstances that he did not pass the exam in German. It was then that the idea came to him to try himself in the acting field. George was even accepted into the Moscow Art Theater School, but he realized that he would not be able to leave Leningrad for a long time, so he returned to his hometown and entered SPbGATI.

The beginning of a film career

Shtil Georgy Antonovich first appeared in the film in 1959, playing the cameo role of a soldier in the film "The Youth of an Officer".

In 1963, Roman Tikhomirov filmed the vaudeville "Serf Actress" and took Shtil for the role of Fedka's servant. Also during this period, the artist played a pilot in the science fiction film "Barrier of Unknown".

calm georgy antonovich films
The next famous painting with the participation of George was the drama "Don story". This tragic story was directed by director Vladimir Fetin. The picture was about the times of the Civil War. The hero of Yevgeny Leonov is a Red Army soldier, and his lover is a Don Cossack woman who is for White’s power. The girl of Jacob Shibalok betrays both him and his Red Army detachment. In revenge, Jacob shoots her, but they still have a young son. The relationship between father and son subsequently becomes the center of the drama played out on the screen. In this tape, George Shtil got a supporting role - a character named Zotov.

Shtil Georgy Antonovich: filmography. "Zhenya, Zhenechka and Katyusha"

A rather large role was played by the artist in the 1967 war film Zhenya, Zhenechka and Katyusha. The director of the picture was Vladimir Motyl ("Star of captivating happiness"), and the script for the project was written by the poet and prose writer Bulat Okudzhava.

calm georgy antonovich photo
The plot of the picture is both comic, and romantic, and tragic at the same time. The main character - Yevgeny Kolyshkin - serves in the Soviet troops with the rank of private. He is from an intelligent family, so for him war is something poetic, he does not take everything that happens seriously. To Kolyshkin, reality seems to be the plot of a fascinating book, which he used to read at home.

At the front, Eugene meets his namesake - a charming Zhenechka, who serves as a radio operator. They have a romantic relationship. Together, the guys reach Berlin. However, by an absurd accident, in one of the houses of the German capital, Kolyshkin and his girlfriend run into a German who kills a girl.

Shtil Georgy Antonovich in the painting Motyl played the commander of the unit in which Kolyshkin served. In the story, Lieutenant Romadin was forced to constantly pull Eugene out of the most ridiculous situations.

"New Year's adventures of Masha and Viti"

However, most of all the spectators Shtil Georgy Antonovich was remembered for the role of Leshii in the fairy tale "New Year's Adventures of Masha and Viti." It was one of the few films in which the actor got the main role.

calm georgy antonovich nationality
Igor Usov (The Blue Bird) and Gennady Kazansky (The Amphibian Man) were scripted by Pavel Finn (The Headless Horseman). We are talking in a children's film about little friends Vita and Masha, to whom on New Year's Eve the Snow Maiden did not come for the holiday. Then the children decide to go to the Tale to rescue the granddaughter of Santa Claus.

Vitya is the “brain” of the rescue team, and Masha is a sympathetic heart. On their way, children encounter many obstacles: the insidious Lesha performed by Shtil, a cat performed by M. Boyarsky and the evil Baba Yaga. In the final, the children defeat the terrible Koshchei and successfully return home.


calm georgy antonovich filmography
Shtil Georgy Antonovich also played in the epoch-making picture of Andrei Konchalovsky “Sibiriada”. This epic multi-part film describes the fate of several generations of the Ustyuzhanins and Solomins families. Both dynasties live in a small Siberian village called Elan. The main characters fall in love, get married, quarrel, take part in all wars of the XX century, etc.

George Shtil in this film played the episodic role of Frol.

"Deadly Force" and "Cops"

Infrequently received in the movie the main roles Shtil Georgy Antonovich. Films with his participation were not always in demand. But this statement does not apply to the series "Deadly Force", which appeared on the screens from 1999 to 2006. In total, six seasons of the project were released. And Georgy Shtil in this series was assigned the role of father-in-law Lieutenant Vasily Rogov (A. Fedortsov). The hero of Calm was quarrelsome and more than anything else he loved his little red Cossack.

In 2010, Calm appeared in another police series - Cops. This time he was assigned the role of Colonel Firsov, whom the investigators called Kefyrych. The artist took part in three seasons (10-13) and left the project for health reasons.

"Russians in the city of angels"

The main role went to the artist in the 2002 series called “Russians in the City of Angels”. This 12-episode detective film was shot by Rodion Nakhapetov commissioned by Channel One. Such stars as Nikolai Dobrynin (“Matchmakers”), Lev Durov (“Old Men”) and Valery Nikolaev (“Bear Hunt”) took part in the project. George Antonovich played the role of a character named Matvey Georgievich.

Personal life

calm georgy antonovich children
In 1966, when Calm starred in the military melodrama "Zhenya, Zhenechka and Katyusha," he met a member of the crew, an artist-decorator named Rimma. A year later, they formalized their relationship. Rimma and George were united not only by their profession, but also by their love for football, in particular, for the Zenit team.

Forty years lived in this marriage Shtil Georgy Antonovich. The couple’s children were never born. In the 2000s, Rimma Pavlovna suffered a stroke, and then died.

No one expected, but the 80-year-old actor got married again a year later - to the osteopathic doctor Liane, who was almost fifteen years younger than him. Together, the couple lives to this day. George Shtil continues to act in films: his last work dates back to 2013, when the artist appeared on the screens in the image of a notary Kibby in the series "Sherlock Holmes".

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