Actress Elena Butenko. Biography, interesting facts, roles in the cinema and theater

She calls her teachers, who once taught her the acting profession, as great masters. According to the teacher, when he teaches others, he also masters new knowledge. In his student years, Elena had a constant desire to "play a lot and that's it." According to her, it did not matter to her then, she would get a big role, small or episodic. I am sure that modern students of theatrical universities are similar to her in this respect and "want to play" just like her. Elena says with a smile on her face that the actors are bonded people whom they are ordered to play in the frame or on the stage, which they should do.

Her husband, a famous artist, Konstantin Raikin, at first was shy that his wife was trying to sing, but now she proudly calls her a professional singer. She does not respect jealous men, beating women and threatening to commit suicide. According to her admission, when she is jealous, she can only “let go of some joke,” and her husband in such cases does not even allow herself that. She was told that a kiss on the stage is just the fulfillment of the task assigned to the actors by the directors. According to her thoughts, creativity is a love act. Meet me.

actress and singer elena butenko

general information

Elena Butenko is a theater and film actress. He teaches acting. She is a singer and musician. In the track record of the native city of Valka - 9 cinematographic works. She starred in such popular TV shows as The Thunders and What the Dead Man Sayed. She got her first film role in 1987 - in the project “Peace be to your house”. In the frame, Elena Butenko interacted with the actors: Julia Rutberg, Grigory Bagrov, Ksenia Entelis and others.

According to the zodiac sign, Elena Ivanovna is Scorpio. Married to actor and director Konstantin Raikin. The daughter of Elena and Konstantin is called Polina. She is an actress and teacher.


Elena Butenko was born on November 3, 1959 in the city of Valki, located in the Kharkov region. In the early 1980s, she studied at the Saratov Theater School. At the same time, she entered into an employment contract with the Saratov Drama Theater, on the stage of which she appeared in productions: “Hekuba”, “Eccentrics” by M. Gorky, “Ivushka Weeping”, “Valencian Madmen”. In 1982 she moved to the city of Oryol to get a job in the local youth theater. Here she participated in the plays "Troilus and Cressida" by W. Shakespeare, "The Adventures of Pinocchio" (in the role of Colombino).

photo of Elena Butenko


In 1985, Elena Butenko became a graduate of the Moscow Art Theater School. She studied with teachers A. Popov and V. Markov. Then she was admitted to the Satyricon Theater, of which she is a representative today. Our heroine works on television, acts in films, participates in various musical projects. In 1998, Elena Butenko released a disc called "Lullaby for Men." Before that, she presented to the audience the pop show “Mask of Love”. In 2000, she staged the musical performance "Madame, already ...".

In 2002, he took a teaching position at the Moscow Art Theater School, in which he worked until 2013. In 2008, he will travel to the United States to conduct master classes in acting. In 2017, Elena Butenko created the audio play “The Road Goes Into the Distance,” based on the book by writer A. Ya. Brushtein.

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