Analysis for prolactin. Are all causes of infertility identified?

Today, a fairly large number of families face infertility. Often, it is caused by hormonal disorders in both men and women . The most common of these is an increased amount of prolactin in the blood.

This hormone is synthesized by the anterior pituitary gland, as well as in small amounts by the decidual membrane and endometrium. He, together with estradiol, affects the functioning and growth of the mammary glands, is responsible for lactation.

Also, prolactin has the following effects on the body:

  • has a modeling effect on immunity;
  • stimulates hair growth;
  • promotes activation of anabolic processes;
  • regulates water-salt metabolism (promotes calcium absorption, delays the excretion of sodium and water by the kidneys);
  • in an increased amount prolongs the existence of the corpus luteum (lengthens the luteal phase), inhibits ovulation, reduces the secretion of progesterone and estrogen (this mechanism prevents pregnancy and menstruation during lactation);
  • in high concentration inhibits the development and formation of sperm, as well as the production of testosterone.

One of the first steps in examining men and women who have experienced infertility is a prolactin test. Today it is performed in any modern laboratory. However, this study needs to be prepared.

During the day before it, exclude sex, nipple stimulation, stress, exposure to high temperatures, heavy loads. An hour before the analysis, quit smoking and sit at the reception room for at least 15 minutes in order to relax and calm down. If a person was nervous before a visit to the laboratory, then the analysis for the hormone prolactin should be postponed.

A study is recommended on the 5th day of the cycle. It is better to donate blood before 10 in the morning. The release of prolactin is pulsating and depends on many factors. Therefore, when obtaining a result that goes beyond the norm, it is recommended to conduct a study several more times.

When making a diagnosis, the doctor should take into account not only a blood test for prolactin, but also patient complaints. For example, discharge from the nipples, infertility, decreased libido, cycle disorders.

So, an analysis for prolactin is necessary in the following cases:

  • osteoporosis;
  • gynecomastia;
  • decreased potency and libido;
  • hirsutism;
  • obesity;
  • severe menopause;
  • postpartum lactation disorders;
  • pregnancy overtaking;
  • chronic genital inflammation;
  • sexual infantilism;
  • infertility;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea;
  • anavulation;
  • mastopathy
  • chest pain of a cyclical nature;
  • galactorrhea.

The norms (in ng / ml) of this analysis are as follows:

  • men: 2.7-17;
  • 1 trimester: 3.3-43.1;
  • 2 trimester: 13.1-166.1;
  • 3 trimester: 13.1-318.1;
  • follicular phase: 4.6-33;
  • ovulation: 6.4-46.1;
  • luteal phase: 5-40.1;
  • menopause: 4-29.6.

Usually, the laboratory indicates its standards on the result form, which may slightly differ from the above values. In addition, other units of measurement are used - honey / l. To convert them to ng / ml, it is necessary to divide by 21.

Blood prolactin levels in women of reproductive age change throughout the cycle. In the luteal phase, which begins after ovulation and ends before menstruation, it is higher than in the follicular. Also, the concentration of the hormone changes throughout pregnancy. From 8 weeks it begins to increase and reaches its maximum by 6 months.

Prolactin levels are elevated in the following conditions:

  • lack of vitamin B6;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • PCOS;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • stress;
  • renal failure;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • hypothalamic diseases;
  • tumors and pituitary dysfunctions;
  • lactation;
  • pregnancy;
  • galactorrhea-amenorrhea syndrome.

Analysis for prolactin will show a result below the norm in the following cases:

  • x-ray therapy;
  • pituitary gland removal;
  • pregnancy overtaking.

It is important to consider that the intake of various drugs and substances affects the level of the hormone in the blood. For example, beer increases the concentration of prolactin.

So, a prolactin test is a must when examining for infertility, as it affects reproductive function in both women and men.

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