Eye drops from eye fatigue. Gymnastics at work at the computer.

Many who often have to work at a computer complain of discomfort, redness and burning, pain in the eyes. People who are prone to allergic reactions can even have swelling of the eyelids. Eliminate ugly redness of the eyes will help you "Visin". It acts instantly, but it is not recommended to abuse the tool. Read the instructions for use and try not to deviate from the recommendations indicated in it.
After using eye drops for eye fatigue, apply contrasting eye compresses in a few minutes. You can use gel glasses, which are sold in cosmetic departments.
Intensive work on the computer can not only cause discomfort, but also lead to a decrease in visual acuity. Pharmacy eye drops from eye fatigue -
a great tool, but it must be used in combination. Do not forget about occupational health and safety. A good modern monitor will partially solve the problem, but do not forget about the rest.
Do relaxing eye exercises every two hours . All exercises must be performed with maximum amplitude. Repeat exercises 5 times to the score from 1 to 6.
* Close your eyes tightly, then open and look into the distance, without straining your eyesight.
* Without turning your head, look away to the left, then to the right.
* Take your eyes to the bridge of the nose, then look at the distant object.
* Look for a few seconds at the subject in front of you.
* Turn your eyes up and to the side, then down and to the side.
* Look in front of you, then look at the distant object. You can just look out the window for a few seconds.
* Actively blink your eyes.
Dr. P. Breg recommends using eye drops for eye fatigue in combination with palming relaxation techniques.
Sit back in a chair and gently cover your eyes with your palms. Close your eyelids and
rest your elbows on the table. In this position, sit for a few minutes thinking about something very pleasant. You can use relaxing music.
During work, do not forget about good posture, so as not to disrupt the blood supply.
Today in pharmacies and equipment stores you can find a lot of things that will help maintain visual acuity. These are special simulators, eye drops from eye fatigue, protective computer screens, special glasses. Do not forget about proper nutrition and vitamin preparations, this will help maintain vision.
Often from intensive work on the computer, the mucous membrane of the eye dries out greatly. There is an unpleasant sensation, as if a grain of sand had got into my eyes. The best eye drops when working on a computer are β€œartificial tears,” they moisturize the cornea. Please note that it is not recommended to use them for a long time.

Unpleasant symptoms force a person to constantly raise his hands to his eyes. Often, particles of contamination on the cornea lead to conjunctivitis. If suppuration has begun, take your time using medications such as Sulfacyl Sodium eye drops. Side effects from its use are very similar to the symptoms that cause a long work at the computer. That is, their use may well worsen the situation. It is better to use natural recipes: chamomile broth or calendula. Do not use potassium permanganate or boric acid for this purpose. Despite the fact that these funds are proven, they will do more harm than good. Of course, it is not recommended to conduct conjunctivitis treatment on your own, but you can remove suppuration at home.
Last advice to those who want to maintain good vision. Try to give your eyes a full rest at the weekend.

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