Pain in the bladder in men: description, causes and treatment features

The bladder is the main organ of the excretory system of the body. Its purpose is the accumulation of urine for its subsequent excretion. Quite often, pain occurs in it, indicating the presence of any pathological process. Usually, bladder pain in men is accompanied by diseases such as urolithiasis, cystitis, tumors, prostatitis, and injuries.

This is not the only symptom of such ailments. Pain can be combined with other disorders. To make a correct diagnosis, the doctor evaluates the characteristics of the pain: their localization, intensity, time of occurrence. Let's try to find out for what reason and how the bladder hurts in men. Symptoms and treatment of this condition are described in the article.

The etiology of pain in the bladder

In men, pain in the lower abdomen and a malfunction of the urethra are often observed. This indicates the presence of various diseases that only diagnosis helps to identify. Be sure to take into account the intensity of the pain, the cause of its occurrence, localization, then, in what place gives and what is accompanied. In addition, the operations and illnesses of the patient are taken into account.

bladder pain in men

Pain in the bladder in men is conditionally divided into 2 groups: associated with urination and not associated with such a process. The first group is led by cystitis, which is considered the most common cause of pain. This also includes urolithiasis.

The second group is represented by pains that are directly associated with a tumor, adenoma, and bladder injury. In addition, painful sensations occur with urethritis, intestinal pathology and pubic joint. At the same time, they radiate to the location of the bladder.

Causes of pain

If there are pains in the bladder in men, the reasons for this may be different. The chronic course of the disease is characterized by aching attacks, which can indicate a serious damage to the organs of the genitourinary system. In this case, pain can occur both at rest and during urination. If inflammation also occurs, then the pain syndrome intensifies at the end of the urine excretion act.

a manโ€™s bladder hurts

The following pathological conditions are considered the most common causes of pain in the bladder in men:

  • cystitis;
  • urolithiasis;
  • inflammatory processes in the kidneys, ureter, prostate gland;
  • decreased immunity due to overwork, stress, infectious diseases;
  • benign and malignant tumors;
  • bruises, injuries, ruptures of the bladder;
  • rectal disease;
  • hypothermia.


The resulting pain in the bladder in men are symptoms of the following diseases:

  • cystitis;
  • urolithiasis;
  • tumors;
  • cancer;
  • leukoplakia;
  • atony;
  • extrophy;
  • tuberculosis;
  • ulcer;
  • hernia.

Consider the most common diseases that provoke pain in this organ, diagnostic measures and treatment methods.

Pain with urolithiasis

Bladder pain syndrome occurs for various reasons, and urolithiasis is considered the most common. The formation of stones occurs as a result of the deposition of salts in large quantities and urinary retention. The urinary bladder during obstruction of the urinary tract is not able to empty normally, due to which there is an accumulation of urine, and after a while stones form.

bladder pain in men

Such calculi come in different shapes, sizes and consistencies (soft and hard). Severe pain in the bladder area in men occurs if they begin to injure the mucous organ. The pain syndrome with such a disease differs in that at rest it is practically not felt, and its amplification occurs during active movement and during urination. The pain can be given to the perineum or scrotum.

Diagnosis and treatment of urolithiasis

To establish the exact cause of pain in the bladder in men, the doctor collects all the necessary information about his patient and examines the patient. The complaints of the man are also important. In order to confirm the diagnosis of urolithiasis, instrumental studies are carried out and the necessary tests are taken. The most informative is the general analysis of urine, which helps to identify how high the salt content is. In addition, an ultrasound scan, cystoscopy, and, if necessary, MRI and CT are performed.

pain in the area of โ€‹โ€‹the bladder in men

If a manโ€™s bladder hurts with such an ailment, then radical treatment, which involves removing stones, helps to get rid of it. The main methods of therapy are cystolithotripsy (stone crushing) and cystolithotomy (stone cutting). Additionally, the patient is prescribed a diet, which depends on the type of stones. To prevent the re-formation of stones, you need to drink a lot. If the doctor recommended a radical treatment, then drugs that dissolve the stones are used.

Cystitis pain

A manโ€™s bladder hurts as a result of inflammation. Such a disease (cystitis) is characteristic of women and is due to structural features of their body. In men, this ailment develops due to obstruction and stagnation of urine. Cystitis occurs with tumors, urolithiasis, infections caused by viruses, chlamydia, various bacteria. Specific inflammation can trigger sexually transmitted diseases: trichomoniasis, chlamydia, gonorrhea. Much less often, cystitis develops when a tubercle bacillus is affected.

bladder pain in men causes

Pain caused by such a disease appears in the lower abdomen, groin, lower back, or perineum. White blood cells and pus appear in the urine. Cystitis often takes on a chronic form with mild symptoms. The complications of the disease include inflammation of the surrounding fiber, organ cell sclerosis, pyelonephritis.

Diagnosis and treatment of cystitis

To establish an accurate diagnosis, urine culture is performed, which allows to isolate the culture of the pathogen. This confirms the infectious nature of inflammation. In addition, they take a general urine and blood test. Such a diagnostic method as uroflowmetry is very effective. An ultrasound of the bladder, kidney, prostate is also performed.

why does the bladder hurt in men

Cystitis is treated with antibiotics, herbal medicine is indicated. To stop the pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antispasmodics are prescribed. In rare cases, the organ is washed with antiseptic agents.

Prostate inflammation pain

A disease such as prostatitis also contributes to the development of pain in the bladder in men. Usually the pain syndrome accompanies the acute course of the disease, which develops due to any infection. Often, pathology occurs when various microorganisms are present in the prostate, for example, E. coli, enterobacter, Klebsiella, and others.

pain in the bladder in men symptoms

Pain with prostatitis is localized in the lower back, lower abdomen, in the perineum, anus and scrotum. Concomitant signs - pain during urination, pain or burning in the urethra, weakness, myalgia, headache.

Diagnosis and treatment of prostatitis

The chronic course of prostatitis can contribute to the development of diseases such as cystitis, sepsis, pyelonephritis after some time. Diagnosis begins with an external examination of the patient, collecting an anamnesis, after which they carry out instrumental and laboratory studies. The patient takes a smear from the urethra for further sowing, and urine is also sown. With the help of palpation, the doctor examines the prostate gland. In addition, the patient undergoes an ultrasound of the prostate, an MRI or CT, and he must donate blood and urine for a general analysis.

Treating bladder pain involves removing the underlying cause of the disease. It includes taking antibiotics (tetracyclines, macrolides, fluoroquinolones), bed rest and drinking plenty of fluids. They stop the pain with painkillers. In severe cases, hydration is carried out and diuretics are prescribed.

Tumors and injuries

With bladder tumors, the pain is periodic and aching. It is localized most often in a particular area, and may appear and disappear. Blood appears in the urine, because of which its color changes, it acquires a dirtyish hue. A tumor is treated in two ways: conservative and surgical. Conservative treatment consists of radiation therapy and medication, but most often doctors resort to surgery. After surgery, chemotherapy and immunotherapy are prescribed.

Bladder injuries are quite rare. With a closed abdominal injury, acute pain occurs, which may indicate a rupture of the bladder. In pelvic fractures, the urethra usually ruptures. If the damage to the organ is minor, then conservative treatment is prescribed - taking antibiotics, hemostatic, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition, a tube is placed in the bladder for several days for the outflow of urine. In case of serious damage, surgery is performed.


Thus, we found out why the bladder hurts in men. Pain syndrome is usually a symptom under which various rather serious pathologies may be hidden, requiring immediate treatment. It happens that pain in the bladder can indicate damage to another organ. In this case, accurate diagnosis is necessary, which is extremely important for further treatment.

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